SEN 1264 - 17 Nov 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1477
Table of Contents SEN 1264 - 16 November
- Patterson Flash
- Autumn Cup Results
- Simplify ?
- Rock Mountain Extreme Comment
Patterson Flash
Perfect weather, no fires wind 0 to 4 mph, tricky thermals
F1A - Jim Parker
F1B - Blake Jensen
F1C - Lyn Pulley
AMA Sanction Number 08-1229
Steve Spence 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840
Mike Fedor 120..120..119..120..120..120..120..839
Jesse Shepherd 120..120..120..120..120..120..080..800
Jackie Sheffer 112..120..120..120..120..068..120..780
Dan Berry 120..120..120..053..120..120..087..740
Richard Wood 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840
Eddie Vanlandingham 120..120..120..119..115..120..120..834
Pete Reinhart 120..120..120..081..120..120..080..761
Gerald Brown 081..120..120..120..066..000..000..505
Mark Troutman 120..115..095..000..000..000..000..330
Roger Simpson 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840..089..929
Faust Parker 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840..OR
Henry Spence 120..120..120..120..047..000..000..527
Mark Troutman 076..042..034..009..000..000..000..161
Don Chesson 120..000..000..000..000..000..000..120
Bob Hanford 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840..177..1017
Mark Troutman 120..120..120..120..104..107..120..811
Mike Fedor 120..098..120..120..120..093..120..791
Gerald Brown 120..101..067..000..000..000..000..288
Jackie Sheffer 105..000..000..000..000..000..000..105
Open Gas (10)
Dan Berry 120..120..120..120..120..120..120..840
Jim Parker 120..112..120..120..120..120..120..832
Bob Hanford 120..108..120..120..099..120..120..807
Jackie Sheffer 088..087..111..120..120..061..120..707
Sergie Lissotchenko 038..079..120..080..072..120..120..629
Igor Terenchek 120..096..010..000..000..000..000..226
Gerald Brown 120..000..000..000..000..000..000..120
John Irwin 059..058..000..000..000..000..000..115
Tom Bell 056..033..000..000..000..000..000..089
Mark Troutman 061..023..000..000..000..000..000..084
P30 (5)
Dan Berry 120..107..120..347
Ed Williamson 092..120..120..332
Gerald Brown 047..120..120..287
Pete Reinhart 079..120..060..259
Mark Troutman 047..046..054..147
Eddie Vanlandingham 120..120..120..120..120..600
Pete Reinhart 102..120..089..120..063..494
Mark Troutman 073..112..082..050..068..385
Richard Wood 118..120..120..000..000..358
Gerald Brown 120..044..000..000..000..164
Charlie Bruce 000..094..000..000..000..094
Mike Fedor 064..120..120..120..120..544
Jackie Sheffer 120..120..003..120..000..363
Dan Berry 052..108..065..055..000..280
Gerald Brown 084..120..049..000..000..253
Mark Troutman 034..009..000..000..000..043
Henry Spence 120..120..120..109..120..589
Sergie Lissotchenko 092..083..068..120..120..483
Mike Fedor 120..120..120..083..000..443
Jim Parker 120..120..094..094..000..428
Igor Terenchek 120..110..104..024..022..380
Dan Berry 120..120..000..000..000..240
Bob Hanford 120..095..000..000..000..215
Steve Spence 120..000..000..000..000..120
Jackie Sheffer 120..120..120..120..120..600
Julie Parker 105..120..120..120..120..585
Dick Wood 102..120..000..000..000..222
Mark Troutman 030..000..005..000..000..035
Mark Troutman 120..120..120..360..055..415
Dan Berry 120..120..120..360..053..413
Bob Hanford 120..120..109..349
Dear Jim & Roger,
I read your the proposals regarding the selection trials and preparatory contest with interest and sadness.
May I suggest that you read my paper "Promoting a Technical Sport" in the English Free Flight Forum of 2006, pp.59-61?
As a result of the program described therein, three consequtive Olympic Gold Medals in the Finn Dinghy Class have been won by a Brit. This would clearly fulfill the Mission Statement of the AmCup and SCAT.
Far more importantly though, we set out to concentrate on attracting "Mulligans" to the Finn Class. We enabled them all to realise their potential by inspiring them to train physically, technically and mentally. Then with their new found confidence they were prepared to come out to compete in contests, then spend some money to up grade their sails and boats. Thus the number of participants increased.
