SCAT Electronic News 1 October 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1275
SCAT Electronic News 1 October 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table Of Contents
RDT Comments - Bauer
RCDT facts [ Kroner not $] - Jensen
Oliver doing well - Gutai
World cup standings
Deadly Snakes - Gutai
RC DT < $1kA - O'Reilly
America's Cup Standings - Parker
This entry has been read 1994 times
RDT Comments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'd like to point out a few things regarding the radio DT discussion
that I think may help. I've received several individual
responses in addition to what's been published here.
1. There has been no simple answer to my question of when I can
push the button. Nearly everyone has a different opinion on how to
interpret the rules, which merely points out the need for rule modification
right now. I've found out about several other F1A
flyers already using this type of system, in one case for 2 years already
and in contests as well! I've simply been the first one
to speak out and ask questions about the rules.
2. Everyone I have heard from thinks radio DT is a great idea. Since the
rules already allow it for F1C, everyone aggress that
there is no reason why the same privilege should not be available for F1A & F1B
as well. Aram Schlosberg has already drafted a
rules proposal that adds the F1C type wording for F1A & F1B, with the addition
that the DT cannot be used to obtain a sub 20 second
attempt. I have reluctantly allowed him to add my name on the proposal,
although I really want to remain simply a technical advisor
on this issue and not get involved with the rules.
3. This is not RC, and does not use RC equipment. I like the term "RDT"
for Radio DT, or the phrase "DTNOW" which I once came up
with. I don't think we should use any RC frequencies at 72 MHz or anything
that says Futaba, Hitec, etc. Those companies will not
build anything for free flight anyway as the market is very small. We
don't want to worry any of the RC people that we might
transmit on one of their frequencies, even if only for 1 second. The beauty of
RDT is that the transmitter sends only one quick
message for less than 1 second with a special code for the airplane to respond
to. I have made systems on license free frequencies
at 315 MHz and 49 MHz. The chances of anyone being bothered by these short
transmissions is virtually zero. There is no need to
worry about lots of guys on the same frequency - each system will have its own
code. Bottom line - the rulebook doesn't need to
worry about radio frequencies, just allow it to happen. The competitors
will use RDT at their own risk and work out the technical
details themselves.
4. I had not thought of RDT being a competitive advantage, but I guess
it could be an advantage to retrieve the model more quickly.
There are not any rules about the other retrieval methods such as
motorcycles and radio beacons. Right now a flyer can have his
friend chase his model for him on a motorcycle while he relaxes. This could be
called a competitive advantage yet it is done all
the time. I just realized that RDT could really help the flyer who has
traveled far and does not have anything but his feet to
chase with. Allowing him to more quickly DT his model would shorten his
foot chase considerably and give him more rest to compete
with the motorcycle guys.
As for myself, I want every advantage I can to help get my model back, because
I hate losing models! That means I will chase on a
motorcycle, with a radio beacon, and with the RDT button in my hand. I'm sorry
, but when it comes to preserving my airplane, I WANT
5. RDT also saves models from damage by DTing over parked cars, or DTing
3 feet above the ground. I have broken models several
times because the DT happened at precisely the wrong time when the plane
was close to the ground and it hit the ground tail first or
with a wingtip. That worry is now gone with my RDT model as I keep the
DT timer set for something long like 5 minutes even for test
6. I'm not selling this system right now. I may in the future. If I do,
it won't cost $2000. A transmitter/receiver pair to go
with an electronic timer should be less than $200. Like Roger with his timers,
if I ever do this, it will basically be a service to
the free flight community. I will likely never recover the cost of my time
that I've already put into it. That's OK, however,
because I did it for myself to have FUN with my own airplanes. Just this
morning I had a 4 minute flight right over a grassy school
field before I DTed the model. That was FUN. How come most of the comments
have been about rules, rather than about all the extra
FUN one can have with RDT?
7. I should point out that the Sergant-at-Arms of the Luddites, Mr. Robert
Pre ston White himself, told me a couple years ago that
he thought Radio DT was a good idea and to work on it. So there you
have it, high tech with support of the Luddites. What more
could we want?
8. One glider flyer who has used RDT told me, "It is plain stupid to
have a fly away due to strong thermals, if we have the
technology of maybe preventing it."
Ken Bauer
Airtek Engineering
Fax: 603-697-1065
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RCDT facts [ Kroner not $]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As the designer of Thomas Koster's timer, I would like to add a little
reality to the RCDT discussion. The cost of my RCDT system with digital
coding, is not as stated 2000$, it is more like 2000DKR being 1/7 of 2000$
for 1 transmitter and 1 receiver. Extra receivers cost something like 60$.
