SEN 2393
- Details
- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 2262
Table of Contents SEN 2393
- Fab Feb read my Lips
- E-36/F1S Kits
- Extra Events.
- Invitation to Fabulous F1H Team Challenge 2018
- Invitation to fly VSM session at the Fabulous February week 2018
Fab Feb read my Lips
Or rather read SEN. With Fab Feb we strongly request that entrants to the FAI Events enter online. This is because if about 150 people showed about an hour before the first round all trying to enter, there is just no way this is going to happen. When you enter you all have to fill out the safety sheet and in addition some of the internal visitors have to do AMA Associate membership. It is much easier to enter those complicated details such as your name, address, email etc for those form in the comfort of your home with plenty of time on line and we pre print the form for you to sign, speeding up the sign in process. We get some nonsense about it is too hard for some people to enter online. We are trying to run these events for your enjoyment, make it a little easier for us and if you are a techno-turnip and a keyboard gives you the creeps get a family member to help you.
The reason why we also strongly suggest that you sign up for SEN is so we can give updates … so read our words in not our lips.
Finally, we have said it a few times already
You don’t pay until you get to Lost Hills
You must be there at the sign up – you cannot just send a buddy to sign up for the team, You MUST sign the AMA safety sheet
If you miss the Friday sign up you can sign up in the morning of you event at the control table/time collection point for that event. Clearly if you have pre-entered this will go very much faster.
Cash is the preferred payment when signing up.
Friday sign up 11 to 5 at the Original Lost Hill community center on Highway 46 at the traffic light in the town of Lost Hills at the Traffic signal by the football field. This near the building we used last year but NOT the same building.
Finally even with a couple of people having to drop out for medical reasons we have 180 sign ups and the Lost Hills sky is blue and wind light.
E-36/F1S Kits
From: Don Deloach
I will be at Fab Feb hand carrying a number of kits for international sportsmen. If you would like a kit or plan let me know asap; I leave early Friday morning for Lost Hills. Please bring exact change, a check, or paypal in advance.
Super Pearl 202E $25 short kit
Super Pearl 222E $26 "
Eureka E-Nos $25 "
NEW S. Pearl 202EF $28 "
plans $7 each
Don DeLoach
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Editor’s Comment- for those readers who don’t know Don is one the leading E-36 evangelists (Tech term) in promoting the event. His Pearl models are the standard by which other are measured. Besides Don we have both Clint Brooks and Stan Buddenbom at the Kiwi/Ike who are also providers of E-36/F1S kits.
Extra Events.
This year Ansgar Nüttgens has asked us to include 2 more events described below. While not going into all the details, Ansgar was a little late in requesting these events. With more time we may have been able to fit them better into the schedule and perhaps include events for other Mini events like Ansgar has proposed for F1H. These events below are classified as unofficial and the regular contest organizers may not be able to help you with the detail.
Next year hopefully we can plan better.
Invitation to Fabulous F1H Team Challenge 2018
All F1H competitor of Fab February all invited to take part at the FABULOUS F1H Team Challenge.
- basic ranking are best 2 out of 3 contests: IKE Winter classic, Max Men or VSM Fab February
- independent of overtime in round 1 will be counted the 5 flights with Max time 120 sec = 600 sec
- as tiebreaker VSM contest will be taken
Team set up:
- National team existing of 3 F1H flyer
- If no 3 of a country available, mixed teams are also possible
- Team has to be build before 1st round of IKE Winter classic
Your to do:
- Confirm your team before1st round of IKE
- Fly minimum the 2 F1H contests, if possible and weather and your strength allow, a 3rd time for
VSM flying at sunrise or fly around the 2 contests your 5 flights in calm air before the contest!
All infos regarding VSM you find on and
Coordinator in Lost Hills will be Mike Mc Keever and Alfredo Banos!
Ansgar Nüttgens
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Invitation to fly VSM session at the Fabulous February week 2018
Dear participants of Fabulous February,
You are invited again to fly during the FABULOUS February week at Lost Hills on any morning your VSM sunrise session in your way - please make minimum 3 maximum 5 flights at one morning or on different days after sunrise in calm conditions without thermal for measure the “only gliding mode” of your model. You can do it on contest free days as also on contest day, by using test flight before the contest as VSM flight in case of altimeter usage and RDT after 3 min (version 3: VSM AltiSim).
Additional feature for more fascination are the new categories in F1A similar to F1H like in EUROPEAN F1H CHALLENGE (HEC) still exist – read more under VSMcategories2017 and find your field of activity in the actual ranking.
Nothing is as good, that can’t be improved again - that is also with your models:
- Trim your model for best gliding mode, it will help to win the next Fly off
- Be sure, you will enjoy the early morning flying after a beautiful sunrise
There are 3 types of VSM ranking:
1. “VSM time” - which model has the longest flight -> flying to the ground
2. “VSM sinking rate” - which model has the best gliding rate sec/ m -> flying to the ground
3. ”VSM AltiSim” as test mode with RDT after 3 min
If you like to take part in this VSM series, there is no need of registration anywhere. You go, whenever you want in the first 2 hours of a morning after sunrise out to the field and fly yourself or as best set up in a group of 5-6 flyers helping and timing each other. It is also a very effective training for great upcoming Fly off’s of these Fabulous February World Cup events. In case of flying with altimeter, please recalibrate before and save the graphs of all flights. After coming home, you download the VSM startcard, fill in and mail me all with the graph.
That’s all and you receive a place in the VSM performance list. In VSM it is not important, to win - read
In this VSM - BLOG you find all flown sessions and more infos.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me by mail or following VSM promotor in Lost Hills: Tony Matthews, Leslie Farkas, Per Findahl, Mike Mc Keever, Volker Bajorat, Gary Madelin;
Best VSM flights in, Lost Hills and during the upcoming year
Ansgar Nüttgens
vsmfreeflight (at)