SEN-421 May 29 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1702
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic news 29 May 2000 Issues 421
Table of Contents
Big Al's Stop Press
SCAT Summer Contests - Furutani
BlackMagic Question : What's that stuff? - Schlosberg
E-Timer Gremlin ?
F1B-Question - Salzer
Maps - Wiley
electronic news
Horejsi 811 section - Hines
Sci. Olympics words to fly by - Ross
Sci Olympics Site - Andresen
Big Al's Stop Press
F1A [Fly off to 11 mins round]
1. Dan Protheroe
2. Jim Parker
3. Martyn Cowley
F1B [Fly off to 11 mins round]
1. Norm Furutani
2. John Sessums
3. Rich Rorhke
F1C [Fly off to 9 mins round]
1. Terry Kerger
2. Charlie Stiles
3. Daryl Perkins
1. Dick Myers
1. Martyn Cowley
Great weather, very hot, tricky thermals, good organization.
In the last F1B flyoff round only Norm Furutani and John Sessums were left.
Norm and I were talking, Norm wondered if the temperature had dropped
enough to use the July 97 rubber - we agreed it going to be 7:30 pm and
was already feeling cool at 7 pm. When Norm came to the line at 7:30 the
temperature was still 92 F, he decided to go for it but had a backup motor
ready. I guess that John Sessums must have made the same choice because they
both blew motors at the same instant! Norm was able to get his flight off
with that infamous green rubber from back '95 or where abouts. John had
some bad luck and broke another mother than had a prop mechanism jam.
Full results real soon now !
SCAT Summer Contests
SCAT Mid Summer
Lost Hills, CA, June 17 - 18, 2000
Saturday, June 17
F1G, H, J
5 flights- No Rounds!
5 P.M.. to 7:30 P.M..
Fly-Off Sunday Morning
F1A, B, C
Round 1 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Round 2 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Round 3 7:00 - 7:45 p.m..
Rounds 1-3 & 5-7, 3 minute maxes
Pool Party! At the Motel 6, bring your own dinner!
Sunday, June 18
6:15 a.m. F1G, H, J Fly-off
Max time to be announced
F1A, B, C
Round 4
F1A 6:30 - 6:40 a.m., Max 210s.*
F1B 6:50 - 7:00 a.m., Max 240s.*
F1C 7:10 - 7:20 a.m., Max 240s.*
*Round 4 (Fly-Off Round)
Models will be timed to the ground (weather permitting). Time in excess of
the published max will used as a tie breaker for those maxed out at the end
of round 7. Please write round 7 total time on the back of the card.
Round 5 7:30 - 8:15 A.M.
Round 6 8:15 - 9:00 A.M.
Round 7 9:00 - 9:45 A.M.
presented at 10 A.M.
Glassware to First Place
(If youse ain't first, youse ain't nuttin'!)
Registration: $5- Mini events, $10- F1A, B, C.
Profits will be donated to the team fund.
Acting C.D., Hector Diez
Real C.D., Susana Diez (As if we didn't know!)
Questions? - Call Hector, new number, 805-238-3538
Summer Contest
July 22-23, 2000 Bissonette Field, Lost Hills
Flying Schedule:
F1G, F1H, F1J - Saturday, July 22
5 Flights, No Rounds! 7:00am to 2:00pm
Fly-offs, Sunday morning, July 23rd
F1A, F1B, F1C- Saturday, July 22
7 rounds
Round one, 7:00am to 9:00am
Round two, 8:00am to 9:00am (yes, they both end at 9!)
Rounds three through seven, one hour, on the hour
Note: Rounds may be shortened due to weather
Fly-offs- Sunday morning, 7:00 am, July 23rd
For further information contact:
Bob Tymchek, C.D.
P.O. Box 594
Nipomo, CA 93444
Phone 805-929-1605
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Entry fee: $10 per event
Awards: Distinctive glassware for 1st place in each event.
BlackMagic Question : What's that stuff?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your timer has a silicon-like almost transparent material sealing the lead
out lines out of the printed board. What is this material?
[Answer plus more ..
I use difffernt products on the timers. The timers with connectors are
covered with a conformal coating . This is a spray on material. It can
easily be removed with a soldering iron to do repairs. Some timers
are encapsulated in epoxy and others have leads supported by Dow Corning
732 a silicone rubber. I suspect that other similar compunds would work too.]
E-Timer Gremlin ?
At the recent Big Al's Shootout a F1A flyer had some problems with his
new electronic bunter. The performance was erratic and the battery seemed
to run down much faster than expected.