For more information's visit my homepage at:
I would like to add that there is other legal ways to gain competitive
advantages. Motorcycles, supporters, binoculars and Russian models are some
of them. Not all are cheaper than RCDT.
I have better stop now, I'm biased.
/Torleif Jensen.
[Torlief - we would be interested in your comments
on some of the other issues too.]
Oliver doing well
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I know Kenny Oliver has a lot of friends. This is to let them know, he =
is through his operation,( Wed. ) He had a heart valve replaced, is out =
of ICU, and other than being sore, is doing well. =20
World cup standings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi All Freeflighters,
I am trying to obtain the current standings
of the F1-H and F1J World Cup events. I would appreciate your help
getting this info.
( 1999 Listing of the competitors and their scores in each contest &
totals ). American competitors.
Thank you,
Syd =
Deadly Snakes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, I was shocked when I read Jim's note on snakes. I just can't
believe after watching the Discovery Channel, anyone would be afraid of
Australia's snakes. If it was the same show that I watched, they are
very easy to handle. You just reach down and grab them by the tail,
support their middle body, to keep from hurting them,and there's no
problem. It would probably be wise, not to get to close to the business
end. Actually, I think the little devils would give one, a competive
edge. Yes, a handful of them, scattered up and down the flightline might
just cause a commotion Bob
PS If one was truly worried, he could stop in India on the way, and hire
one of the local Snake Charmers!!!!!
RC DT < $1kA
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I apparently missed something in an earlier SCAT Electronic Naws as I was
unaware that you were coming out with an R/C D/T. If you are & if you can
indeed get down well under $1K, then that's good news indeed.
As to Markos' points, they are all valid. But they apply to F1C as well as
F1A & B & the technology can be applied to F1C today & all those abuses can
occur & they are not addressed by the rules. Obviously some legal thought
needs to be applied to the question & the F1C rule needs to be modified as
well as have the coverage extended to the other two.
This was all prompted by e-mail from Ken Bauer who was talking
about his experiences with a Radio D/T. This is a prototype
for something he will be selling. I plan on making it an optionfor
my BlackMagic timers. Ken has not decided on a price for his unit
but I'm sure it will be reasonably priced.]
America's Cup Standings
Here's the latest AmCup standing. Tight races in all events should make for
exciting Fall competition. The Jr team selection scores are very incouraging
for both the increased number of flyers and the high scores. Hopefully we'll
find the funding to send a full team to the Czech Republic nect summer.
I'm missing the LasVegas mini scores. Also missing the Muncie NATs F1G
scores, my last check of the AMA site had not been updated. I also do not
know if the Canadian contest had mini events. Any help with these areas and
corrections are appreciated. Send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[These will effect the F1G for sure ]
Thermals Jim
F1A Total
Sportsmen 1621113 1011X 152 9 4 3 24X 6 3 2 8 1 162 167
Spence, Steve 1 1430 25 25 94
Barron, Andrew 2 15 7 24 27 26 92
Markos, Chuck 3 10 252526 86
Hines, Lee 4 25 25 29 79
Barron,John (Jr) 5 17 22 25 11 75
Fedor, Mike 5 20 25 30 75
Parker, Jim 5 2920 17 9 75
Sifleet, Bob 22 15 1520 72
Cowley, Martyn 19 22 29 70
Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 27 17 6 16 66
Brun, Pierre 27 12 19 58
McQuade, Pete 20 25 45
Busnelli, Ernesto 22 22 44
Smitz, Willard 15 20 35
Ellis, Dave (Jr) 12 21 33
Schlosberg, Aram 10 16 26
VanNest, Brian 12 14 26
Protheroe, Dan 25 25
Brocks, K Peter 24 24
Diez, Hector 17 7 24
McKever, Mike 24 24
McNahon, Mike 21 21
Bradley, Jim 20 20
Fedor, Jeff* 20 20
Scharb, Bill 20 20
Thornbery, Jim 20 20
Zink, Don 19 19
Barron, Peter (Jr) 17 17
Avila, George 15 15
Troutman, Mark 15 15
Coussens, Tom 14 14
Erguner, Omer 12 12
Allnutt, Peter 9 9
Kozlyuk, Dimitro* 9 9
Joyce, Kate 7 7
Davis, Jon* 5 5
No. of entrants 39
* indicates new entraxx= small italics indicates points notBOLD = maxout bonus pts per rule 9.
