SEN 2382
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 3253
Table of Contents – SEN 2382
- 2017 America Cup Final Report
- Fab Feb Update
- Rubber and more at Fab Feb
2017 America Cup Final Report
The 2017 Am Cup FAI FF season had 35 contests flown with 10 events and over 800 entries. There were four first place ties. Let’s start with the newest event, F1S. No flyer won 4 contests at 3 different sites. Several had 3 wins so the decider was Don DeLoach’s second place 22 points at the NATs, the only bonus point contest. Don’s total of 97 beat out Julie Parker and Drake Hooke who tied for second with 95 points.
F1Q had a three way tie of 100 points for Bob Sifleet, Tom Ioerger and Jack Murphy. Bob and Tom had two contest scores of 25 points. The tie breaker went to the 7thcontest scores. Bob’s second place at the NATs, similar to F1S the only bonus point contest, gave Bob the win. Bob traveled to King Orange to secure his win. A point of interest is Bob’s Grandson, Joel Yori won the F1Q NAT’s. His name will be mentioned a few more times.
A surprise in F1E, Peter Brocks did not win but rather Bob Sifleet took top honors. This was fitting in that Bob flew the last F1E contest in 2016 knowing that if he had not flown he would have won the 2016 Am Cup. Bob did fly and turns out this resulted in one Peter Brocks 2016 win. Another surprise, new comer to F1E Mike Richardson was second. Peter Brocks third.
Poor, Poor F1J. Only 17 contest were flown. One contest had 3 entries, 5 contests had 2 entries and 10 contests had only one entry. Be that as it may, Faust Parker again places in first with Mike Fedor in second. A ray of hope, junior flyer Haydon Ashworth placed third.
F1P is F1J’s poor cousin. 15 contest flown, 1 contest with 3 flyers, one contest with 2 flyers and the rest had solo flyers. Randy Secor secured his win with a trip to Eloy AZ in December. Like F1J, Mike Fedor in Second and junior flyer Hayden Ashworth in third.
F1C is hanging on, 22 contests flown, 14 of those had solo flyers. Ed Carroll followed up is first USA FAI FF Team with his first AmCup win. Ed won the only bonus point contest, Kotuku cup, and so beat out Faust Parker. After that no one met the 4 contest requirement. I will mention it was great seeing ex-junior Taron Malkhasyan flying, he placed sixth.
F1G is a repeat of previous years with Tiffaney O’Dell winning with Mike Richardson giving chase for second.
F1B sees one of the World’s top flyer, Alex Andruikov, win his first AmCup. Alex is usually traveling the world chasing the World Cup and so in previous years he has not meet the Am Cup 4 contest requirement. With his move to Virginia, Alex now flies more North American contests and still peruses the World Cup. Blake Jensen second, Charlie Jones third, Walt Ghio forth, ex-junior Jace Pivonka fifth and junior flyer, Joel Yori was eight.
I managed to hold on to the F1H win. Ken Bauer only needed a 25 point win to take first but his job got in the way. Ken placed third. Bob Sifleet and I tied with 100 points and we both had a fifth 25 point win. I got first with a sixth 25 point win.
The beginning of the F1A year look to be a repeat of 2016 with Jama Danier taking two 30 point contests at Fab Feb. Mike McKeever won the first contest of the season, SWR Eloy AZ, for 29 points. Mike flew well in the fall and tied Jama at 111 points. Mike won the tie breaker with a fifth 25 point win to Jama’s fifth 20 point. I place third, junior flyer Joel Yori forth and Brian Van Nest fifth.
Congratulation to the 2017 America Cup winners!
And so the 2017 AmCup season comes to a close. The award banquet like last year will be at the Lost Hills Recreation Room (North), Saturday February 17, 7:00 pm. $23 person, 17 and under $17. Register on line: <>
2017 Am Cup Winners are responsible to have the perpetual trophies properly engraved, polished and at the banquet.
F1A- Jama Danier , F1B-Tony Mathews (I have the trophy), F1C- Faust Parker, F1P- Bob Hanford, F1G-Tiffaney O'Dell, F1H- Brian Van Nest, F1J- Faust Parker, F1Q- Dick Ivers (I have the trophy), F1S- Julie Parker, F1E- Peter Brocks
I mention several of the junior flyers. Here are the current USA FAI FF Jr Team Program standings.
USA FAI FF Jr Team Selection Dec 2017
F1A Plcg Total
Yori, Joel 1 300
Stalick, Roman 2 277
Ulm, Adelaide 3 144
Fedor, Cade 4 100
F1B Plcg Total
Yori, Joel 1 300
Gerspacher, Kyle 2 297
Fedor, Cade 3 50
F1P Plcg Total
Ashworth, Hayden 1 300
Fedor, Cade 2 100
Note the 2018 Jr Team selection process goes thru the 2018 Max Men contest, February 17, 2018
Start of the 2018 AmCup season starts in less than 2 weeks at Eloy AZ!
Jim Parker
SCAT president and Am Cup administer
Thermals, JIM
Fab Feb Update
You will have seen in the last SEN a note from Walt Ghio about Glow Plugs and other parts from Doug Galbreath – reminding you to contact him if you have a big or special order.
There will be many top Free Flight suppliers at the Fab Feb and others will be giving us notes like Walt did. But if you are looking to get some special Free Flight goodies don’t leave anything to chance, contact your supplier beforehand. For example if you need rubber be sure to contact FAI Model Supply in advance as they can only bring a limited amount rubber to Lost Hills.
We have entries from the following suppliers
Andriukov & Kulakovsky
Clint Brooks
FAI Model Supply (Rubber)
Magic Timers – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Optimal Tracking
Starlink-Flight Tech
(we have not yet received entries from Gorban or Blazevich). Note that you are a supplier and will be there and are not on the list let us know and we will add you. If you want to give us an email address, please do so.
Also there was a very generous offer from Mike Roberts and Don Chesson to bring fuel so if you will be needing fuel for F1C or F1J please contact Mike right away.
All the above information is in the special Fab Feb 2018 section on the SEN web site, this comes up on the first screen at
Finally people have request to a list of people who have entered alreay. This is also available in the Fab Feb 2018 section on the SEN web site.
Rubber and more at Fab Feb
FAI Model Supply will once again be providing rubber and supplies to all those who pre-order for deliver at the FAB February Contests in Lost Hills, CA. We have already received a number of orders at this time. If you are interested in ordering items we ask that you please send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). We will confirm back to you with an invoice indicating your total cost to be collected at Lost Hills when the products are delivered once we have everyone's shipment figured out.
We will need to receive your order prior to February 1, 2018 to guarantee delivery to Lost Hills. All orders received after that date can not be guaranteed to be ready.
FAI Model Supply - Charlie and Geralyn Jones