When we looked at the airplane we found inside the pod that the Bauer Airtek
transmitter has been placed on top of the timer. The tramsmitter was partially
covered with shrink wrap tubing but not completely. The transmitter was
probably shorting against the timer. In addition placing the
transmitter on top of the timer covered it RF emmisions. The timers are fairly
resistant to external noise but to be on the safe side when the timer is very
close to the transmitter it should be shielded. A light weight shield can
be made from a mylar, foil, mylar sandwich. There should not be metal on
the outside.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Spaghetti or tagliatelle?
on purely half-baked theoretical reasons I have been trying
1/16th rubber instead of the usual 1/8th.
Reason #1:
twisting a flat plate will create high stress in the outer edge.
the narrower a tape is, the more "uniform" the stress distribution
will be. narrow rubber should therefore allow more turns.
Reason #2:
narrow rubber means more strands. that will allow very fine
adjustment to the model (steps of ~2% per strand instead of 4%)
Reason #3:
the distribution of lubrication should be more even regarding
the finished 35g-strand.
However, working with thin rubber also has disadvantages:
Problem #1 (theoretical):
any nick or fault is larger relative to the remaining cross section.
more breaks?
Problem #2 (practical):
liberating 35g of rubber from a 10 pound box the customs jerk(?)
has dug around in takes a lot of time ...
the untangling of double the length of rubber rises to more
than double the trouble
Flying both types (1/8 and 1/16, both Oct 99 TAN II) does not
show significant differences in performance (all maxes :-)),
but no scientific testing was done .
Has anybody any ideas, experience, advice, or?
Klaus W. Salzer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
For all the map and GPS lovers out there: you might play with The attached AMA.jpg file is, I think, AMA
headquarters in Muncie. The other is a photo that might include part of
Lost Hills (VicLostHills.jpg). They also have USGS maps, as per the second
topo.gif attachment of the intersection to AMA headquarters. I am not sure
about downloads that would be GPS worthy. Also, those who wish to use GPS
might investigate Delome. I have the Kansas 7.5 topos in my computer and
the Delome software. With an attached GPS, you see yourself on the topo map
as a green dot. There are probably many GPS strategies for integrating
computers, electronic maps and GPS units now that GPS positions are
accurate to 15 meters.Is it worth the trouble? Frankly, if you have a
Walston or other radio
system, I seriously doubt it unless the model is a fly-away. But, having a
topo of the area loaded in the computer or just sitting in your lap, and
some idea of where your model might be, can help in certain circumstances.
For example, my lack of familiarity with the country surrounding the MMM
site outside Denver caused two long retrievals by foot that might have been
avoided. A 7.5 topo of the Muncie area really helped last year in finding
those little back roads.
Best wishes,
Ed Wiley
E. O. Wiley
Division of Fishes
Natural History Museum
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045 USA
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electronic news
Dear Mr Morrell,
My sons and I are new free-flight competitors. Your
newsletter was recommended to us by Al Brush. We would
like to subscribe. Please let me know if there is a fee
so that we can send payment. Thank you.
Anthony N. Avallone, M.D.
[There is no charge for SEN, we have added you to the list. If you like
it and want to make a donation in the future you can do so.
The most important contribution is by participating in the on going
Horejsi 811 section
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been looking for 811 info without success, but found a Horejsi
section in John Malkin's AIRFOIL SECTIONS book, 1981 edition(page 95).
Also, the March 77 issue of Model Airplane News published Ivan's
"Bohemia" F1A glider. He mentions in the text that he used a section combined
from two favorites: B7457d(upper) and the Lindner(bottom).
I seem to recall he has used the same combination section on some of his
more recent birds as well.
Maybe Ivan will see our thread going and respond with the facts?
[Ivan is a subscriber, ... so what's the real story?]
Sci. Olympics words to fly by
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Homer3000: You might check FAI Model Supply for my book "Rubber Powered
Model Airplanes" which can answer some of your questions about saving weight,
rubberprop putch etc. It also has a plan for a torque meter and sources for
good, light materials. I think 4 minutes is wonderful time for a model like
that --Don Ross
Sci Olympics Site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
While I think we should be as helpful as possible re Science Olympiad, Don
Slusarczyk hosts an indoor site:
which has plans pics and hints for Science Olympiad. Their email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for recent donations from : Dukie, Paul and Peggy Crowley, Norm and
Merry Lee Smith, the Sierra Eagles and Evgeny Gorban.