SEN 1661
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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1338
- Sympo Patrons encore
- Perris Patter
- Water Injection?
2012 NFFS Symposium Patron Program
The Printer sent me a note to let me know we have another couple weeks before he needs the complete list of Patrons for the 2012 NFFS Symposium. So for those that have still not put that check in the mail, you have until July 18, then the window closes. This is the only guaranteed way to get a copy of this years issue.
The minimum contribution for Free Flighters with USA addresses is $57, $63 for Canada & Mexico and $71 for all other foreign destinations.
Make your checks payable to NFFS and send to: 2012 NFFS Symposium, 325 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite D2, Carlsbad, CA 92008
or through Paypal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have already exceeded our totals from 2011 in both the number of Patrons and the amount we have raised for the NFFS treasury, but there are some pretty prominent names as well as regular contributors missing from the list.
Bill Booth Jr.
NFFS Symposium Patron Program
First, an explanation, that we did not give last time. Perris is a flying site in Riverside county , CA that a number of club members use for testing. If you live in San Diego or southern parts of the LA Basin is much closer than Lost Hills. Like Taft, Perris is blessed with a wonderful micro climate and only a few days a year are not flyable in the morning. There is a group of club members who fly there almost every Saturday there not another local event.
Some of the people who fly there are those involved in developing some of the latest ideas and others are very experienced sportsmen. So Perris patter is reporting on some of the things that just come out in conversation that might be of interest SEN readers …
So this week end we had a small club contest and the following was overheard or seen.
AA was testing the latest rubber from FAI model supply. He reported that typical altitude over a number of flights was 118m. So it’s for you to guess if this means:
1. Alex gets that high always2. All the rubber is great or is it just the latest?
3. Alex picks the best rubber
4. Alex always gets the best rubber
5. The air at Perris was fantastic
On the Q front both Bernie Crowe and local to the area Kevin Sherman were flying Bernie’s well known Noah Quark F1Q design. Very straight forward and simple design that flies well, rumored to about to be kitted by BMJR. Bernie was also muttering about not resetting the timer or EL after test flight which accounted for him being beaten by Kevin and my lowly F1B.
Schlomi reports that so far the most consistent covering for his new LDA ship is Icarex with a roughening spray on the surface. He was experimenting with replacing the medical tape turbulators with the chart tap. Climbs higher but I did not get a final read out.
One of the things that’s so great about FAI FF is that you are always innovating and trying new ideas. Very important to keep you young at heart. This leads to the next item below … from someone who is young at heart even though he does not fly at Perris.
Water InjectionIt's been my experience that engines run smoother and stronger in early morning and late evening. For years, consequently, I've wondered if we shouldn't be using water injection for extra performance particularly on hot, dry days.
Today I deemed the perfect test day. The temperature here in Columbus, OH was 104 deg. F and relative humidity 30%. I first ran my Nelson 15 with FAI fuel - tach reading = 28,800 rpm. Then I ran it as I atomized water from a spray gun in front of the engine being sure the atomized water got to the intake. Results -- 28,800 rpm. No discernible change in feel or reading. Another great idea shot down.
Gil Morris
Roger Morrell