SEN 1263 2008
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- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1415
Table of Contents - SEN 1263
- Extreme F1?
- Comment on same
- Lofting flapping to higher levels
America’s Cup: Time for Change? Less is More?
From: Jim Parker
From: Jim Parker
I have proposed a radical change to the current AmCup program and dubed it AmXcup (X for eXtreme) which I sent to the SCAT membership. In summary, the current AmCup program for F1EGHJPQ would remain the same, events F1ABC would be deleted. F1ABC would run to the new AmXcup rules. This would be the 8 largest contests, 4 best scores using World Cup scoring. A large sanction fee for these 8 contests would be used as sizable prize money to the top three places. I do not include the details here because they could and likely would be modified. The following is an adaption of an email I sent to Al Hotard, the founding father of the AmCup program explaining my reasoning for a fundamental change proposal.
While my initial thinking was spurred by Team Selection Program thoughts, there is no direct link, ie SCAT has no authority on the TSP. This change was initially conceived to demonstrate that a moderate number of contests can be run to a high standard and would be attended by the majority of flyers that now attend the Finals. As I have gotten feed back on the proposal from SCAT members, I have refined my thinking. I believe the proposal transcends the TSP aspect. To a basic level, I asked the following questions.
1. Is the AmCup meeting its intended purpose?
2. Is there a better way to fulfill that purpose?
AmCup Mission Statement:
The purpose of the America's Cup Competition is to foster the development of flyers and models across North America in the FAI F1 (free flight). This coast-to-coast competition requires flyers to attend multiple contests each year in the United States and Canada in order to win
This Mission statement has served SCAT and FAI FF community for near 20 years. When you / SCAT envisioned the AmCup, the FAI community was going thru a transition-- not too different than today. The TSP was moving from Semi Finals to the current qualify / Finals format. It was not the norm to fly to a contest or drive long distances other than the Final and at times the Nats. New model designs were the norm-- SCATTER was a lead communication method. The AmCup timing was perfect, people starting flying to contest more and more. It provided the spark that started modelers from different parts of the country competing at contests across the country. The concept grew slowly and developed into one of the hallmarks in modeling.
How are we doing now?
The model development is low compared to the 1980’s and early 1990’s. The lack of new ideas and designs are due to the mostly factory bought models. The development that is going one uses email, forums and the like to share ideas. I don’t think changing AmCup will impact model development either positively or negatively.
Looking at the develop modelers goal. From my view of doing the results for 15 years, I see the number of people traveling to other sites has dropped and continues to drop. This is even counting what I call "transported" contests-- that is contests with little if any local flyers that several other flyers chasing AmCup attend-- not necessarily bad but a new reality. Why the drop? What is the cause? Aging group, increasing costs, etc. On the positive side we have the Jr program now.
In reality I estimate there are maybe 6-8 F1A, 2-4 F1B and 1-2 F1C flyers that start the year to win the Am Cup. Halfway through to three-quarters way through the season, a hand full of people determine that they have a shot and attend a contest or two they normally would not. One reason for this is most people do not care to compete with the few who are serious to win because to be serious to win or place high in the AmCup is you need to fly ten to twenty contests.
Is the current AmCup format a barrier to flyers to seriously compete for the AmCup?
I believe so. My thinking is the AmCup should be changed to make it more accessible so larger number serious flyers would participate. Reducing the number of contests may sound counter productive but I believe that more flyers would plan to get to these contests—that is they don’t need to plan to fly the 10-20 contests. You could make a competitive try by planning to attend 5 or 6 contests. Many of the serious flyers already attend 3 to 4 of these contests now. The proposed 4 counted contests of 8 selected contests still requires modelers to travel fulfilling part of the original purpose—it not clear if it would increase or decrease the travel—I’m thinking it would break even—those the fly the 10 to 20 contest of contest would decrease travel while others who previously did not compete / travel would start. The large prize money would add interest and increase the prestige of the program.
Will this kill some of the smaller contests? Likely yes for the “transported” contest described above, I estimate 2 to 3 but realize we have already seen this happen even with AmCup sanction (Harts Lake and this year Tom Kerr’s contest). But for the others it is hard to say. With the 30 contests, those without AmCup sanctions have been hurt. I hear it all the time, CD / Clubs wanting the sanction. With only eight AmXcup contests, there would be more small contests that would now be on even ground. Also the F1EGHJPQ AmCup program would be in place for the current 30 contests.
