SEN-453 August 14 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1415
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 14 August 2000 issue 453
Table of Contents
icarex - Vincent
Team Selection - Bogie
Mike on Micafilm - Woodhouse
NFFS Sympo 2001 - Jahnke
Ribs At a Dihedral Break - Schlosberg
Czeching on news from the other side of the world - Slobat
NFFS Sympo 2001
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is a call for papers for the 2001 NFFS Symposium Report. I have gotten
a number of commitments already but none on the F1 events. Since these
events usually lead the technological development of free flight it is
particularly important that they are represented each year. I also feel it
is important that the Symposium Report represents international ideas and
approaches so I hope that some of the readers of the SCAT News from overseas
will contribute as well.
Thank you!
Ross Jahnke
1673 Belmont Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808-1005 USA
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Roger, Have been interested in the letters on Icarex as I intend using it on
a brace of F1Cs.
When I went to buy some the kite shop owner said P-31 was no longer made but
was replaced byPC-31 which has a polycarbonate coating.
Don't know if this will cure the fuel seepage problem but will do some tests.
They are east to tell apart. P-31 has a rectangular ripstop pattern, that on
PC-31 is square.
Team Selection
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A few days ago, George Batiuk mentioned that he perceived a timer shortage
and suggested a method to the Team Selection Committee (TSC). Their response
was in effect - do as we told you.
More recently, Roger Morrell mentioned a problem he had in not having a timer
available to him during one round in the last team finals.
Then in the last SEN, Chuck Markos ( a TSC member) mentioned that he did not
see a timer problem.
This all tells me that the TSC should let the contest director direct the
contest and confine their thoughts to defining the program for qualifying
flyers to the finals. No sense in acting like the manager in the Dilbert
Bill Bogart
Mike on Micafilm
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There are two distinct products : -
The "old" Micafilm is only now available in the clear milky white finish.
This film is light (23gsm) and does add a little stiffness. However it
is only intermitently fuel proof it varies from batch to batch something
to do with the calanderisation process? The Fuel proof qualities when
down at the same time as the coloured stuff disappeared. The new
coloured stuff is in fact Fibrefilm produced and packed the UK by
Solarfilm. it is heavier (35gsm?). This film is in fact fuel proof
(well it should be)
Michael J Woodhouse
Ribs At a Dihedral Break
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The rib at the dihedral break is usually a combination of the rib at the end
of the center panel and the rib at the root of the dihedral. Typically, both
are already capped with carbon and each panel is sanded to divide the
dihedral break before being glued together. If the end ribs at are 1/8"
thick then, after sanding, their combined width is about 1/8" at the highest
point and just less than one quarter at the trailing edge.
It is also difficult to
get a good fit between the ribs, a fact which is usually hidden by the
wing covering.
Is there a simpler and more elegant way to make the joining ribs? The
following is at least one possibility.
After making the two panels, the end ribs remain uncapped and the
panels are each sanded to the right butting angle, at which point both
end ribs are removed. The center and outer panel are glued with a
dihedral break, leaving the trailing edges attached by tape but unglued.
A set of two break-ribs from medium hard A-balsa with a small upper
excess (about .020", depending on the dihedral's angle). My own
preference is to splice each rib from two parts, allowing the grain to
better follow the shape of the airfoil. The connecting ribs are then
glued, at the appropriate angle to the *center* panel, and sanded to
their final shape using a small wooden stick with sand paper at one
tip - to only sand the rib at the break. The rib at the break is then
capped with .007" CF strips, assuring that they are well anchored to
the center's panel D-box. Finally, a hard balsa balsa gusset (app. 1" *
3/16") is placed along the trailing edge of the outer panel. After
sanding it is covered with thin silk, attaching it to the rib at the break.
Besides saving building time and getting a more accurate rib at the
dihedral break, this approach offers two advantages. First, the
connecting rib acts as a cantilever off the leading D-box. having a
uniform thickness makes it much a much more effective structural
element. Second, if the dihedral trailing edge breaks, it would occur
at the weakest point - which is just after the connecting rib. Such clean
breaks can even be fixed on the field.
The dimensions noted above are for a standard Nordic, and can
easily be adjusted for other wing types, as well as to wings with three
Aram Schlosberg
Czeching on news from the other side of the world
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger. Well, we made over to Czech, and flew in the WC yesterday, with
results to follow.
F1A 98 flew 13 in flyoff
1 M Van Dijk Ned 1290, 300, 420, 303
2 Holzleitner Aus 1290, 300, 420, 234
3 Rumpp Ger 1290,300,420
4 Drapeau Fr 1290,300,308
5 Trachez, Fr 1290,300,159
7 D Parker, USA 1290, 300, 155
27 A Barron
28 J Parker
43 D Ellis
49 Van Nest
79 J Barron
80 J Davis
F1B 42 Flew 11 in Flyoff
1 I Kolic Yugo 1290, 300, 302
2 B. Piserchio 1290, 300, 296
3 Silz Ger 1290, 300, 276
4 Horak, Can 1290, 300, 260
5 Gorban 1290, 300, 4
37 Batiuk
F1J 13 flew 6 in flyoff
1 Bashynskyy Ukr 600, 180, 221
2 Dutov Rus 600, 180, 207
3 Patek Czh 600, 180, 185
4 Gunder USA 600, 180, 165, 316
5 Kanakhin Rus 600, 180, 165, 296
Weather was very good, very strong thermals in PM. Good conditions for
flyoff. Bob and Austin both had models in trees from flyoff, but both
recovered in good shape. Start JWC tomorrow. More later! GB
Roger Morrell
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