SEN 2381 - Fab Feb Shopping and Sympo - 4 Feb 2018
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1759
Table of Contents SEN 2381
- Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb
- 2018 Sympo Call
Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb
From: Walt Ghio
Again, I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale at the Fab Feb week of events. The cost is $5 each. Please send me an e-mail request if you require 100 glow plugs so I can make sure they have been ordered from Henry Nelson. If some flyer needs a large amount for their combat friends please let me know so they can be preordered before the Fab Feb week begins. Also, I will have fuel tubing and bladder material. All items are from Doug Galbreath who has asked me to be his salesperson.
Walt Ghio
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2018 Sympo Call
From: Ed Carroll
January 3, 2018
I am the editor for the 2018 NFFS SYMPO. This is the first call for papers to be submitted to me at the email address below. If you have an idea for a paper, please let me know as soon as possible so I can follow up with you about your idea. Use any form of communication from the choices below.
The SYMPO has a fine history with a balance of theoretical and practical papers, and I hope this will continue. As you prepare your document, please use Microsoft word as your word processing program. Figures should be in JPEG format.
The SYMPO will be printed in time for delivery at the 2018 Free Flight Nationals, so let me know as soon as possible.
Edward J. Carroll, Ph.D.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 818-489-5039
24562 Desert Ave.
Newhall, CA 91321