SCAT Electronic News August 23 1998
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- Hits: 1903
SCAT Electronic News August 23 1998
Table of Contents
Words, Language and Protocol
Span Again - Jim Haught
Chicago Aeronuts America's Cup - Muncie
Words, Language and Protocol
The object of SCAT Electronic news is to further FAI Free Flight by
improving communication between us all. We do this by writing our thoughts
in English. Some of have a better command than others. But that does not
really matter because we have a common objective. I have a great respect
for sportsmen from eastern Europe like Victor Stamov who did not learn
English from childhood yet activity participate in this forum.
One of the problems in using the written word is that it is difficult to
convey emotions, particularly humour, that are generally indicated by tone
or facial expression. We have not
used the little icons such as :-) to indication that a comment is said with
a smile. We should do so if we think what we are saying could be
We all have a passion for our hobby and the very competitive nature can
bring forth high emotions. To further this communications we should try not
to be personal in our comments. This does not mean to say that if someone
makes a statement we cannot say that we do not agree with it. But it is
important to make a comment on the idea, not the person making the idea.
It is critical to the future of our hobby/sport that we do not discourage
people from taking part or from making comments. Just as some people do not
like speaking in public some people do not like 'writing in public' , we
must not intimidate these people by subjecting them or letting them think
they might be subject to personal criticism
Even though this is a very competitive endeavour I think that we all would
agree with Alexander Andriukov when he said to the Wall St journal reporter
that one of the things he likes most al free Flight was the people and
friendships that he had made.
Span again
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At a recent Central Indiana Aeromodellers meeting, ways to limit model
performance were discussed, and on of the more interesting proposals for the
FAI events was simply to limit wingspan of the models, much like the 65cm rule
in F1D. It might seem simplistic, but look at the ever-increasing aspect
ratios of today's models, and it might be worth some consideration.
Jim Haught
Chicago Aeronuts - America's Cup Contest
Muncie Aug 22 1998
Chuck Marcos 1099
Tony Italliano 910
Bill Scharb 834
Bob Klipp 697
Adam Marsh J 607
Bob Sifleet 355
Tom Ioerger 69
Adam Marsh J 48
Roger Morrell 1889 m 300 329
Paul Crowley 1859 m 300 299
Chris Matsuno 1250
Bill Kozak 1240
Tom Ioerger 1217
Bill Shailor 1166
Ed Sneed 944
Bob Sifleet 1260 m
Norm Poti 685
Roger Morrell