SEN 2217 - 14 Nov 2016
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1961
Table of Contents - SEN 2217
- Arizona Champs in Dec.
- More F1J ?
- One Way Road ?
- FF is Up - Golf is Down
- Golf is not spelt with an E - F1E that is
- Percentage is Chaos in F1E
- Altimeter Caution
Arizona Champs in Dec.
From: Peter Brocks
On December 3 and 4 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America’s Cup and National Cup contest West of the Mississippi for the year 2016. There are FAI, AMA, NFFS and SAM, and events. On the desert flying field in Eloy it will be cool in the mornings but should warm up to about 70° during the day. The 2, FAI and AMA, fliers can be downloaded from the NFFS web site, click on the “Arizona Championships” in the Master Contest Calendar.
For information on the 3-day 2017 Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships on January 14-16 go to which will be current soon – please use the Entry Forms to pre-enter before Jan. 1, 2017. This will be the 69th SWR.
Please fly with us in Eloy!
Peter Brocks
More F1J ?
From: Simon Dixon
Good to hear there's a push on getting more interest in F1J in the US, I have heard the stories of how popular it was a few years ago at the World Cup events, but have since watched the entries drop. We have a pretty active F1J scene in the UK when the weather is good but with so many other events that we run entries are generally quite low. Whilst no one flys F1P (thank goodness) in the UK I think internationally it is the biggest reason for F1J entries dropping off. F1J Is a great class readily available to buy or within the building skills of most modellers.
To try and promote the class in Europe I started the euro challenge 4 years ago but it hasn't really had much impact
Maybe this could be a worldwide challenge ? If there is enough interest I would give it some serious thought for 2017 - what do you think ?
Simon Dixon
One Way Road ?
From: Wolf-Dietrich Dolzinski
having just read the SEN 2216 issue,
I feel free to express my personal opinions on the
article " Use of electronic altimeters in the Rhône-Alpes World Cup fly off ".
Personally I am engaged in free flight since 60 years and therefore have seen all the progresses since then.
But, what is on the discussion table now: I think this will not push the interest in free flight for the younger ones anyway.
Maybe the next step is to switch to virtual flying.
If this is the road to follow, for me it is a one way road.
Dieter Dolzinski
FF is Up - Golf is Down
From: Klaus Salzer
Sorry, Aram has it wrong.
In Golf you try for the LOWEST number (of shots) - we try for the HIGHEST number (of seconds). And there are at least 3 different types of Golf scoring ... enough of Golf.
The Percentage scoring in F1E is the only way to make the use of different flying sites in different weather conditions deliver comparable results. So please leave it as it is! Or - think about it - even extend it to other free flight classes. Make the 2-min classes have the same end result as the 3-min ...Great in my Opinion.
Regards from Austria
Golf is not spelt with an E - F1E that is
From: Bill Booth
Hi Aram,
I have been playing golf since I was 12 years old. That’s 50 years. I have
played in various local tournaments and probably between 500 & 1000 rounds
with various scoring systems and have never heard of a leader being assigned
a “0”. Every hole and the course overall has a pre-determined “par” score.
Everyone’s score including leaders are given a score relative to par for
that course and it has no relationship whatsoever to assigned scores.
Golfers can have the same score both during and at the completion of a
A leader can be +3 or -25 relative to par and his place in a tournament is
compared to what everyone else’s raw score is and has nothing to do with an
“assigned” score. So moving forward, please regroup a bit, present your F1E
scoring system in a way that does not relate to golf & we’ll see what kind
of comments you get.
Percentage is Chaos in F1E
From:Wiesław Dziuba
I agree with you.
If this system is so good,why does it
no apply in other categories F1?
Best regards
Wieslaw Dziuba
Altimeter Caution.
From: paul fynn
In this time of ever more intrusive Official interest , I think altimeters in our
planes is a thoroughly bad idea.
Roger Morrell