SEN-438 July 11 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1400
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 11 July 2000 issue 438
Table of Contents
Upcoming HOT events
ambroid glue
On line in Duisburg - Schroedter
Thankyou - East
Willard on the Rampage - Lorbieki
National Cup Points Summaries - Perkins
Upcoming HOT events
22 July - Maxmen summer bash [Burn !?] at Lost Hills - Tymchek -CD
5 August - for those who can't make it to Poitou - Hector Diez's
father's day contest reschedulled. .. and for Mac the Bigot
one might be a weenie to fly at Lost Hills but for this one
it's a well cooked one.
ambroid glue
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you tell me here we can find ambroid glue in Quebec... Thanks in
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am looking for some mail order companies that supply free flight suplies.
please send any that you can feel free to give out my e mail to any one that
is in the business.
Thanks John
On line in Duisburg
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
It took a lot longer than we expected, but we finally can get
e-mail. Would you kindly switch our address for the SEN to
"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.". I enjoy reading it very much and want to
keep up with all that is going on.
You might post my address in case someone wants to contact me that
not have thie e-mail address. I'm notifying as many as I can think of.
Thanks, George Schroedter
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thankyou for putting my request for information about differential
warping into
the SCAT. I was inundated with information and now have a reasonably
good idea what it is about. having never used this method before and
being put into a position
where I had to use it presented a problem as to what it would do and
what I would need to expect during trimming.
Many thanks once again
Bill East
I'm glad that you got such a good response -
but I am disappointed that people did not sent
their words of wisdon to SEN. I expect that many people
had the same questions as you [ as they do for
most questions asked] and this forum beneits us all
when the answers as well as the questions are sahred.]
Willard on the Rampage
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having grown up with Willard Smitz as one of my major competitors (along
with Chuck Markos and a flock (gaggle, since I am a member of the Bong
Eagles!) I know very well what Willard is capable of doing. Multiple
times Willard would fly ALL THREE FAI events at the same contest, and at
times, placing in all of them! With Willard's wife Ginny at his side, he
would nonchalantly wind, tow, or start his engine (yes, Willard flew
F1C!!) and fly every round. It is interesting in that I can not recall
Willard testing any of his models. They seemed to always fly. His red
and yellow silked wings and very simplistic designs allowed him to be
competitive no matter where he went. Ginny, who has passed away, would
shake her head, yell at him when the big thermal passed by, and
otherwise back him in his tasks. She was a special woman that I miss
seeing. I once asked Willard about the pulled up pants leg. He said that
he could feel the change in temperature on the back of his legs. There
must be something to that, as he beat me allot more than I beat him. I
had the pleasure of seeing him back at Bong last year and had a great
afternoon of talk and flying with him. Willard is a gentle giant in the
competitive world of FAI. More power to him and may he continue for many
more years.
John Lorbiecki
National Cup Points Summaries
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have attached points summaries for the four National Cup categories---AMA
Power, Rubber and Glider, and NFFS Nostalgia---representing the results of
the first 21 NC contests. I hope you will post the summaries on the EN and
I will update the results about once a month. For those who can access the
attachments, the data is in Excel 97. A "zero" in the scores means that the
contestant placed 1st thru 5th in an event but made less than three flights.
Note that the leaders in each Cup category have flown in multiple events to
win as many points as possible. Good races are shaping up in each category
but everyone still has a chance for a Cup since 43 NC contests remain. Keep
in mind that big bonus points can be acquired at the major contests, such as
the NATS / USOC, US FF Champs and the King Orange, because of the large
event entries. For NC contest dates and info, check the attached contest
For those who can't access the attachments or print Excel, I can FAX copies
or mail hard copies to Club contacts by request. Also, see the NFFS Web
page ( for printable copies of the same material in Adobe
format. The National Cup Rules and Report Forms are available on the Web
page along with the NC contest schedule. Look for updated versions to be
posted on the Web in a few days.
See you at the next NC contest!
Bob Perkins
[With contest results and information like this we generally try
to format it so every one can read it. This time we ran out of time
to get it done before leaving on a business trip - that just happens
to go via Buzova - so we will send
Bob's information as an attachment.]
Roger Morrell