SEN-516 December 12 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1417
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 12 December 2000 issue 516
Table of Contents
invigorator material - Breeman
Invigorator material - Woodhous
F1J and CIAM - Vincent
Gard Airfoil: - Bradley
Gummed Up or weighed down - Toto
Coupe DPR? - Bennett
Small Talk and other Chit Chad - Mac The Bigot
2002 USA FAI FF Junior Team Selection Program (JrTSP) - Parker
invigorator material
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Since drafting tape is difficult to get, try car striping.
The smallest width I could get here is 1.5 mm.
Cenny Breeman
Priestersweg 3
B-3621 Rekem
Tel / Fax +32 (0)89 721144
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Invigorator material
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I use PCB (printed circuit board tape). One layer for the invigoraters and
double it up for the front turbulator. Full details on my list.
Michael J Woodhouse. - Free Flight Supplies wish you and yours a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year.
All mail to: -
web site: -
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Back to one side issue of the great 14 round debate, the tiddlies and su
of increasing the number of rounds for them at the Maxmen.
I see Ian Kaynes in Free Flight News reporting a Ukrainian remit to go
before the
March, 2001, CIAM plenary session.5 second runs, 7x180.
Still to be voted on of course.
Gard Airfoil:
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I hope someone out there can help me. I am looking for the coordinates for
the Gard G6509 and G7510. In case anyone is wondering why, the G7510 is very
close to the M&K high camber and the AL33 sections. I would like to plot
them using the Foiled Again airfoil program and look at the differences.
Jim Bradley
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Gummed Up or weighed down
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George X,
I guess this means that after all these years the US Gumment is going to get
the lead out.
Coupe DPR?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I noticed George S. selling a F1G that features a Vivchar DPR. Who supplies
this front end (only)? 2. What is the most practical homemade DPR system for
coupes? I recall John O'Dwyer devised a DPR for his Winterhawk, but haven't
heard much since, nor seen it work.
Mark B
Vivchar's products are sold in the USA by FAI Model supply and Mike
Mulligan. But I know that Igor has not produced any units for
sale alone yet.
Al Brush at StarLink might have Burdov DPR separate from the models.
Bob Tymchek produced for himself a DPR, VP, ratching, all singing
dancing coupe hub for himself. Bob needs a new truck so he might
do a swap !]
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Small Talk and other Chit Chad
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Small Talk and other Chit Chad
As I have been following all the hocus pocus and drama in Florida over who
should be the next US President I had this brilliant flash of marketing
genius that will let us leverage the new terminology that has come out of
the election debacle to the benefit of our tiny sport. Needless to say
things in the Florida vote count mess are moving so fast that I have not had
lots of time to think this through but I live by the motto, Seize the
Moment, so I thought it wise to put my brainstorm down on paper before it
slipped away from me.
The new word that has become the talk of all Americans is of course the now
infamous CHAD. We have hanging chads, pregnant chads, dimpled chads, and
others I can't recall. Since this word will be in the front of the publics
mind for years to come we have the opportunity to use it to help our sport
grow. What I am proposing does not require any rule changes, no referendums,
no court challenges. It is just changing the wording we use in describing
the various activities that take place during our contest flying. It will
require that we all go through our rule books and cross out the old outdated
words with the new, more contemporary wording but that's no big deal to do.
The over riding theory is that we change our thinking to conform to the new
reality of Chads. All our thinking will be based on the possible ways that
chad can be used. Before I get into the specifics of how it works let me say
that I don't want to be chad-stized over my ideas. It's just a simple
proposal and food for thought. Changing the meaning of words is part of our
culture, Take for example the word Dope. For me it was initially something
we brushed on our wings to seal and tighten them, then it was something we
smoked, then it meant that the person you were using the word to describe
was an idiot and now in the current under 21 age generation the word Dope
means cool, like , wow, that is really a cool new model, or, that is really
a cool car. It has become common place for me to hear my son Evan say at a
contest things like, I had the most dope flight I've ever had. You get the
idea. Dope now means cool, groovy or whatever. The word cool has gone
through the same morphing over time as have many other commonly used words.
