SEN-443 July 23 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1392
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 23 July 2000 Issue 443
Table of Contents
Metric conversions; Prima F1B comments - Markos
Benedek F-series - Woodhouse
Size of Attachments - Blakam
Propeller Tracking - Morris
Catalog inquiry - Brush
Re: FAI Sport - Perkins
differential incidence - O'Dwyer
Agony Column
Model Builder Mag.
Looking for Cousin Bernie
Metric conversions; Prima F1B comments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Julian Pennington: According to the chart in the "Small Parts" catalog,
the following information may be useful. The metric dimensions were
calculated by multiplying the non-metric dimensions by 25.4 mm to the inch,
hence the odd fractions.
non-metric thread tap drill (mm) clearance drill (mm) actual OD (mm)
00-90 0.875 1.19 1.118
0-80 1.194 1.61 1.524
1-72 1.51 1.93 1.854
As for the "Prima" F1B, I built one last year from one of the earliest
shipments that Starline received. My first-ever F1B. It was finished just
before I left for the Nats and I had it trimmed out in time to get in the
seven rounds. Even a few maxes! A few modifications were made that may,
however, render my model unqualified for a one-design event: No propeller
blades came with the kit, so I made my own (the current kit has blades).
The timer was modified for an extra function which allowed auto-stab. I
figured that the latter modification would make flight trimming easier to do
than making thrust adjustments on the field. The front end was modified to
allow winding the motor without the propeller and also to allow the use of a
blast-tube. Two structural problems did arise: There were no dihedral
braces supplied with the kit or indicated on the plans for joining the wing
tips to the main sections. The tips fell off while I was covering the wing
#%?/*! I solved this with CF tow and epoxy. The rear peg has worn large
the hole in the fuselage after only a few dozen flights. I initially
reinforced this area with excess motor tube material, but even more
reinforcement will be required.
Benedek F-series
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tried both the sections on F1A and F1B. What attracted me was the easy
build with the cut off TE. Both would stall and not recover despite all
the changes that I tried. The worked well and were OK until stalled
badly then that was it. Still got and F1B wing somewhere.
Michael J Woodhouse
Size of Attachments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>Attached is a JPEG file for the new ( updated) Prima II. The plane looks
>GREAT ! Maybe we should sponsor a " one design contest for Prima ".
surely we can keep these jpgs down in size a little? This one came in at
almost 1Mb in it's encoded form! When people save a file as jpg (or jpeg
- same thing) you get a choice of 'quality' ranging from low to high. In
99.9 percent of cases, medium-low (or settings 2-3) will look pretty
close to the original and will kill the file size by a factor 5 or 10. I
recompressed this image from 5 down to 3 and it ended up at 100kb.
[In response "we" can make the the attachments smaller but I cannot.
I do not have the time to significantly edit material that I get.
That means that I cannot reduces the size of JPEGS.
There are the following options ;
I continue as I do now and publish unless I consider the attachment
to be grossly oversize.
I donot publish attachments over a set size .. say 400 kB
I limit the size of the mail with attachments to a predtermined limit
- say 400 or 600 kb. ]
Propeller Tracking - Bogie
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bill Bogart's musing about propeller tracking reminded me of an
observation Randy Archer made years ago of Eugene Verbitski's props. Randy
had a number of them and all had ever so slightly more pitch in one blade
than the other ; like 3.00" vs. 3.25". Small difference but too much to be
accidental or simply molding tolerance. Last year I got ahold of Eugene's
prop that he had won the Max Men with a couple years ago. I now discover it
too has the same slight difference. I'm not able to justify it. F1C props
operate at around Rn of 175,000 so turbulation shouldn't be a reason. Any
Ideas? Boon doggery
maybe? Gil Morris
Catalog inquiry
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In response to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John.....Star*Link catalogs for rubber model flyers illustrates free
flight models and "do it yourself" components.
The catalog is the second edition with 16 pages of color and b/w
pictures. The catalog sells for $2.00 but it
includes a $5.00 merchandise coupon and a card that yields $100 in
merchandise when it is star punched out;
which is a 20% discount. Many model buyers have already qualified for
hundreds of dollars of merchandise.
Our ultimate aim is to provide the finest quality of models at
affordable prices.
Fly Free Flight For Fantastic Fun!
Al Brush
25500 Aquila Court
Sun City, CA 92586
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Re: FAI Sport
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI Sport? "not-so-serious" ?
FAI and "not-so-serious" are a contradiction in terms. If you are not going
to take FAI modeling serious, Well then you won't mind getting your BUTT
kicked by the people that do take their flying serious. Do we not have
enough Slow, Nostalgia, Old time, Straight tow, events to satisfy the
Beginner or the "not-so-serious"? If a flyer wants to use a model with such
restrictions as suggested in the proposals, Nothing is stopping them from
doing so.
We are limited by area, weight, line length, rubber weight, run time. Please
do not put a limit on the imagination. FAI Models are the top in their
class, this is why we have World competitions. The Best of the Best.
Performance is the whole idea, This is Formula One man.....If the limits are
attached then the ideas stop.
The Shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Fly Straight
Daryl Perkins
differential incidence
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or staying in thermals!
Putting more incidence in the inboard wing of a circling model to cause
it to stall early and drop when encountering lift , thus making it turn
into the thermal, is asking for trouble as you may not recover lift on
that panel and end up in a spiral dive.
I believe that just the opposite is required, since by the dynamics of a
turning model, the inboard wing is going slower and should stall
earlier. I would prefer no hard to keep track of warps or settings and
keep everything flat and untwisted. Try adding about a quarter gram of
weight to the tip of the wing that is on the inside of the circle. When
encountering lift or vertical motion, the added inertia of the weighted
side of the wing will cause it to lag behind and result in a tightening
of the turn.
Or you might try adding a short piece of a Gurney flap to the outer 15%
span of the wing that is on the inside during a turn. The slightly added
lift and drag does a great job of steering and keeping the model in a
John O'D
Agony Section
Model Builder Mag.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I found an email on your site that said that they have some Model
Builder Magazines for sale. The name on the Email was Mark Fineman. I
want to buy the Jan 1989 issue. Do you have his Email or could you
please Give him mine. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks John Pugh
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am trying to locate my cousin, Bernard Joseph Hunt who use to go by Bernie
Joe as a child. There is a message on your board from Bernard Hunt of
Yorkshire, England - who signed his name Bernie. Can you put him in touch
with me?
Stella Sanford
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for weighing proceedures for a Cessna 195, can you help?
Thanks to the donation from Terry Kerger to support SEN
Roger Morrell