SCAT Electronic News August 11 1998
- Details
- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1969
SCAT Electronic News August 11 1998
Table of Contents
US Finals for selection for 1999 World Champs
US Nats news - Joe Mekina
Electronic A/2 in Aeromodeller Annual [i.e. nothing is new !] - Jim Thornbery
Hart's Lake FAI - Mike Roberts
US Finals for selection for 1999 World Champs
To be held in Palm Bay Florida 16 thru 18 of September.
The number of participants are F1A 19, F1B, 32 F1C 17
These numbers are a bit down probably due
to having the finals in Florida, which does not
have quite as many local flyers as California. Also
some people have expressed a reluctance to go to Israel.
This year 3 Team regulars in Randy Archer, Randy Weiler and
Matt Gewain will be missing. Weiler has been seen coaching a
number of the local flyers in the Los Angeles area who are
preparing for the finals. A new comer will be Vladi Andruikov,
who will have lived here long enough to qualify. Vladi was going to
high school in the US for over a year before his parents moved here.
If he makes the we could have father and son in the champs on
different teams. Where will Tanya be ?
Reports from Florida say the fieild is in the best shape ever
and the CD has preparations well in hand.
US Nats News
The 1998 Nationals (NATS) and United States Outdoor Championships (USOC) are
now history. Beautiful weather, high entries and good flying were abundant.
There were 4 National Records applied for, with Ronnie Thompson's 43 maxes in
A Gas and Ed Keck's 29 maxes in C gas being truly outstanding!
I am in the process of posting all of the results of the 98 NATS / USOC on a
web page.
The address is:
I have currently posted the official AMA events and will soon add the NFFS
sponsored events, then the NFFS sponsored Champion Award data, also with the
help of others who took pictures at the NATS/USOC, a picture gallery.
As noted above I am soliciting for pictures for a picture gallery. Please if
you have any pictures from the NATS/USOC please read the note under the link
to the Picture Gallery.
As noted on the page this page is in its initial stages so please be patient,
I will get everything posted and worked out in the next week or so.
Joe Mekina 98 Nats / USOC Assistant Manager
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Electronic Thermal Sensitive A/2 in 1968-69 Aeromodeller Annual
I'm uncertain on how to post this to SCAT Electronic News but thought it
might contribute to the avionics/electronic timers etc discussion:
Plans for an electronic "Thermal Sensitive A/2 Glider" by the Italian
modelers G. Cattaneo and B. Murari appear on page 83 of the 1968-69
Aeromodeller Annual. The details are sparse but the plans show batteries,
an amplifier (not radio unless the translation was bad), and a rubber
powered escapement controling the rudder. It is unclear what was the input
to the amplifier. No thermister sensor is indicated. However the fuselage
nose is more voluminous than seems necessary for the avionics; perhaps the
nose itself served as a variometer bottle.
This makes me wonder if current concerns about the need to ban thermal
sensing avionics is realistic. In F1A, circle towing became a much more
important technological development.
James M. Thornbery, M.D.
General Medical Labs
36 S. Brooks St.
Madison, WI 53715
Office Voice: 608 267-6267
Western FAI Challenge
I have rescheduled the Western FAI Challenge at Harts Lake Washington to
Sept 5th and 6th. I know this conflicts with Lost Hills, but is our only
opportunity. For those not traveling to Calif. and wishing to further
test before the team selection, come on out.
Mike Roberts
Roger Morrell