SEN-423 June 1 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 2236
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 1 June 2000 issue 423
Table of Contest
Wing Builders & Assemblers Needed! - Achterberg
Tire Stuff - Perkins
Shorted Electronics - Bradley
Looking for BBeecroft - Dukie
Web page
RE: Phillips entry stabs - Gregorie
Arik Donde - Hines
Texas Cloud Climbers Regional Meet - Simpkins
Wing Builders & Assemblers Needed!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger;
I would appreciate if you could run this ad in the next couple of issues of
the Scat page. Thank you!!
My name is Michael Achterberg and am looking for modelers in the Ukraine who
are interested in building wings and stabs for F1 events.
You have the opportunity to make between $1000.00 to $2000.00 per month in
U.S. Dollars, which is $12,000.00 to $24,000.00 per year!!
Need between 150 to 200 plus sets of wing and stabs sets per year!!
Looking for a few good people who want to work and can produce quality
products and want to make a good living. You can work part time or full
time. The choice is yours!!
Carbon pieces, such as D-boxes, spar caps, rib caps , and in some cases
pre-capped back ribs can be supplied. Also supplied are full size plans,
titanium rib templates, and all pertinate information on building
requirements. Wing will be assembled in panels with no dihedral glued in and
not covered of course. There are numerous options one can explore.
Also, available in work for molded front-ends in F1J & F1C & F1B pylons and
other metal parts.
All shipping is paid by me by EMS Express Mail or UPS.
If interested or if you know of a friend who does not get this web page let
her or him know and contact me directly by e-mail or by regular post. Send
information and building experience about yourself and what you are
interested in doing work wise and I will be in contact with you immediately.
I pay top dollar for my jobs, but expect a quality product and sub standard
work is unacceptable!! If interested e-mail at ---
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail at----
Michael Achterberg
6024 Cheshire Way
Citrus Heights, California
U.S.A. 95610
Tire Stuff
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
This is to make a note that the area code out in the boonies is 661 not 616
And: Gutierrez Tire has 2 other phone numbers 661-324-7039
And thanks to Lee for reminding us of The Gutierrez Services, With the
finals and the 2001 WC coming up
this information is very good to know.
Straight up,
Shorted Electronics
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anybody who is using carbon fiber shells, pylons, tubes, etc., along with
electronic timers or transmitters should keep in mind that carbon fiber is
very conductive. Often the epoxy does not fully encapsulate all of the
fibers and a short circuit can, and has, caused electronic part to not
operate correctly. The same caution needs to be considered around switches
with wires soldered to them.
Jim Bradley
[Jim, that is true - in the prototype carbon F1B pylon that Igor Vivchar
made for me it worked fine at Lost Hills, but badly at Barkston Heath.
This was because the damper atmoshere in the UK made a high resistance short
that caused the batterey to run down faster than normal. A bit
of insulation solved the problem.]
Looking for BBeecroft
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I need to have Beecroft contact me.
Web page
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear sir,
I'm a Ph.D. student in a university of Spain. I'm working with rubbers,
building models that can be implemented in FE models. Making internet search
I've found your web page ( where a rubber
model program pack is offered. It seems that I have to register and login
before I can have a look at it.
I would be interested in knowing what that program is capable of - what kind
of results it gives (static, dynamic, etc). That is, what kind of analysis
can be done with it.
I would appreciate any kind of information you could send me about it. Yours
Nere Gil-Negrete
Ph.D. Student
Department of Applied Mechanics - University of Navarra (Spain)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[You should not have to register to logon - even if you did there
is no charge.
the program mentioned is nothing to do with this site. It is
in a list of suppliers that various readers have contributed.
You would need to contact the program author to find details.]
RE: Phillips entry stabs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Also can anyone from the 'scat community'throw any light on why a phillips
> entry stab would behave in such a fashion, or perhaps (showing my
> ignorance) what is a phillip's entry (other than the front door to
> phillip's house) section.
A 'Philips entry' section is a semi-symmetric section. It typically looks
like a flat bottomed section with the LE raised, say, 10-20% of the section
thickness above the bottom line. The Clark-Y section is a good example.
I can see why it could result in spinning in as well. My current F1A series
originally flew with a B8403 stab and 4 degrees decalage and had a very
tight catapult launch with little height gain. Subsequently, I needed to
replace a tailplane and found my rib template had a nick on its lower
surface. As I was tight on time I just filed the lower surface off flat,
giving a 7% flat bottomed stab. When I flew this I had to reduce the
decalage for a decent glide and found as a bonus that the catapult pattern
was more open with better height gain. In consequence, the next model I
built had an 8% Clark-Y stab (Philips entry!) which resulted in even less
centre line camber. This setup flies on all of 2.5 degrees geometric
decalage and has an even more open catapult pattern with good height gain.
The glide stability and performance have not changed at all during this
series of stab changes.
Now you see the picture; if you reduce the stab's camber you also reduce its
zero lift angle. I think the correct decalage definition is the difference
between wing and stab zero lift angles and that this is a constant for a
given design. On this reading, anything that reduces the stab's zero lift
angle will require a decrease in the GEOMETRIC decalage to preserve the
'zero lift angle' decalage at the correct value for the design.
It seems likely that there are limits to this process and that reducing the
geometric decalage too far (by using too little stab camber for the design)
could well cause spinning in.
Martin Gregorie
Arik Donde
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone have Arik Donde's new CA location?(Hey Arik, you out there
Please get in touch.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Texas Cloud Climbers Regional Meet
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Texas Cloud Climber's 53rd Annual Regional meet is scheduled for July
8-9 at a new site in Grandview, Texas for FAI America's Cup and National Cup
events. Details of the meet location and events are included in the
accompaning attachment.
The file, texas.htm, is being used as the medium because of it
small file size and can be read on any computer, with or without MS Word,
WordPefect, etc.
Hoping to see some of you there. Be sure to bring your Gatoraide.
Don Simpkins
[Don - the file is attached but based on previous experience
there are people who cannot read any attachments]
Roger Morrell