SEN-521 December 23 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1360
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 23 December 2000 issue 521
Table of Contents
Contest - Barberis
P-30 propeller mods - Markos
P-30 Prop Mods - Kowal
Easter Contests in Australia - East
Weinrich tribute - Lorbiecki
More P-30 - Brocks
Seasonal Section
The Alien
The Crowleys
Merry Gizmo Xmas
Creep or Gallop
An old friend passes - Hines
Tow hooks and why the weave? - Pennington
sad news - Brokenspar
Livotto contest as a world cup event ? - Ackery
NC update - Perkins
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I have not seen any announcement for the Isaacson Winter Classic
competition the weekend before MM. Have you more informations about the
contest and is it possible to enter this competition for foreign competitors ?.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours Sincerely,
13 rue rene-louis LAFFORGUE
Phone/Fax : 33 1 46 60 15 11
The Isaacson Winter Classic is held the weekend before the MaxMen
to make another contest for visitors to California. You are
most welcome and can participate. The supremo CD is Norm Furutani
[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] assisted by Randy Weiler and yours
truely. The contest flyer will be out real soon now and available
on SEN. I think the big FAI events will be on the Saturday.
Note that AMA rules require
that visitors taking part in any contest in the USA have a
special form of AMA membership that provides insurance cover.
However this is good for a year so that it will apply to both
the Winter Classic and the MaxMen .. and the contests in the fall.]
P-30 propeller mods
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm forced to admit one of my secrets to success. I read the rules. As to
Mik Mikkleson's question, I direct his attention to the AMA rule book,
Event 124, P-30 Model:
"1.4.....................changes allowed:
1.4.3 Enlarging the hole of the propeller hub will be allowed in order to
accept a larger diameter shaft and/or a bushing cut from metal tubing."
To quote L. Pasteur, "Chance favors the prepared mind."
Peace on Earth,
P-30 Prop Mods
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In regards to P-30 props....
The rulebook states you can bush the propeller and
balance by adding weight to one blade. If you want a good
prop using a peck "blank" you can either buy 20-30 of them
and look for one with matched pitch or you can make up a
little fixture and epoxy in a brass bushing that will cause the
prop to spin in a balanced fashion. Totally legal per the AMA
Always read the rulebook carefully!!!!
Easter Contests in Australia
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To All,
A few people have contacted me concerning the Narrandera Tourist Bureau
e-mail address. I contacted Gwen Nielsen and found that the address had
been changed only recently.
The new address is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The contact is Gwen Nielsen who is very happy to help with accommodation
and information you may require
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry
Christmas and a happy new year.
And to Roger - thankyou for your efforts in continuing this wonderful
service to Free Flight aeromodelling.
Bill East
Weinrich tribute
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I also would like to send my thanks to Chris Weinrich for all he has done with the
NFFS Digest. Most of us don't realize how much work putting out just one issue of
the Digest is, more less twelve. Even though I have had a VERY small part in
providing information to Chris on Power projects, I can truly appreciate what h e
went thru, month to month. Thank you Chris for 11 years of hard work. May your
building board be stacked with 4 lb C grain and your supply of CA be endless!!
Thank You....
John Lorbiecki
SCAT user wrote:
More p-30
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 20 December 2000 issue 520
Hello Roger,
This is in reference to Mik Mikkelson comment regarding Chuck Markos' P-30
Prop Mod
Hello Mik,
I might be old too but with reading glasses I can read the AMA Competition
Regulations. P-30/ Event 1.4.3. says "Enlarging the hole of the propeller
hub will be allowed in order to accept a larger diameter shaft and/or a
bushing cut from metal tubing." This has been the rule since 1988. Keep on
learning, Mik.
Happy Holidays, Peter Brocks
Way out Greetings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A very Merry Christmas and a great flying New Year to one and all from =
my planet to yours.
Alien Bob
Crowley Christmas
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year plus Thermals to all our friends out
there in Free Flight Land. Peg and Paul Crowley
Merry Gizmo Xmas
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Thank you very much to all (quite a few!) who helped me out on the
GIZMO issue.
Merry Chritsmas and A Happy New Year
Jorgen Korsgaard
FW: Merry Christmas
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To all my friends
I hope you and your family have a great Christmas. You will need power point
to open this file,its kind of nice.
Merry Christmas
Terry Kerger
Have a blessed Christmas!
(See attached file: Xmas.pps) - will be in attachment
Creep or gallop
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John Malkin says Land rover no good for measuring creep in rubber motors.
