SCAT Electronic News 20 March 1998
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- Hits: 1359
SCAT Electronic News 20 March 1998
Technology Watch
Small R/C Servos for Electronic Timers.
Hobby Shack has a special on at the momement with the Cirrus S20 and
S21 [equivalent to FMA S80 and S90] going for $17 and $20 respectively.
FMA is out off stock of these items for at least a month. But some Hobby
Shops and CST may have them.
SCAT Annual F1H Update
Martyn made it BIG time!!! He maxed through the 9 min flight with a
series of brilliant flights in weakening conditions, finally making 6:22
after 5:00pm. It was truly his day.
His total score was 60 min 42 sec, almost double his old record.
Tom Coussens -CD
From Martyn Cowley
My F1H score at SCAT Annual was:
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 6:42 = 58:42
Which is probably my 3rd best score in F1H over the years.
The 10 minute round is always a tough one !
P.S. Then it got dark !
From Bob Stalick
Hi, Roger:
Re: the request for letters of support for Ed Dolby's nomination in the
NFFS Hall of Fame. The letters would be nice, but the timing is off. All
information and text were due in the hands of Dan Tracy, 1998 Sympo
Editor, on March 15. The vote for the Hall of Fame have been completed
and the text has been submitted by the chairman. I am not at liberty to
disclose the recipients at this time.
I thought this information would be useful for your readers. One thought is
that the HofFame info is used from year to year so any letters that might be
written on his behalf this year could also be used in any future year if he
were not to be chosen in 1998.
Bob Stalick
From Norm Furutani
From : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject :Re: El =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ni=F1o?= Holes
Since I have personally explored one of those "sink" holes in depth (it ate
the whole front end of my Hodaka), I can tell tell you:
1. That thought about I'll just toss my plane into the bushes if I get into
trouble doesn't work.
2. Wakefields make lousy body protection when you fall on them.
3. Maybe we should bring some markers and post the known holes.
4. I may have some leftover labor picket signs in a month or so, they'll
work fine. But I may need a new job.
From Lee Campbell
From : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [please address all E-Mail Subject:Lee]
Hello Roger.
I spoke to Pat Stanley today, who informed me that work has
continued on the site at Palm Bay. The place looked really good at the
time of the King Orange. ( At least to the eyes of a fellow who has not
flown in the desert.) Pat tells me that the field has improved
considerably since. I probably will not be at the finals, since there is
a conflict with the SAM champs. Lee Campbell
Also, I will be moving to Muncie next month
FAI is moving it's Web Site
From the FAI
Please note that the Web site of Federation Aeronautique Internationale
(FAI) is being moved to another server.
We are at the moment terminating our partnership with the Nancy
university in France which was hosting FAI's web site until now. The
site is being transferred to FAI's own server which already hosts the
FAI online magazine.
We have made every effort to make this transfer transparent to the end
user. However, some of you may experience difficulties reaching the FAI
web site in the next few days. This is due to the fact that the routing
information giving the path to the new server takes a few days to spread
around the world and reach your provider's server (the one connecting
you to the Internet).
You will find below some information, which we hope will help ensure a
smooth transition to using the new FAI web site.
If you have any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact me at :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Thank you.
Thierry Montigneaux
FAI Assistant Secretary General
Question 1 : Will the address of the FAI web site change as a result of
this transfer ?
Answer : Well, yes and no. In fact the address of the FAI web site,
which was before,
is now simplified as,
The "/~fai/" part disappears from all the web page addresses.
Examples :
now becomes
now becomes
You should update your bookmarks and the links on your web pages
Question 2 : The address I have been using before was different from the
one you indicate. I connected to the FAI site using either the address or . How
could it be and what should I do ?
Answer : These were the addresses of the University server hosting the
FAI web site until now. And you are right, the FAI web site could also
be reached via these addresses. You should modify your bookmarks or
links on web pages which use these addresses as follows :
substitute the string :
with :
substitute the string:
with :
Examples :
now becomes
now becomes
Question 3 : I need to connect to the FAI Web site urgently to get a
specific piece of information, and I cannot yet reach the server using . How can I do ?
Answer : Until you can reach the server using, which
should take a few days at most, you can already reach it using the IP
address of the server :
Question 4 : Can I use this address anytime instead
of ?
Answer : For the time being yes, but we do not recommend that you use it
once works. This address may
change at some stage in the future, while the address will be there for good.
If you use the address in your bookmarks and on your
links on web pages, you shouldn't have to change anything again in the
Question 5 : I used to transfer files from the FAI FTP site directly.
What has changed ?
Answer : Here, the address has completely changed. Before you could
connect to the FAI FTP site using :
None of these addresses will be valid anymore. In order to connect to
the FAI FTP site, you now have to connect to :
Question 6 : I coonected to the FTP address you indicate: . But I cannot reach the site. Why is it so ?
Answer : The problem is the same as for the FAI web site. It may take a
few days before the routing information to reach the FAI FTP site
reaches your provider. Until then, if you have any urgent file transfer
to make, you can connect to the FTP server using its IP address :
However, once the address is reachable, we do not
recommend that you use anymore.
Question 7 : Is the FAI online magazine affected by all these changes ?
Answer : No. The address of the FAI magazine remains the same ( ), and access to the magazine web site should
be uninterrupted.
If you need clarification on any of the above explanations, or if you
have any other question, you should contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell