SEN 2456 - Watt’s up at Lost Hills
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1838
Table of Contents – SEN 2456
Watt’s up at Lost Hills
- What’s Your Watt
- Fab Feb and Lost Hills etc
What’s Your Watt
From: Texas Timers Hank
Roger, might be helpful to tell members how to calculate the Watt Hours of their batteries. For example a 500 mah 3s battery is 0.5 times 11.7 or 5.85 watthours. 160 watt hours is a heck of a lot!
Editor’s Note – for what it worth the 48 volt electric motor on my electric bike is 672 watt hours so not much of a problem for your electric FF airplanes but not so good for your electric chase bike!
Fab Feb and Lost Hills etc
We have had enquires to the dates for the 2019 Fab Feb contests and the 2019 World Champs.
The Fab February events are always based on the date for the MaxMen contest. This is on the President’s Day holiday weekend. The President’s day in 2019 is Monday 18 February, typically this is a reserve day for the MaxMen [properly known as the Bob White Memorial MaxMen International, but that’s too many words for a simple sportsman like me] Typically the MaxMen starts on the Friday before that is the 15 Feb in 2019
The Ike Winter Classic /Kiwi Cup is the weekend before and that is Saturday 9 Feb. As previously announced Norm Furutani has retired from running the Ike and we are working out a way to best continue the AMA Events. The Kiwi Cup World Cup event, the FAI mini-events and F1E World Cup will continue as before.
The North American Cup is run by the FAI group from Toronto mid-week on Wednesday.
The F1E events would be on Monday 11 and Thursday 15.
For the social events Ladies Tea Party is on the Tuesday and the America’s Cup Banquet on either the Friday or Saturday of the MaxMen week end.
The above schedule like that has been used every year. At the time we write this all of the sanctions from the AMA, CIAM, MAAC and MFNZ need to be finalized and the various calendars approved. When this is done we will announce this in SEN and other places. As we have done for the last few years we take the entries online and link for 2019 will be made available in due course. There is a sign up time for everyone where their documentation is check and entry fees paid on the Friday before the Kiwi Cup, that would be Friday 8 Feb.
Many FAI Free Flight sportsmen from all around the world have flown at Lost Hills at different times of the year. For those who have not we point out that in 2019 the World Champs is being held in October, the same time period that was used for the 1993 and 2001 Champs at Lost Hills. At this time of the year the flying conditions are very different from February. It is much warmer and drier. More importantly for our flying the thermal conditions are very different with more thermals present but often very tricky conditions and it is easy to be fooled by “broom stick” thermals that are small diameter and many airplanes fly out of these into bad air.
This year, 2018 in October at Lost Hills is the USA Team Selection Events to choose the USA team for the 2019 Champs and importantly for potential international visitors two World Cup Events, the Sierra Cup and Kotuku Cup.
05 Oct-08 Oct 2018 2018 Kotuku World Cup
07 Oct- 10 Oct 2018 2018 Sierra Cup
A preliminary schedule for the 2019 World Champs was shown earlier this year. The dates are being verified with all outside parties and final schedule will be ready a little later in this year.