SEN-422 May 31 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1476
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 31 May 2000 issue 422
Table of Contents
Big Al's FAI shootout - Dukie
Stopwatch caution - Brokenspar
Lost and Found at Big Al's - Markos
811 airfoil details & Phillips entry - Pennington & Horejsi
Various and sundry - Hines
What have you done lately ?! - Dukie
Big Al's FAI shootout
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Big Al's is in the history book. A great contest, with 62 entrants and a good
entry in all six events. Weather was exactly as ordered and on-time. We will
be using the same supplier next time, I'm sure.
1 Dick Myers 1020
2 Richard Wood 1015
3 Jack Emery 896
4 Mike Davis 858
5 Roger Morrell 843
6 John Pratt 546
7 Bob Van Nest 509
8 Dan Protheroe 401
9 Paul Crowley 349
10 Larry Norval 328
11 Bill Davis 310
12 Hank Cole 269
13 G. Schroedter 120
Bob Tymchek 120
1 Martyn Cowley 1680
2 E. Bushnelli 1483
3 Walt Ghio 1182
4 Don Zink 780
5 Pierre Brun 577
6 Norm Smith 576
7 Brian Van Nest 532
8 Lee Hines 456
9 Chuck Markos 400
1 Doug Galbreath 1020
2 Charlie Stiles 918
3 B. Augustus 900
4 Terry kerger 598
5 Mike Roberts 591
6 Wes Funk 582
7 Peter Sahlberg 545
8 Dave Parsons 526
9 Ray Sahlberg 507
10 Bill Lynch 491
F1A (210 sec first round)
1 Dan Protheroe 2715
2 Jim Parker 2682
3 Martyn Cowley 2166
4 Don Zink 1986
5 Lee Hines 1274
6 Mike McKeever 1224
7 Randy Weiler 1215
8 Hector Diez 1180
9 Pierre Brun 1156
10 S. Coussens 1143
11 Norm Smith 1110
12 Ken Bauer 1106
13 Chuck Markos 1056
14 Ben Coussens 1019
15 Tom Coussens 1003
16 Dallas Parker 1001
17 Juan Livotto 636
18 Brian Van Nest 530
19 Matthew Kruse 390
E. Bushnelli 390
20 Craig Cusick 246
F1B (210 sec first round)
1 Norm Furutani 2785
2 John Sessums 2550
3 Rich Rohrke 1895
4 Al Brush 1872
5 Walt Ghio 1828
6 John Pratt 1796
7 Roger Morrell 1282
8 Jim Leuken 1276
9 Bob Piserchio 1274
10 Mike Davis 1239
Alex Andriukov 1239
12 Dick Myers 1226
13 Larry Norval 1195
14 Richard Wood 1185
15 Bob Tymchek 1179
16 Tom Laird 1165
17 Paul Crowley 1161
18 Al Ulm 1002
19 Chris Borland 920
20 Len Kendy 570
F1C (7 180 sec rounds)
1 Terry Kerger 2377
2 Charlie Stiles 2252
3 Daryl Perkins 2206
4 Peter Sahlberg 1840
5 Ken Oliver 1494
6 John Warren 1254
7 Doug Joyce 1243
8 Roger Simpson 1231
9 Randy Archer 1222
10 Ken Happersett 1201
11 David Halliday 1102
12 Fred Ginder 837
13 Ron McBurnett 637
Stopwatch caution
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Radio Shack sells a stopwatch called 'SPORTS', - yellow case, catalogue
# 63 5014.
Be careful not to leave this stopwatch exposed to the sun, such that it
gets hot
from the exposure. The display goes crazy! Just about the time it
takes to
wind a P30, you're screwed.
Seems to be OK otherwise .Keep it in your pocket.
Lost and Found at Big Al's
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Walston Transmitter was found at Lost Hills in the parking area partially
buried in the ground. I tested it with my 16-channel receiver and found
that it still works. If there is a person out there who thinks it belongs
to him/her and can identify it by the Walston catalog number and the
frequency on which it operates, I will be happy to arrange for return to its
rightful, if somewhat careless, owner. Oh well, it was HOT and we were all
tired at the end of the day.
811 airfoil details & Phillips entry
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here's the real story from Ivan re the 811 section.
Also can anyone from the 'scat community'throw any light on why a phillips entr
y stab would behave in such a fashion, or perhaps (showing my ignorance) what i
s a phillip's entry (other than the front door to phillip's house) section or a
re the rest of us still finding mike fantham's comments on 'victors ribs and bb
q recipe funny.
Yours in ignorance
I have found your request in the mail today. I will try to help you, though I d
o not know if it is possible as I guess you need the coordinates.
The 811 airfoil evolved as follows: The previous model was of 150 mm wing chord
. The airfoil was B-6356b, with lower front part (about 30%) flattened. The bui
lding jig was made, following the bottom surface. Then, the 811 was designed, w
ith 160 mm chord. The top surface was 160 mm B-6356b, bottom surface according
to the jig mentioned above.
The tip airfoil was created by simple cutting away the last 35 mm of the airfoi
l and connecting these two curves back.
By the way, the stab airfoil with some "Phillips entry" proved to be source of
troubles, the models surprisingly spinned in. It was completely removed when a
more conventional stab airfoil was used.
Ivan Horejsi
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel/fax +44 (0) 117 9568683
Various and sundry
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Several quick things;
After seeing a comment re motel rooms availability for finals in Oct,
I stopped at
Motel 6 on my way to Lost Hills for the Big Al comp and was able to
reserve a double-bed room with no problem. So try again, you never know.
Secondly, Sunday after the comp, I went to Carl's Jr for a sumptuous meal( with
endless drink refills to quench my thirst!) and a flat tire greeted me
upon returning
to my Honda. I put on my temp spare(50 mph max)and went to Burn's Brothers
where the nice lady called---guess who?---Gutierrez Tire (24 HR!)
Service in Lost Hills, and yes, they could help me out right away.
Well, I met them at 9:30pm at their shop, and was on the way home by 10pm
for the nominal cost of 15$, same as Norm Furutani quoted in his
email(ref SEN 17Feb2000). By the way Norm: congrats on victory at Big Al comp!
So everyone who comes to Lost Hills should be well advised to remember
these good people:
Gutierrez Tire, 21167 Hwy 46, Lost Hills, CA 93249. Tel: (616) 797-2742
I asked for and was given several business cards, so please ask me for one next
time you see me.
Thirdly, I want to contact Ron St Jean---can anyone help with address or
phone no?
Lastly, I was very interested and relieved to read the "E-Timer Gremlin"
troubleshooting commentary. It ilustrates clearly the advise to isolate
and insulate
the electronic devises with care and some physical space. A point to be noted
and well heeded by all using such EE devices, as the "problems" include the
dreaded flyaways and costly retrieval searches!
[ - Lee I do not think you were the only FAI customer that Gutierrez Tire
had this weekend!]
What have you done lately ?!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hey Roger!
How come you didn't put in the winner of the F1J event at Big Al's?
Boy, these journalists!
[I thought that was the way to incentivize you to send the full results!]
Roger Morrell