SCAT Electronic News 20 October 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1366
SCAT Electronic News 20 October 1999
Table of Contents
Subversive Political Activities
The future of radio tracking? - Linkosalo
Powered free flight models - Sparkuhl
Nitrate dope
In the Willows... Conclusion! - Brush
KGB Magic ? - King
Origin or meaning of BlackMagic
Subversive Political Activities
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It has been revealed by unknown but reliable sources, that The International
Brotherhood of Luddites, The RDT Control Inc. (a lobbying group), and The
Flat Earth Society of The Americas are presently engaged in secret meetings
to join forces for the purpose of increasing their numbers and to help each
other in their lobbying efforts against various causes. It is estimated that
their total membership may number as many as 14.
The future of radio tracking?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just heard from a friend who had been in the promotion meeting of the
latest model of Nokia cellular phones (yup, they are made here in
Finland!), that the new model (as far I understand not yet in sale, but
rather a prototype to test what could be done) has a small GPS receiver
within a "zippo" sized phone, and can send information about it's
whereabouts via GSM message.
Imagine making a flight, and when the model has landed you pick up your
portable or handheld computer, open up the map program for your flying
site, and see a flashing dot indicating where your model has landed! I
can't wait for that to become reality, the technique is already there!
Powered free flight models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
October 14, l999
Dear folks:
I am an avid modeler and have recently been introduced to free flight, =
powered, and also nostalgic RC/FF (old timers). I am interested in =
acquiring some completed old timer models for personal use with my two =
young daughters. My time for building is very limited so I was =
interested in finding some models already completed and trimmed for =
flying. My interest is in high quality craftsmanship and traditional =
silk/fabric,silkspan covering. If anyone out there can fit the bill, =
please have them contact: Mike Sparkuhl 845 N. 10th St. Santa Paula, =
CA 93060 Fax 805/525-7974 Phone: 805/525-6134
Nitrate dope
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
would appriciate some help on obtaining some nitrate dope a gallon or
smaller amount would be great.
[Try any good Hobby shop, Aerodyne, Aircraft Sprice and Speciality - in Corana
or at your local airport....]
In the Willows... Conclusion!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to acknowledge each of the fellow modelers that were
responsible for my wayward wakes retrieval.
After the fly away in the eleven minute round, both Don Leath and Dick
Wood persisted in their chase and search until 7:30 p.m., well after
sunset. I was really concerned for their welfare; because Tina had a
strong radio signal around the dunes just as the sun was setting. The
dunes and pits are dangerous during the day, but at night_____well I
was having flash images of disaster. Blaine Miller went out to Hwy 46
to look for Don and Dick; while I drove to high ground and blinked my
headlights towards the dunes for half an hour, as a beacon to guide
them back to the flying area. Blaine found them returning from south
of Hwy 46. Tina was exhausted from the days heat and I took her back
to the motel. Dick Wood and Willard Smitz went back out and received a
weak signal about 12-16 miles southeast of the launch site around 11:00
p.m. He called me when he returned to his motel. The next morning
Tina and I followed Dick and Willard to the area they had detected the
signal the previous night. We used a roof antenna and the Walston yagi
directional antenna to pin point the cotton field where the wayward
wake was hiding. Willard scanned the field with his binoculars and
spotted an orange wing tip; which made the walk into the field an easy
retrieval. This search took approximately three hours due to the road
maze complexities in the area north of the Buttonwillow Hwy 58, which
was 32 miles away from the launch point and 21.3 miles by GPS.
The tenacity of Dick Wood was the major reason that the model was
found. Picking up and walking away from the landing point started the
timer; which took about 10 or 12 seconds for the D/T to activate! All that
trouble because I did not have an electronic timer for that eleven minute
mechanical setting. Hmmmmmmmmmm?!?!
Thanks guys, it was great getting my plane back to fly again.
Al & Tina
KGB Magic ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
<< No just examine Alex! I'm convinced he's not human! Its just not fair
mere mortals that one guy should have so much talent. Maybe someone can
invent a
talent implant?
Mike Woodhouse >>
Someone should do a search in the newly released KGB files. I think we
may find that, way back, Alex was on their payroll and that he was....
'worked on' !!! Maybe he was the USSR's answer to the 'bionic man' !!
;-))))) Maybe they implanted a thermal sensor in his brain and a device
for thought control of objects, at a distance !!! There were some
Russian jokes around about ......."the 'F1B' President's brain is missing"
;-)))) I am convinced he lost the last champs on orders from the neo KGB,
(Russian Mafia), just to throw people off the scent !!!! (Only joking,
Alex, my dear friend !! ;-))))))))
Peter King
[I almost did not print this .. having had a 3 letter agency as a customer
in the past , they do not have our sense of humor]
Origin or meaning of BlackMagic
With all this talk of magic, I was a little suprised to learn that
some people thought that the name of my timers .. BlackMagic
had something to do with the occult. This is not so.
The origin goes back a few years when a number of us, including Bob Isaccson
were working on joint F1B project. I was doing an electronic timer. Bob
was a great sports fan in general and just to needle Bob a little
I called the timer BlackMagic after the boat from New Zealand [where
I was born] that won the America's Cup. Now cwmy timer hasn't won our
America's Cup , .. yet but I do have some shirts with BlackMagic
and America's Cup 2000 on it . Maybe this is a good omen ... whoops
and as to why the other one is called Red Magic you need to ask Victor
Stamov about that ! Maybe it is still classified ?
The closest I come to the occult is wearing the very broad brimmed
cricket hat that my 'teacher' John Malkin brings me fron En Zed. To
those in old blightly the need to protect oneself from the
sun while playing cricket may not be apparant, but the sun
does shine a little more in the [former] colonies. To the
American cricket does seem a little like some obscure Druid
ceremony, but someday it will become obvious.
Roger Morrell