SEN 97-09 - 4 Sep 1997
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- Category: Archive 1997
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Scat Electronic News 4 Sept 1997 Issue 97-09
Bodenland Cup
SCAT Member Lee Hines won F1A at the Bodenland Cup in Germany.
US Team member Bob Gutai won F1C.
In F1B SCAT member George Batiuk was third. Event was won by
Richard Blackam of Australia.
Field was wide expanse of harvested cropland, with strategically
placed trees. Most times the flight line was equally strategically placed
so the models went to the right places. Blake Jensen did miss a max
by gliding into a tree. He got his model back ok - one other modeller
required assistance from the local fire truck.
F1B/C day was quite windy. Bob Gutai's feet will never be the same
from the retriving. George pressed Brian van Nest into service to
help him chase. While George helped
Brian on F1A day. George got the better deal as F1A day was not very
windy at all. But I guess that Brian was tired from the previous
days chasing so was not there with Lee at the finish.
The banquet was excellent and the local people very friendly. They
turned out to watch the event.
July 97 Tan 2 Saga
Most people agree that the July 97 Tan 2 gave
thje best energy return of any rubber ever. If you wanted any you are
probably too late as it all appears to be all gone.
The rubber appears to be sensitive to heat. I used it in Sazena, but kept
the fuselage cool when it got hot with wet towels. Fred Pearce
did not and broke some motors. I understand that it was used by
Alexander Andriukov on his winning flight.
In addition there appears to be more than 'normal' mechanical defects,
these are attributed to the 'usual' bubbles, thin spots etc and
blunt[er than normal] knives in the stripping process. This means
that the motors have to be checked more carefully than normal.
John Clapp is aware of these problems and the rubber company
say they will lower the annealing temperature to reduce the heat
sensitivity. John will also get them to sharpen the cutters.
I understand that a batch of the this improved [again]
rubber will be ready 'real soon now'.
The rubber was for sale in Sazena and had been subjected to a 24%
Czeck duty plus freight costs. The cost was 6000kr a 10
pound box [about 33 kr to the dollar]. This put some people off and
they did not buy it ..and sales seemed slow. But they then
picked up and some bought 3 or 4 boxes. A case
of getting it while they could. Not everyone was able to get
what they wanted and I was approached by a number of
East European flyers wanting the rubber.
I heard people saying that they
could not do anything with it and it kept breaking. I think they
were not careful enough in making motors. It would have
been hard to do that just a few days before the contest.
Next Scat Meeting
If I rember correctly the next SCAT meeting is at the Wiehle's
on Fri Sept 12.
FF Champs
I was not there, being at Eglen/Hakeborn for the Bodenland Cup
but by all reports SCAT members aquitted themselves well with
Pierre Brun, Bob Tymchek and Doug Joyce winning
F1A, B and C respectively.
Aviation Modeller International
This new general purpose [like old Model Builder] magazine, must
have some to California for some 'stock' photos as they
show a shot of Matt and Gail Gewain accompaning an article
about the trimming of FF models.
Roger Morrell