SEN 1662
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1478
- Re Perris Patter
- Truth in Advertizing
- F1E at the MMM update
- Water Injection
- Water and F1C fuel
Re Perris Patter in SEN 1661
So Roger for everyone's information what was the date stamped on the box of "387 foot" rubber?
Paul Crowley
Paul - I did not see the box but believe it is the latest and inside sources told me AA had (at least) 2 boxes and one was better than the other ...
I presume that Mr Jones has been instructed by Mr Clapp on the official FAI model supply reply - all rubber is fantastic :-)
Truth in Advertising...
Hi Roger:Thanks for the "Quark" plug in SEN, but in fact Kevin Sherman was flying his own adaptation of Terry Thorkildsen's "Astrostar" on Saturday .
F1E World Cup at the 33rd MMM FAI Annual
Watkins, Colorado
Friday, July 13, 2012
CD: Don DeLoach 719-964-7117 (cell)
IMPORTANT: This is our first time using this excellent site so we are
playing it safe and keeping our activity tightly controlled. Your
cooperation will help ensure that we can use this site well into the future.
General Information
We are not allowing contestant/spectator cars/trucks on top of the mesa. A
parking area will be set up a short distance from the mesa. The CD and
assistant CD will haul in their vehicles a 5-gallon water cooler, 10 chairs
and a 10x10 community shade to the top of the mesa. Contestants/spectators
may walk to the top or ride chase bikes.
Site Entry
Meet at the access gate at 8:30 a.m. for group entry. If you arrive after
8:30 a.m. call the CD for the gate combo.
8:30 a.m. - Meet at the gate for mass entry. No entry prior to this.
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. - Parking, walk/ride to top of mesa, setup
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Test flying
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Five rounds (180-second maxes) will be flown. One
hour rounds beginning no earlier than 10:00 a.m. Round duration may be
shortened per contestant vote.
3:10-3:20 p.m. - 300 second flyoff
3:40-3:50 - 420 second flyoff
Test Flying
Unlimited test flying is available anytime on the hills on the main MMM site
south of Quincy Ave. Otherwise you may test at Indian Point from 9:00-10:00
a.m. only on 7/13. No test flying is available on the mesa prior to our
entrance on 7/13.
Private Property
Most of the land surrounding the mesa is private. Two of the three adjacent
landowners have given us permission to enter their land (on foot) to
retrieve airplanes. The third landowner (parcel to the southeast) has
forbidden access. Because of this our rounds may be delayed when wind is
blowing from ESE, SE, and/or SSE. CD will provide details.
Chase bikes
Chase bikes are allowed on top of the mesa and may be used for chasing on
Land Board land only. DO NOT enter private property
Note that the contest organizer has additional material available including maps etc. Go to the MMM web site or contact Don Deloach if you need more information.
Water Injection
You might try substituting nitro for the water.
Seriously, water injection is often used to avoid detonation with Hi Comp Ratio or Hi Boost and a liquid piston.
Optimizing probably requires playing with CR, needle valve & water flow & drop size.
Hats off for not only looking for a leg-up, but also publishing results.
Just think, when you gain that extra octave, some lawyer will point out that water is not an approved FAI fuel,so then you can go back to the nitro injection for AMA.
Thanks, Hermann Andresen
Water and F1C fuel
Gil's experiment with a water aspirator to note an effect on rpm suggests a
more scientifically rigid approach. Given that the purest methanol
currently availiable contains about 500 ppm water in addition to methanol's
propensity to absorb atmospheric water vapor, why not just add small
amounts of water to portions of freshly-opened fuel for the test? In the
lab, when we wanted ultra-pure methanol, the process started with the best
commericial product which was re-distilled from magnesium metal in a closed
system that precluded exposure to atmospheric contamination. That is,
just pouring the methanol from one cotainer to another was enough to raise
its water contamination and compromise experimental results.
Chuck Markos
more scientifically rigid approach. Given that the purest methanol
currently availiable contains about 500 ppm water in addition to methanol's
propensity to absorb atmospheric water vapor, why not just add small
amounts of water to portions of freshly-opened fuel for the test? In the
lab, when we wanted ultra-pure methanol, the process started with the best
commericial product which was re-distilled from magnesium metal in a closed
system that precluded exposure to atmospheric contamination. That is,
just pouring the methanol from one cotainer to another was enough to raise
its water contamination and compromise experimental results.
Chuck Markos
Roger Morrell