SCAT Electronic News August 7 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1972
SCAT Electronic News August 7 1998
Table of Contents
Alan Edwards F1B Contra rotating Prop pt 2
More Nats Results
Pathfinder [Worlds biggest model airplane ?] Updated
Alan Edwards F1B Contra rotating Prop pt 2
We appear to have had a small technical problem with the
Alan Edwards GIFS .. hopefully by next issue
I will have my act togther. [In that respect anyway !]
More Nats Results
155 O F1J 1/2A Power
Place Type Name City/State/Country Score
1 O Johannes, Robert P St Charles, MO 1291
2 O Parker, Faust R Houston, TX 1151
3 O Poti, Norm D Dayton, OH 986
4 O Fulmer, Keith Mishawaka, IN 981
5 O Greer, Jason G Smackover, AR 979
6 O Sheffer, Jackie L Little Rock, AR 971
7 O Comfort, Nat Chester, VA 926
8 O Haught, Jim Anderson, IN 775
9 O Perkins, Robert L Columbus, OH 738
10 O Simpkins, Donald W Arlington, TX 695
11 O Holy, Emmett Virginia Beach, VA 593
12 O Pailet, J G Glen Head, NY 583
13 O Hanford, Robert M Broken Arrow, OK 566
14 O Kerr, Thomas Chestertown, MD 534
15 O Wike Jr, Frank C Lebanon, PA 476
16 O Vanderbeek, William Los Altos, CA 465
17 O Dunham, R J Broken Arrow, OK 236
18 O Juhl Sr, James E Boca Raton, FL 43
155 S F1J 1/2A Power
Place Type Name City/State/Country Score
1 S Reuter, Billy North Olmstead, OH 327
155 J F1J 1/2A Power
Place Type Name City/State/Country Score
1 J Marsh, Alex D Granger, IN 534
2 J Marsh, Adam D Granger, IN 509
3 J Reuter, Jon G North Olmstead, OH 225
153 SO F1G Coupe D'Hiver
Place Type Name City/State/Country Score
1 O Jahnke, Ross Baton Rouge, LA 986
2 O Ringlien, Andrew W Charlotte, NC 966
3 O Vargo, Edward Lincoln Park, MI 962
4 O Clapp, John M Sayre, PA 796
5 O Williams, Joseph M Brookville, PA 760
6 O Brown Wallace G Lawrenceville, IL 597
7 O Hilliard, George Longview, TX 595
8 O Konefes, Edward Wauconda, IL 594
9 O Wood, Richard L Phoenix, AZ 592
10 FO Brooks, Jim Niagra Falls 581
11 O O'Reilly, Jim Wichita, KS 581
12 O Sneed, Ed Columbus, OH 597
13 O Perkins, Carl C Shawnee Mission, KS 574
14 O O'Dwyer, John R Arlington, TX 570
15 O Ryan, Randall R Belleville, MI 567
16 O Nowak, Guenther West Frankfort, IL 555
17 O Annis, Jeffrey R Waukesha, WI 553
18 O Markos, Charles S Deerfield, IL 536
19 O Stewart, Orval C Scottsville, KY 528
20 O Wilson, Dale R Atlanta, MI 521
21 O Ioerger, Roderick T Fulton, ND 518
22 O Walton, Nick G Fort Atkinson, WI 517
23 O Smith, Dan C Andover, KS 516
24 O Parkyn, Christopher J Livonia, MI 507
25 O Clowes, George R Flossmoor, IL 491
26 O Matsuno, Chris M Saint Louis, MO 488
27 O Blom, Frederick A Timonium, MD 497
28 O Brodersen, Hardy G Bloomfield Hills, MI 467
29 O Basta, Michael F Lenexa, KS 448
30 O Sova, Stephen E Columbus, OH 418
31 O Wiley, Edward O Lawrence, KS 412
32 O Perryman, George Smyrna, GA 402
33 O Ringlien, Warren J Northfield, MN 388
34 O Mills, David Atlanta, GA 383
35 O Weeks, Daniel K Saint Louis, MO 345
36 O Masterman, Paul S London, England 285
37 O Klintworth, P Crossville, TN 240
38 O Oleary, John P Bloomington, MN 233
153 J F1G Coupe d'Hiver
Place Type Name City/State/Country Score
1 J Barron, John A North Haven, CT 444
2 J Marsh, Alex D Granger, IN 157
3 J Reuter, Jon G North Olmstead, OH 107
4 J Marsh, Adam D Granger, IN 54
Pathfinder update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RE: Pathfinder update
The Pathfinder-Plus solar-powered flying wing lifted off shortly before 8
a.m. Hawaii time today from the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on
what could be a record altitude flight. Takeoffwas under ideal conditions, and
everything was looking very good an hourinto the flight. The aircraft had reach
ed 36,000 feet about 2:10 p.m. our time (11:10 a.m. Hawaii
time), and everything is still going very well, with "no squawks." They
hope to reach peak altitude by about 3:45--4 p.m. Hawaii time.
There has been significant interest among the major electronic news media
in the Pathfinder-Plus lately. NASA Dryden public affairs has supported this i
nterest with information, coordination, video feeds or dubs from flight 98-2. W
e have also offered interviews with Dryden program personnel (Jenny Baer-Riedha
rt), although none of the news organizations has yet done an interview with a D
ryden representative.
Here's a rundown on the stories that we know about at this time:
--CBS Evening News with Dan Rather: aired feature last evening, significant
mention of NASA (not Dryden), interviewed Steve Wegener of Ames and Dick
Swanson of SunPower, builder of Pathfinder-Plus' solar cells. Included
Dryden-supplied video. (We have VHS dub in work, if you missed it.) We
understand a follow-up story is planned for this evening's broadcast
(KCBS-TV, Ch. 2, 5:30 p.m.).
--ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings: Plan to air feature story
tonight, includes interviews with Ray Morgan of AeroVironment and Dick
Swanson, possible others, includes mention of Dryden and Dryden-supplied
video. This will be on KABC-TV, Ch. 7, Los Angeles, at 6:30 p.m.
--NBC News with Tom Brokaw, plans to air piece on this evening's broadcast.
Will include Dryden-supplied video, not sure of other content. (KNBC-TV,
Ch. 4, Los Angeles, 6:30 p.m.)
--CNN: John McManus has interviewed individuals from AeroVironment and
SunPower, and has Dryden-suppplied video. Air date not yet known.
--ABC Radio Networks (pickup from ABC-TV, no direct contact yet)
--ABC website--planning tie-in story to ABC-TV feature to go up on
website tonight or tomorrow (Michael Martinez, technology writer).
Roger Morrell