SCAT Electronic News November 23 1999
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SCAT Electronic News November 23 1999
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
World Cup Results - FAI and Kaynes
Weighty Calculations - King
Patterson table minders - Cusick
NFFS has important dates set already - Stalick
F1B Flyoffs - Brooks
Top Final POsitions in 1999 World Cup for Free Flight
Results taken from FAI Web Site
Full results at that site.
Results prepared by Ian Kaynes
FAI World Cup 1999 positions for class F1A
1 Pieter De Boer NED 155 PZ- 1 PT- 1 IS- 2 SC- 3
VS- 4 MM- 8 DK-11 BZ-14 SH-18 EF-20
2 Victor Stamov UKR 141 IS- 1 HL- 2 MM- 2 AN- 3 PZ- 4 ML- 8 MT-12
3 Allard Van Wallene NED 136 DK- 1 BD- 1 PT- 3 BZ- 8
VS-11 SC-12 ML-22 EF-13
4 Per Findahl SWE 121 VJ- 1 MT- 2 SH- 4 DK- 6 HL- 7 BC- 8 SC- 6
5 Jari Valo FIN 111 MT- 1 ML- 3 HL- 4 DK- 5 BC-11 SC- 2
6 Rudolf Holzleitner AUT 111 EF- 1 NC- 2 PZ-13
FAI World Cup 1999 positions for class F1B
1 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 162 IS- 1 EF- 1 PL- 1 AN- 2 BZ- 4
PZ- 5 ML- 5 MM-19
2 Viktora Roshonoks LAT 150 SC- 1 BC- 1 IS- 2 DK- 2
3 Walt Ghio USA 140 MM- 1 SH- 2 SR- 2 HL- 3
4 Anselmo Zeri NED 136 PT- 1 VH- 1 EF- 3 DK- 3 SC- 4
BZ- 5 VS- 6 IS-24
5 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 136 BZ- 1 AN- 1 MT- 3 PZ- 7 HL- 7 ML- 8 EF-13
6 Andre Seifert GER 131 DK- 1 BD- 1 ML- 4 PZ-10 VS-15
FAI World Cup 1999 positions for class F1C
1 Evgeny Verbitsky UKR 163 PZ- 1 IS- 1 SR- 1 ML- 2
2 Juri Roots EST 151 HL- 1 MT- 1 BC- 1 DK- 4
3 Sigurd Seydel GER 138 DK- 1 PZ- 2 SC- 2 BD- 2 BZ- 2 ML- 6 PT- 8
4 Stafford Screen GBR 131 MM- 1 IS- 2 SH- 3 PT- 9
5 Gerhard Aringer AUT 122 BD- 1 VS- 2 HL- 3 ML- 4 BZ- 5 EF- 2
6 Andreas Lindner GER 115 SC- 1 DK- 2 IS- 6
We heard that the final contest , "Eurofly Muhlethurnen" was somewhat of
a retrival challenge with the wind blowing the "wrong" direction. This
took many models into the town and a major river.
Congratulation to the winners
Pieter Be Boer
Oleg Kulakovsky
Evgeny Verbitsky
and to every one who took part. Thanks to Ian Kaynes who compiles the
results and the people who ran each event.
Weighty Calculations
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Klaus.
Here is a simulation for the effect of ballast on an F1B model. I would
point out that it would severely effect the trim, in all probability, when
you start adding more than 30 gms !! It would cut down the VIT timing in
particular and would certainly be a challenge to both flyers and officials
who had to check the models. I would prefer to see a combination of say
25/30gms or rubber and maybe up to 30 gms extra weight, but used throughout
the competition.
However, thanks for asking me to run this through a simulation. It does,
as you see show us some data to help in understanding the effects of any rule
changes. It is surprising that the 90gm exess still produces a model that
would do well over 3 minutes, (neglecting the deterioration due to trim
effects) and would have to suffer some severe loads in DT landings etc. !!!
I hope this is of some use.
Peter King
Ballast Weight Height Height Duration Sinking Speed Sinking Speed
(m) (ft) (secs) (m's) (ft/s)
Normal model
(230gms) 96.0 315 341 0.321 1.05
plus 30gms 86.2 283 294 0.341 1.12
plus 60gms 77.8 255 257 0.360 1.18
plus 90gms 68.3 224 221 0.378 1.24
Patterson table minders
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Just wanted to put in a word for myself and the guys I talked to on the
field. Thanks to Don Leith and able assistants Jean White and Inky
Davis, for a fine Patterson contest.
We all realize without folks to run the tables, we'd have a fun,
however, confusing time keeping things straight. Folks who volunteer
part of their day, all day, or all weekend to seeing things come out
like they're supposed to, often don't get credit for even being on the
field. Thanks kids, for a fun time.
By the way. Have you seen Bob White's tee shirt sporting "Luddites" in
red Olde English font? Neat.
Craig Cusick
[ I saw that Luddite shirt - but Bob is in big
trouble with his fellow Luds as his planning to buy a GPS.
At a recent meet Wes Funk used a GPS togther with the bearing
from Bob's binoculars to find Bob's errant P-30. Bob liked
this as it is easier to follow than a compass ... so he is sliding
down the slippery path to technonlgy!]
NFFS has important dates set already
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Don Ross and Others interested in USOCat Muncie for Y2K and the USIC at
Johnson City. These dates have been set and can be found on the NFFS website
Please check it out.
Bob Stalick, President
F1B Flyoffs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A few years ago Jerry McGlashan and I maxed out at Galeville NY on a
day breezy enough to prevent a go-for-broke flyoff flight on that relatively
small field. We both had 28 strand motors and agreed to limit ourselves to
300 turns. He flew for just under 180 seconds and I was about 10 seconds
lower. We both stayed on the field and the contest was decided in one
flight: a perfect solution.
A table could be devised, and tested, for max turns for any strand
size motor to equalize the power, making most if not all gagets
[ Jim you did remark that it was a gentleman's agreement - I have some
rubber that you cannot put more than 300 turms on a 28 strand motor ..
well almost ! that might be good for that fly-off]
Roger Morrell