It was not easy for me to view the AmCup in a new way. It is difficult to change an existing program that has started to show signs of decline into new, better program.
Thermals, JIM
Comment on same
I have read with interest the many posts concerning the subject of the USA Team Selection Process and the America's Cup.
I am however somewhat puzzled as to what "we" are trying to accomplish.
I alluded to this in a previous email when I said that we should clearly understand what the requirement is. If in fact it is as I think Jim is stating that we are to meet the intent of the Mission Statement, then we should first agree on this.
I believe a simple survey would accomplish that step.
Whether we come to a consensus on this issue or not, I think one thing we should keep in mind is does the "Customer", us the community, drive the process or do the process owners drive the "Customer".
In the manufacturing world where I come from, both of these methods are used, however, in almost every case that I have seen, the successful and long lived companies are driven by their Customers...........
Best Regards,
All in (for) a Flap
Dame SCAT,
Comments made in the NFFS forum suggest two very alternative views on flapping. There is the modern, cosmopolitan view that it should be allowed and there is the other (some would say 'luddite') view that it is against the spirit of Icarus etc. I'm all for development and hence I have proposed a new competition just involving flapping. I'm glad to say this has had a positive response and so I suggest a trial event next year to the following draft rules; comments are most welcome.
The EoB Memorial Flapperthon
Aim: A duration contest aimed at keeping a FF model aircraft in the air as long as possible.
Equipment : Any kind of human or vehicular machine(s) will be allowed up to a total maximum of 200BHP ('Classic' class) or no restrictions ('Unlimited' class). So for classic you can use for example 200 horses, 1 medium sized Japanese car or the entire membership of SCAT and for unlimited you can use, say, a couple of spare F-35s.
Not allowed : Thermal detectors of any kind to enable the maximum to be obtained by unsporting means.
Basic Premise : A standard model from the East European manufacturers will be relased in to glide. At a height of 30m, the flapping equipment will be released from behind a line at least 100m from the model. The timing starts at that point and finishes when the model lands or is damaged/destroyed by the flapping equipment such that it doesn't meet its required FAI specification anymore.
Classes : Classes for F1A, B and C, for both Classic and Unlimited flapping.
Number of rounds : 7
Maximum per round: 3 hours or greater, as decided by the contest director according to ground conditions (ie paved roads, dirt etc).
Protests : All protests will be adjudged by Dave Edmonson.
Trophies : Trophies will be awarded to the relatives of the top three scoring teams.
Comments made in the NFFS forum suggest two very alternative views on flapping. There is the modern, cosmopolitan view that it should be allowed and there is the other (some would say 'luddite') view that it is against the spirit of Icarus etc. I'm all for development and hence I have proposed a new competition just involving flapping. I'm glad to say this has had a positive response and so I suggest a trial event next year to the following draft rules; comments are most welcome.
The EoB Memorial Flapperthon
Aim: A duration contest aimed at keeping a FF model aircraft in the air as long as possible.
Equipment : Any kind of human or vehicular machine(s) will be allowed up to a total maximum of 200BHP ('Classic' class) or no restrictions ('Unlimited' class). So for classic you can use for example 200 horses, 1 medium sized Japanese car or the entire membership of SCAT and for unlimited you can use, say, a couple of spare F-35s.
Not allowed : Thermal detectors of any kind to enable the maximum to be obtained by unsporting means.
Basic Premise : A standard model from the East European manufacturers will be relased in to glide. At a height of 30m, the flapping equipment will be released from behind a line at least 100m from the model. The timing starts at that point and finishes when the model lands or is damaged/destroyed by the flapping equipment such that it doesn't meet its required FAI specification anymore.
Classes : Classes for F1A, B and C, for both Classic and Unlimited flapping.
Number of rounds : 7
Maximum per round: 3 hours or greater, as decided by the contest director according to ground conditions (ie paved roads, dirt etc).
Protests : All protests will be adjudged by Dave Edmonson.
Trophies : Trophies will be awarded to the relatives of the top three scoring teams.
Roger Morrell