The work Bad of course now means really good. I'm sure you all have heard
someone say, oh man, that chick is sooooo bad, which means she is really
good and possibly really cool as well. I think we can be on the vanguard of
helping the word Chad take on new meanings as well. Pioneers in a new
Starting with the event dear to my heart, F1A Glider, I think from now on
we should call a touching of two competitors tow-lines a Tangled Chad. A
flight under 20 seconds is of course an Aborted Chad. A flight that is less
than a max is now called a Chort Chad. Let me stop here and clarify that the
ch used in the word chad can be pronounced in either the traditional chu
sound or using election new speak it can also be pronounced as a silent S,
hopefully that explanation will clear up the meaning of a Chort Chad. A
model that never DTs is a Lost Chad, an overweight model is a Bad Chad, a
model that is not built by the flyer is a Stolen Chad, but that term can
also be used in the unfortunate times when some jerk picks up your model and
steals it. An old time event is now an Old Chad, anyone's who flies without
using a transmitter is a Bold Chad. This next one is a no-brainer, if you
dork your model into the ground it's a Broken Chad, possibly in combination
with some of the other Chads resulting in a Tangled, Aborted, Chort ,Broken
Chad, or perhaps a Bad, Tangled, Stolen Chad. For those times when the
timekeeper can't see your model for the entire flight during the fly-off you
have experienced the, I've Been Had Chad. The most extreme of the chad-isms
is the one that happens when you have a really bad day. Broken and lost
models, lousy flights, sprained ankles and no Gator aid to drink, I refer to
this as a Chitty Chad, which invokes the use of the silent S rule in its
I could go on and on but I'll leave you with a few of my other chad-tastic
ideas to think about while the Presidential election grinds to conclusion
and we wait for for warm weather to start flying again, Southern Hemisphere
is exempt of course.
An untrimmed model is a Challenging Chad
Those old fashioned, anti-technology modelers are Chad-ites
The contest that you win but are then disqualified for at the end is a
The chase bike of choice is the Chadzuki,
and last but not least, a broken rubber motor is a Blown Chad.
Depending on who our next President is I may or may not attempt to implement
this program but any efforts from the readership on other possible chadizims
and chad combinations are welcomed. As they are saying in Florida the
election is not over until the Fat Chad sings.
Mac the Bigot
2002 USA FAI FF Junior Team Selection Program (JrTSP)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Jr team selection program exists to provide a substantial reward to
young FF modelers who have demonstrated a high degree of interest in the
sport and the willingness to continually improve their flying skills and the
performance of their models. They must demonstrate a degree of proficiency
of competing with their models without direct adult involvement. The purpose
of this program is to provide a fair process of selecting the Junior Free
Flighters to compete in the Jr FAI FF World Championship currently
scheduled for the summer of 2002in the Slovak Republic.
A participant must have a current AMA membership and a
current NAA membership.
Any person who will be under the age of 19 throughout the entire calendar
year of 2002 is eligible. A passport is required by FAI regulations to verify
Eligible interested individuals enter the program by filling out an
application (Jr TSP Form A). It is recommended that the application be
submitted as soon as possible but applications will be accepted up to the
final document receipt date indicated below.
There is no monetary charge for program entry. The above mentioned
membership fees and any contest entry fees are the responsibility of the
The events to be flown are F1A Nordic, F1B Wakefield and F1J Power.
The Jr Team Selection Committee (JrTSC) shall be composed of three to
four adults. The JrTSC members will hold the following positions:
Administrator, Manager, Score keeper and Fund Raiser. The Open Free Flight
Team Selection Committee Chairman (TSC) will select the JrTSC members and
submit them to AMA Headquarters for approval. It is desired to select active
FAI FF modelers that attend numerous FAI FF contests in order to witness as
many Jr FF modelers as possible. It is also desired to have one JrTSC member
in the East, Central and West part of the country. Interested individuals
should contact the Open Free Flight Team Selection Committee Chairman after
the preceeding Jr World Championships. If a JrTSC member has a family member
applying for the Jr Team, they will not be eligible to participate in that
event's ranking process. For this program, the JrTSC memebers are:
Administrator: George Batiuk
Manager: Brian VanNest
Score Keeper: Jim Parker
Fund Raising: Art Ellis
The USA Junior FAI Free Flight Team Selection Program (JrTSP) for the
2002 world championships will be based on a two part qualification process:
1) Ranking using 2001 America Cup Competition results,
2) Ranking based on demonstrated flying proficiency.