'X'' Columns: No points awarded because the contest was not flown or did not meet America Cup rules.
}{ indicates total score is not valid because a minimum of three sites were not flown per rule 4 (Final score sheet, F1A,B,C only).
Send Corrections to: Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave., North Hills, CA. 91343 or ee:mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1B Total
Sportsmen 2443125 107 X 106 19135 27X 8 125 8 5 104 233
Crowley, Paul 1 30 15 30 28 16 119
Sessums, Herb 2 2527 26 7 23 25 18 103
Brush, Al 3 15 20 2515 21 26 22 94
Batiuk, George 4 25 22 11 5 27 85
Woods, Dick 5 10 1216 15 1320 20 71
Sessums, John 201512 6 53
Ghio, Walt 30 16 46
Parkyn, Chris 25 20 45
Morrell, Roger 22 22 44
Clapp, John 27 16 43
Saks, Dave 18 25 43
Felix, Ron 10 26 36
Rohrke, Rich 17 17 34
Matsuno, Chris 825 33
McGlashan, Jerry 2013 33
Tracy, Dan 5 25 30
Pratt, John 28 28
Andriukov, Alex 27 27
Luken, Jim 20 7 27
Hinson, Rex 26 26
Pearce, Fred 25 25
Norvall, Larry 7 17 24
Ellis, Dave (jr) * 12 11 23
Shailor, Bill 23 23
Joyner, Louis 21 21
Pratt, John 21 21
Rowsell, Doug 21 21
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr 20 20
Hannah, Bruce 20 20
Gunder, Taylor* 17 17
Watters, John 11 5 16
Cooney, Ralph 15 15
Ioerger, Tom 15 15
Maves, Roger 15 15
O'Reilly, Jim 15 15
Piserchio, Bob 12 12
Ewing, Rick 10 10
Fitch, Jerry 10 10
Jones, Darold* 10 10
Kozak, Bill 10 10
Mulligan, Mike * 10 10
Wegener, Rich* 10 10
O'Reilly, Mitchell* 8 8
Barron, John (jr)* 7 7
Kairys, Valentas* 6 6
Khurshuudain, Albert* 6 6
Schroeder, L 5 5
Stafford, Jim 5 5
Troutman, Mark 5 5
No. of entrants 45
F1C Total
Sportsmen 8 183 5 3 2 X 3 2 9 3 3 11X 2 4 3 5 1 1 0 86
Spence, Henry 1 25 25 2522 97
Joyce, Doug 2 11 20 25 20 25 90
Sifleet, Bob 3 20 15 7 2015 77
Kirilenko, Andrei4 25 12 20 15 72
Archer,Randy 5 162525 66
Gutai, Bob 15 22 7 20 64
Poti, Norm 17 1525 57
Schlachta, Frank 25 25 50
Warren, John 21 25 46
Halliday, Dave 25 20 45
Johnnes, Bob* 27 17 44
Kerger, Terry 6 2017 43
Simpson, Reid * 20 20 40
Keck, Ed 26 # 38
Johannes, Bob* 20 10 30
Parker, Faust 15 15 30
Simpson, Roger 30 30
Morris, Gil 27 27
Etherington, Chuck 25 25
Rorberts, Mike* 25 25
Gieskieng, B 20 20
Pinto, Juse* 20 20
Kibiki, Keichi 15 15
Phair, Ken 15 15
Fedor, Mike 10 10
Schlachta, Frank* 10 10
Troutman, Mark 5 5
No. of entrants 29
F1H Total
Sportsmen 7 114 2 3 2 4 8 2 3 x 0 191 2 6 4 x x X 78
Cowley,Martyn 1 262225 6 25 98
VanNest, Brian 4 161720 11 30 94
Pailet, Jean 2 15 15 25 20 20 80
Sifleet, Bob 3 # 25 2125 71
Markos, Chuck 5 25 15 2610 51
Nippert, Vic 20 25 45
Ghio, Walt 1112 # 44
Smith, Norm 6 7 15 16 44
Brun, Pierre 21 10 31
Sperzel, Hank 20 10 30
Buddenbohm, Stan 27 27
Fedor, Mike 25 25
Halsey, Anne 25 25
Pelatowski, Ed 25 25
Grell, Glenn* 20 20
Thorn, Bob 20 20
Troutman, Mark 20 20
Wiley, Edward 20 20
Zink, Don 20 20
Coeyman, Charles* 15 15
Matsuno, Chris 15 15
