SCAT Electronic News March 23 1998
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SCAT Electronic News March 23
Holiday on Ice as reported by Tapio Linkosalo
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So, the Norsmen did their weather trick again! While driving the 600 km
from Stockholm west to lake Mjosa in Norway on friday, the wind was
getting stronger and stronger all the time, gusting propably well over 10
m/s at the latter site, so trimming was out of question. At the nightfall
it seemed to get a little calmer, and the saturday morning dawned flat
calm. The early morning sun was soon covered by a cloudlayer, giving
also completely lift- and sinkless conditions for the day. The morning was
a bit cool, with -5 C, but during the day the temperature warmed slightly
over zero.
What happens when 37 wakefield fliers fly in such conditions? Right, you
get a huge flyoff. After seven rounds only 5 (!) fliers had dropped, and
only one of them more than once. Thus, 96% of the competition flights
(excluding the fly-offs) were maxes. Unlike the previous year, when there
was some obvious lift during the fly-off, this year the conditions
remained neutral throughout the day. In wakefield the first flyoff was
decided to be 7 minutes, and 7 fliers managed to do this, some with ease.
Eimar was claimed to have enough height for 1+ minutes when he D/T'd
Majority of the pack flew from 5 to 6 minutes, confirming that skipping
the 5 minutes fly-off was the correct decisions in those conditions.
On the 9 minutes flight he made slightly over seven minutes, beating
Viktor Rosonoks by 11 seconds, and World Champion Andriukov by 12
The top trio from the Sazena Championships was on the top again, with a
slightly different order!
In glider things were more difficult, the 15 centimeters of powdery, but
hard-topped snow making walking and running quite exhausting. 12 fliers
made it to the fly-off, and on the seven minutes flight Austria's Gerhard
Aringer made almost five, winning Swede Per Findahl by 2 seconds,
Stefan Rumpp of Germany and another Swede Mikael Holmbom taking the
next places.
In power there were 7 fliers, 4 in the fly-off, these being (1st to 4th)
Truppe, Cuthbert, Lindner and Roots.
The organizers promised to send me the results by e-mail, I'll put them to
the FFTF web pages once I get them.
Results Holiday On Ice 1998. From Dag Edvard Larsen
From Norm Furutani originating from master forager Herm Andressen..
Herm wanted me to pass this on- He found a source of used motorbikes as
1982 Honda XR 80 $300
1975 Honda MR 250 $350
1985 KTM 250R $700
1978 Suzuki 750 $750
Call Ron- 310-375-7051
Of the bunch, the XR 80 could be a good deal for a chase bike. Call Herm
you have any questions.
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As requested by many at the Scat Xmas party .. Jim Wilson send this wife,
Ethie's Xmas pudding recipe
Steam Pudding
4 cups cranberries (cut in half horizontally)
3/4 cups citron
1 cup light molasses
3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
mix together
4 tsp baking soda
4 TBS cold water
Mix cranberries and citron. Add molasses and stir to coat cranberries.
Add flour, salt and 'baking soda and water' mixture, mix well. Spoon into
a well oiled pudding steamer, cover securely. Place a rack or knives in
the bottom of a large pan, place the steamer on the rack, add 2-3 inches of
water and steam for 2---2 1/2 hours. Make sure you don't boil it dry!
If you don't have a steamer, you can use a tin can of about 3 inches in
diameter. Even a 1 lb coffee can can be used, just make sure to steam for
the longer time. Wrap foil around outside of can, fold bottom up loosely.
Remove foil from can, coil a little tighter and insert inside of can, making
sure inside bottom of can is covered with foil. Spray thoroughly with Pam
or oil inside of foil. spoon pudding into cans, packing only very lightly.
Fold excess foil over top of pudding. cover tops of cans with foil and tie
string around tightly so no steam can enter while it is cooking.
Pudding Sauce (I usually make a batch and a half!!!!)
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cup thick cream (Half and half can be used to cut calories, but the
sauce is so high in calories anyway,
why bother!!!)
3/4 cup butter
2 egg yolks
Mix sugar, cream and butter together in a heavy pan and cook for a few
Beat egg yolks. Add a little of the above hot mixture to the egg yolks,
stirring well. Keep adding a tablespoon or so of the sugar, cream, butter
mixture to the eggs and stirring well until the eggs are quite warm, then
gradually add the eggs to the mixture in the pan stirring constantly. By
prewarming the egg yolks, you keep them from curdling when you add
them to
the hot sugar/butter mix. Cook for a few more minutes. Remove from
cool slightly, add vanilla.
Remove steamer (or cans) from pans. Let cool for just long enough so that
the pudding will slide out of steamer when inverted over a plate. If using
cans, cool slightly, slip foil wrapped pudding out of cans. Unwrap
carefully. and remove any soggy parts. Slice and serve with sauce.
Eat to Ride
Ride to Eat
( )/ ( )
At a recent SCAT meeting we went over our program for '98 and seemed
to have more social functions than flying ones .. I guiess that this just goes
to confirm that.