I recognise Jim's excellent contribution to passing on F1A flying techniques in his excellent articles on the NFFS, as well as the Junior Training program and seminar. This needs to be expanded, otherwise no "Mulligan" is ever going to want to visit the Lost "The Lions Den" Hills.
One of the dangers of the FAI classes is that they have forged ahead technically, lost contact with the Mulligans and are now finding it difficult to reconnect. Perhaps it is time that FAI free flight thought how it could make itself more competitive in the leisure market?
How many youngsters or middle aged returnees afford $ 1500 for glider during the credit crunch?
You may also be interested to know that other countries are now seeking ways to increase the number of Free Flight Glider flyers. May be a starting point would to ask what sort of product the potential "customer" wants to and/or can afford fly?
The simple questionaire appended has produced some interesting and surprising results in the last 10 days, it might be worth trying out an amended version North America.
Kind regards
May I take a few minutes of your time, particularly if you are a FF glider flier. If not please delete. Thanks for your understanding.
I have been asked by two contacts in Sweden how the 3.7.1 Towline Glider Class (BMFA Glider) class has faired since its introduction, since they are thinking of introducing something similar to cater for: younger model fliers and also elder fliers who are not so athletic or trained in the art of circle and bunt flying in SWEDEN.
I would be very grateful if you would add a few brief comments to the following questions and return to me as soon as possible, please.
Are you an active FF glider flyer? YES NO
Do you consider yourself to be a younger or elder flier described above in red?
& nbsp; YES NO
Do you feel that the option of using either the 50 m towline plus bunt & circle tow or 75 m straight towline without bunt or circle tow in the BMFA Glider event has:
Enthused you to participate? MORE LESS SAME
Encouraged others to compete? MORE LESS SAME
Think it is a good idea? YES NO UNSURE
Which do you prefer to fly?
the 50 m towline plus bunt & circle tow ....................
or 75 m straight towline without bunt or circle tow ..................
Have you altered your glider to take advantage of the new rule?
Would you prefer to fly simple low cost wood and carbon straight tow model?
Would you prefer to fly a high spec. Russian type circle bunter model?
Would you prefer to fly a high spec Russian type model but with only a straight tow and no bunt facility? YES NO UNSURE
Would you prefer to fly a sensible but identical (one design) British 80" wingspan design, incorporating quality flight adjustment fittings and materials, but price capped to an affordable amount and specification?
What do you consider would be an affordable price to pay for essential hardware and carbon parts needed to complete a "one design" glider.
Would you prefer that everyone flew an Inchworm or similar classic one design?
Many thanks for your help in completing this questionaire. I hope it will help the Swedes in their endeavours to encourage FF glider flying."
Editorial Comments
For those who do not know or have not figured it yet Nick , besides being a Free Flighter has considerable experience in competitive sailing, where costs can run very high and there have been many successful one design classes. Nick is trying to draw parallels from that experience to improve ours.
In Nick's writing he uses a slightly jingoistic language to appeal to the UK market i.e. British = simple, cheap and good, Russian = complex, expensive and bad. For the idea to work I would suggest that that cost or some design parameters be established rather than national ones. There is clearly an appeal for Juniors to fly in World champs, although I've never figured why we get more US participation that Uk, when the Americans have to cross the Atlantic while the Brits on the Channel., I digress.
For example some East European entrepreneur might agree to provide a 'standard' model at the right price, even if it is not in their current market plan? I know that both the Russians and Ukranians have standard models for the domestic market that are cheaper that those the top sportsmen but. As a person comment I would be prepared to do a 'special' Magic timer for a plan like this. Or maybe someone big in the model business like Graupner or a specialist kit person like Lee Campbell in the USA ?
Finally of people who are nor Bits or Swedes want sen the replies to the survey to SEN - i.e. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we would be pleased to collate the results.
Extreme F1,
As the president of a club that operates two Americas Cup events each year I am concerned that the proposal will have a negative impact on our ability to continue our attempts to grow FAI competition in the Rocky Mt. West.
if it is deemed that the MMM 14 rounder is no longer extreme enough and looses its AM sanction that will have a negative impact on our ability to draw competitors. The same is true for our annual Dynasty Cup which is flown in conjunction with the Rocky Mt. FF champs. Another negative force might be the large sanction fee. As the majority of the MMM club members are not FAI flyers they could object to spending their dues money on these fees that they might not see as a benefit to them.
The SCAT club has performed a great service to the FF community with the Americas Cup program. It is your program and it is yours to change as you see fit. I do ask that in the process of evaluating change you give carefull consideation to the impact on the wider community.
Jerry Murphy
President, the MMM Club.
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Roger Morrell