Schlarb, Bill 15 15
Hines,Lee 10 10
Reuter, Bill 10 10
Kluiber, Rudy* 5 5
Smiten, Norm* 25 25
F1G Total
Sportsmen 14225 3 4 6 8 5 166 x 2 5 3 5 4 x 2 X 110
Wood, Dick * 1 2025 6 201926 25 15 5 25 101
White, Bob 2 283025 83
Williams, Joseph 4 10 26 21 15 72
Norvall, Larry 3 23 15 25 63
Clapp, John 5 20 11 25 56
Kamla, John 11 25 25 61
Markos, Chuck 16 20 36
Protheroe, Tom* 20 15 35
Matsuno, Chris 1515 30
Simms, John 29 29
Hannah, Bruce 26 26
Annis, Jeff* 25 25
Ioeger, Tom 25 25
Roei, B *? 25 25
Roussel, Lewis 24 24
Dorsett, Chuck* 21 21
Jackson, Bill * 21 21
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr 20 20
Clowes, George 20 20
Konefes, Ed 1010 20
O'Reilly, Jim 20 20
Pollard, Frank* 20 20
Sayer, Leo 20 20
Wernicke, Ken * 18 18
Pinto, Maria* 16 16
Simon, Paul* 16 16
Davis, Mike 15 15
O'Dwyer, John 15 15
Overman, Sherman* 15 15
Bowls, Thurman 14 14
Brocks, Peter 13 13
Sechrist, Dave* 11 11
Critchlow, Bob 10 10
Protheroe, Dan* 10 10
Jordon, Mike 9 9
Nelson, Elmer* 8 8
Sneed, Ed 6 6
Stewart, O.C.* 6 6
Cole, Hank 5 5
Hotard, Al 5 5
Jensen, Gene 20 20
Fitz, John* 10 10
Bols, Thurman* 5 5
No. of entrants 47
F1J Total
Sportsmen 4 114 7 4 3 6 7 5 5 x 6 184 5 7 6 x 2 X 104
Spence, Steve 1 2522 21 16 21 89
Pailet, Jean 2 25 15 25 10 20 11 85
Parker, Faust 3 1027 26 11 16 79
Augustus, Bruce 4 207 25 25 25 95
Gunder, Austin (J5 15 20 25 2621 66
Mekina, Joe 17 10 5 25 57
Fulmer, Keith 25 20 30 21 55
Guti, Bob 15 26 41
Happersett, Ken 15 26 41
Parsons, Dave 20 21 15 56
Haught, Jim 25 6 31
Frazier, Steve* 1116 27
Peterson, Norm 1215 27
Greer, Jason 15 11 26
Sheffer, Jackie 26 26
Johannas, Robert 25 25
Mace, Marvin 16 5 21
Bell, Bill 20 20
Higgs, Adam 20 20
Laird, Tom* 20 20
Mahanford, R 20 20
Roberts, Mike 20 20 40
Gunder, Craig 10 6 16
Wicks, Gene* 16 16
Bane, Ruth* 15 15
Poti, Norm 15 15
Vanderbeek, Bill 15 15
Synder, Russ 11 11
Furutani, Norm* 10 10
Kerr, Tom* 10 10
Mollendorf, Joe* 10 10
Perkins, Robert 5 5 10
Simkins, Don 10 10
Brown, Gerald* 6 6
Kerger, Terry 6 6
Simpkins, Don* 6 6
Hannah, Bruce 10 10
No. of entrants 42
Sept.20, 1999 1999 - 2000 Junior FAI FF Team Selection
Barron, John 84 91 100 86 277
Barron, Peter 80 88 99 44 267
Coussens, Ben 38 44 82
Coussens, Steven 8187 93 261
Ellis, Dave 92 73 89 96 98 286
Halsey, Anne 72 69 141
Halsey, CJ 72 72
Parker, Dallas 8695 78 88 95 278
Marsh, Adam 19 19
Marsh, Alex 3 3
Barron, John 86 85 96 4 267
Davis, Evan 7697 41 69 242
Ellis, Dave 87 93 180
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr ## 100
Gunder, Taylor 85 85
Whitesides, Julia 9 9
Whitesides, James 37 37
O'Reilly. Mitchell 69 69
F1J Aronhalt, Jason
Gunder, Austin 79 95 ## ## ## 300
Greer, Jason 74 ? 74
Marsh, Adam 97 97
Poti, Jason 94 75 169
Reuter, Jon 30 30
Burgess,Evan 25 25
Marsh, Alex 9 9
Whitesides, James 79 4 83
Rueter, Billy 69 69
Barnett, Keith 90 90
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