SCAT Electronic news 17 July 1998
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SCAT Electronic news 17 July
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1999 World Champs date ?
Continental Championships - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More on Florida Air Tickets
Sympo wanted
1999 World Champs date ?
Does any one know the proposed dates for the 1999 World Champs in Israel ?
What month for example. We have some flyers in the US who are [already !]
trying to schedule things .
Continental Championships
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I note with interest Roger Morrell's comment about North American envy of the
European Championships. I'd like to say one or two things:
- the EuroChamps grew out of the old Europa Cup, which Evgeny Verbitsky won
40 years before becoming the 1998 European Champion in F1C. It did not
become a major event until the mid -80s.
- Australia and New Zealand started the Trans Tasman contest in the late
60s as a local equivalent of the European Championships. This has expanded
to the current Pacific Free Flight Champs though, sadly, with little
interest from the Asian countries on the western rim of that ocean.
Expansion of the team aspect of the event (the Trans Tasman Challenge) to
include teams from any Pacific Rim countries would seem to be a good idea.
- why not run an American continental event along the lines of the
EuroChamps? The north and south Americas should produce enough teams to make
an interesting event, though the Team Selection process may need re-thinking
to avoid overlapping cycles.
Martin Gregorie.
London, UK
[Editororial Comment]
Martin we have seriously considered it , it main problem
as I see it is cost. While in Europe you guys in the UK do
have the toughest and most expensive travel - it's still
no where like the cost of trans Pacific airfare or going between
North and South America. Most European travel can be done by car ..
[I do know that Helsinki to Madrid or London to Kiev is a long way]
while in the Americas air travel is a must [consider
driving Rio to Lost Hills !]. I was able to go to the New Zealand
World Cup Contests and will certainly go again, but I'm fortunate
because of my family there and my wife's frequent flyer miles!
The other consideration is that a number of people would like to host another
World Champs at Lost Hills. - and some feel that hosting a Continental
Championship might lessen our chances.
Like I said we have not abandoned the idea, and would like to hear
from interested people.
More on Air tickets
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, I got some tickets yesterday thru the internet on Delta for $214
round trip from San Diego. I had checked last week and the price was #398!
Quite a difference!! George told me last Saturday that he had heard there
was going to be a price reducton and he was right.
We applogise to to non-US Team hopefuls about our pre-occupation
with the price of air tickets to Florida - that's
the site of our Team Selection 'finals' this September.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : all bent out of shape
Hi, Roger. I've switched servers and don't really know where I'm at. I
just got back on line and have spent most of the day just trying to
catch up. I'm pooped from staring at the tube. . There is always more
than I can digest.
I am very interested in the composite sympo your group is sponsoring.
Count me in for a video copy.
The Denver MMM July FAI gala gathering, sponsered by Bill Gibbons, had
beautiful weather. Since I am an F1C flier I don't really know one
famous F1B flier from another, but there were some recongnizable names.
Don't ask me.
The two Wake fliers coming out on top in F1B were Roger Maves followed
David Saks. Of particular note was that both were using fixed geometry
aircraft. It must be understood that picking thermals in Denver is what
counts. not Ukranian type dead air times. A.A. might be suprisingly
frustrated in Denver's conditions.
As I understand it no one has maxed out in the July 14 round contest for
the last 20 years. If you are looking for a real challenge to your
skills, come next year. Come out and take your medicine!
F1A this year was, of course, Pete McQuade. Pete is our one quality A2
flier....But he came up short.
F1C was a semi-disaster. Mechanical failures occurred.
There were interested F1C parties looking on, but this year is better
forgotten. Next year will be better. The South will rise again...Ken
Phair is MMM's one legitimate contender in F1C--but for this cycle his
efforts are better directed to the future. A fact to be noted: No one
has managed to beat Ken Phair in this contest. Galbreath has been here.
Randy Archer came. Question. Who can beat him? ...I will, eventually.
We do have four interested F1C fliers. They just can't get it pulled
together at the right time.
We can't complain. Having four people interested and striving in Power
is pretty damned good for this day and age. We talk to each other and
keep interest high. Can't do much better than that!
1996 Sympo Wanted
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Could you please place a small ad in your newsletter:
Wanted: Sympo 1996 for Allard van Wallene, if anyone wants to sell his or hers,
please let me know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
By the way, it appears that Bernd Silz passed Anselmo in the World Cup ranking
because he won the Scania cup. It looks like he is 2 points ahead thanks to the
bonus point system.
Thanks, Allard
Roger Morrell