What do I do now? Attatch test rack to my old bull and test for gallop.0
This would introduce the bulldust factor,and there is plenty of that
around aeromodelling
Merry xmas Adrian bryant
Thanks to former F1B Team Member, Frank Parmenter for his donation
in support of SEN
An old friend passes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I received a note from Marilyn Chancey that Don Chancey passed away Dec 12.
He was a fine Nordic flier and on our team in Bulgaria 1975, with Bob White &
Bob Isaacson, among others who knew him.
A heart attack on day before Thanksgiving led to his demise.
Tow hooks and why the weave?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I agree with Jim Bradley's comments about the apparent correlation between
the '18 degree forward position or the fixed distance in front of CG'
because most F1A flyers are using roughly the same components and therefore
the fuselage depths are broadly the same.
Does this '18 degree position' apply to F1H as well?
However on a slightly related issue I have a question, which I have not
really had a coherent answer to namely;
'why on a model where the tow hook is positioned too far infront of CG will
the model weaving to each side, even if the AR is straight, is the cure is
to move the hook rearwards.' What is the reasoning behind this cure in
terms of simple mechanics.
But noting that if the hook is positioned too far rearwards the model
diverges ? (Which would lead the flyer to believe that there is an optimum
position 18 degrees in front of the CG!!)
In this example I have assumed every else remains constant and no changes
have been made to fin areas, fuselage areas, longitudinal dihedral decalage
that sort of thing.
Comments from the wider free flight community would be most welcome.
Best wishes for the New Year on to all Scat readers
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sad news
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyers at the AMA Flying Site will miss Greg Chartrand. Greg was AMA's
Maintennce Manager,
- he and his crew mowed and maintained the field and built the
McLaughlan Flight Lines, newly extended
across the south and on the east.
Greg passed away unexpectedly last week,
Livotto contest as a world cup event ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>From SEN issue 520,
" Livotto's contest will be Oct 6 and 7 - the weekend before the
World Champs that start with registration on 8 Oct.
The main event , F1B of course is on Thursday 11 ! Note that
Livotto will be getting help from north of the border to
make this a Canadian World Cup event. .. "
The Livotto contest does not appear in the schedule of FAI events for 2001
recently published on the FAI website,, .
I assume that to be World Cup event it has to be listed here.
Has it missed to cutoff date ?, can it be added at a later time ?. Can
anyone confirm ?.
David Ackery
New Zealand
[Dave - it is on the calendar as the Canada Cup]
NC update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The 2000 National Cup Competition is winding down to a great finish. Sixty
three of the 64 contests have been conducted and only the King Orange
International, Palm Bay, Florida remains to be flown, December 29-31, 2000.
The Cup races are tight. See the attachment for the updated points scores,
current as of 12/22/00.
The results reveal a tie in the AMA Glider Cup between Tom Jones and Norm
Smith at 222 points !! To add to the excitement, third and fourth places in
the Glider Cup are separated by only one point, 151 for Bob Young and 150
for Bill Schlarb. Martyn Cowley, in fifth place with 146 points, is in
striking distance of a higher placing.
In the AMA Rubber Cup Category, John Kamla recently took the lead over Ed
Konefes by 40 points, 303 to 263. But look out for Thurman Bowls who is
only 25 points behind Konefes with 238 points. Joe Huettl and Fred Blom are
in fourth and fifth places with 156 and 145 points, respectively.
Joe Clawson has had a lead in the AMA Power Cup competition for some time
but Mike Thompson is only 44 points behind, 354 to 310. Lynn Pulley rests
in third with 227 points. Gary Oakins and Guy Mennano hold down fourth and
fifth with 200 and 188 points.
Ron Sharpton flew to an early commanding lead in the Nostalgia Cup
competition but Dan Sobala closed with a flourish of first place wins to
trail Sharpton by only 44 points, 444 to 400. Jean Andrews is in third
place with 367 points, behind Sobala by only 33 points. Ben Cleveland
occupys fourth place with 359 points and Keith Fulmer fifth with 249.
It may turn out that the King Orange International competition will
determine the winners of one or more of the National Cups. Let's hope that
all the fliers needing to compete at Palm Bay can make the trip.
As the Year comes to an end, NFFS extends Best Wishes to all of the
contestants, CDs, sponsoring Clubs, NC Committee Members and many others who
have made the National Cup a success.
Bob Perkins
[The National Cup results are an excell spreadsheet of almost 600k in size.
Last time I sent them out I got some complaints about the size of the
attachment. For that reason I will post them on the web site
as an attachment to this document so that all who want them can
download it if required.]
Roger Morrell