The selection of the Jr team will be made Jan 30, 2002 for the 2002 JR
WC'S. The selection will be based on the review of the above criteria. Each
of the JrTSC will rank the Jr entrants. An ascending ranking starting with 1
will be used (1 for the best qualified, 2 for the 2nd best etc). The Score
Keeper will collate the results. The Jr Team will consist of the entrants
with the lowest sum total of the JrTSC. It is the prerogative of the JrTSC
and the TSC not to select a full 9-member team as deemed appropriate due to
number and qualifications of the applicants and funding restraints.
All applicable documents that are the responsibility of the Jr team
entrant must be sent to the Score Keeper and Postmarked no later than Jan 9,
3.1 Half of the Jr entrants ranking will be based on the total of the three
best America Cup competitions.
America Cup Standings: The individual scores achieved by junior team
entrants at the America Cup Events between Jan. 2001 (Eloy, AZ) and Dec. 2001
(King Orange, FL) will be maintained by the America Cup Administrator / Jr
TSC Score Keeper, Jim Parker. The dates and locations of the America Cup
meets are available from the SCATTER newsletter, the SCAT web site;, the National Free Flight Society, or by
contacting :
Jim Parker, America Cup
9524 Ruffner Ave
N. Hills, CA, 91343
The points will be based on the individual's regular round time total
ratioed to the regular round time total of the winning score. Regular round
time total means that the flyoff times are not used. The winning score is per
the America Cup rules (that is, it includes all America Cup entrants
including the open entrants). The level of competition, flying conditions and
max times at the America Cup contests will also be considered during the
ranking process. If needed to break a tie, the fourth best America Cup
contest will be used.
Example 1: Top Reg. Rnd time = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 300sec FO + 455 sec FO
= 2015 sec
Jr competitor = (180 x 3 rnd) +150 + 133 + 167 sec = 990 sec
Score = [990 / (180 x 7)] x 100 = 79 points
Example 2: Top Reg. Rnd time = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 300sec FO + 455 sec FO
= 2015 sec
Jr competitor = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 172 sec FO
Score = [180 x 7 / (180 x 7)] x 100 = 100 points
Example 3: Top Reg. Rnd time = 1135 sec
Jr competitor = 1135 sec
Score = [1135 / 1135)] x 100 = 100 points
3.2 The remaining half of the ranking will be determined by the demonstrated
flying proficiency of the Jr flyer. The Jr flyer that is determined to
require less adult intervention while preparing and flying their models will
receive a lower (better) ranking. This will be determined by the observation
of the JrTSC. They will also make inquiries of other active FAI FF modelers
as needed.
In addition, the entrant shall have three letters of recommendation from
three FAI FF modelers with recent Team Selection Program experience. Jr TSP
Form B shall be used. The modeler completing the recommendation shall mail it
directly to the Score Keeper.
The maturity level of the Jr as determined by the Jr's ability to travel
overseas will also be part of the ranking process. This determination will be
evaluated from an overview of the Jr and that of an adult guardian traveling
with that Jr if any.
The Academy of Model Aeronautics also requires that all Jr's have a legal
guardian during the travel to and from and during the JrWC activities. For a
Jr unable to travel overseas on his own but with the team and manager, a
legal guardian with power of attorney must commit to travel with them and be
responsible for the Jr for the entire trip. The legal guardian need not be
the Jr's parent.
Each model must have an identifying voucher on the wing per the FAI Sporting
Code. Vouchers are available through AMA Headquarters.
Other regulations are as specified for that model type in the FAI Sporting
Code. These must be certified on the voucher as being in these regulations
and vouching of models.
Roger Morrell