SEN 1014 - 25 Jul 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1247
SEN issue 1014 25 July 2006
Table of Contents
San Valeers all nostalgia annual date and location change
Head Shims
Junior World Champs Germany
New Conrod oil system
July 2006 issue of Free Flight Quarterly has appeared
Jnr world champs update
Back from Denver
Death of Tim Banaszak
Peter King and all that Jazz
Direction Change ot the Finals
Re: SEN 1013 30 June 2006
San Valeers all nostalgia annual date and location change
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Hi folks,
We had to change the date and location on the san
valeers all nostalgia annual to lost hills on nov 4 &
5 since the taft site is being sold and was in
The scifs and scamps will be at lost hills on the same
Terry Thorkildsen
Head Shims
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here is a little ditty on engine stuff that you migh use.
Solving the mystery of the head shim.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about head shims.
The problem goes back to the days when engines came with a gasket between the
head and cylinder on most model engines. Some engines were made with no
gaskets and some were made with no separate head. You just got what you bought.
Of course, they also had spark ignition that allowed the adjustment of the
ignition point to be adjusted for max performance with it's fuel and compression
Then came the marvelous glow plug in the late 40's. We all rushed to convert
our gas/ignition engines over to glow. In some cases there were considerable
increases in power. In many cases however, engines were not compatible at all,
and did not run well. The needle was finicky and could not be made to run
steady, or the engines over-heated and quickly croaked. Later developments of
cold, medium and hot plugs cured some of the problems by making the ignition
timing somewhat adjustable.
Subsequent developments in engine design worked out the problems and the idea
that if you can't make something perfect, then make it adjustable . . . the
idea of thin shims for head gaskets was born. This allows us to use shims of
different thicknesses to adjust for maturing engines, different fuels and glow
If you have complete flexibility, with compression adjustability, fuel
components, and glo plug heat range, then juggling all three will eventully lead
you to some combination that will work if you keep at it. When you boil it down
to fixed fuel and fixed glow plug, you only have one choice . . . compression.
This is exactly where we are in F1C. In a similar way, most power free
flight events, with only the fuels being different, the quest for max power is
leading us to elevated nitro content. If you add nitro, and the power doesn't
increase, your compression is too high.
In reference to the above paragraph, we are assuming that the engine
designers and builders know what they are doing and the timing and other design
elements are correct. We are only trying to address the tuning element here.
Here are the things you need to pay attention to in order to find the right
compression for your engine.
If you have low temperature, an engine will be much more tolerant of high
compression. If you have high temperature, an engine will be more tolerant of l
compression. Conversely, if you have low temperature and low compression, the
engine will be touchy on the needle and will want to quit when you lean it
out, going into an up and down, un-able to set the needle, situation. If you
have high temperature and high compression, the needle will be very vague, and
will only want to 2-stroke. In this condition, when you turn the needle to the
rich side, it will make little difference until it finally gets over rich and
dies. Said another way . . . If it is cold or cool and the engine only wants to
4-stroke, it is under compressed. If it is warm or hot and it only wants to
2-stroke it is over-compressed.
The correct compression setting is somewhere in the middle of these two
conditions. Once you find the right compression, the engine will be good at both
extremes and not need further fiddling. When an engine gets more mature, very
often you will find that it will tolerate about .002 more compression.
Modern race engines, like Nelson and Cyclon, when they are set up close to
right, will favor the high compression more because we really don't want them to
4-stroke anyway. I like them to tell me by starting to miss and slow a bit
when opening the needle, then just lean it out until it cleans up again and
leave it there. In order to enhance plug life on very high rpm engines, you
should avoid over-leaning when tuning the engine. Know where it wants to be set,
and don't go past that rpm. One tenth of a second of running too lean is all it
takes to melt the plug. (At 31,000 rpm, each second has 516 pops.) Using an
acoustic tach can lead a flyer to watching the tach and over-leaning until the
rpm drops and then backing off. At that point the plug is probably wounded if
not dead
Bottom line . . . test your engine in the cold weather and get it to work in
low temps. As a further check, test it in warm weather to see if you went too
far with compression. It will tell you if you are listening.
Junior World Champs Germany
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The 2007 Junior World Championships will now be flown on the Cochstedt
Airport which is approx. 9 miles SW from the original flying field. For
further information see Bulletin #3 at The Salzland Cup
will also be held on the same Airport.
New Conrod oil system
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello dear friends,
I have production new conrod oil system into conrods of our engines .
Please check the picture included.
Best regards !
World Champion F2A
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
RE: NFFS Table at the NATS
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Hello guys,
We need volunteers to man the NFFS table at the Muncie NATS. Please read the
message below and contact Bob Hanford if you can spare an hour or two! If we
all pitch in a little the table will be covered.
Thanks and Thermals,
Don DeLoach
NFFS Publicity Chair
P.S. Please forward this message to your club e-mail rosters.
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Hi Don,
I hope you're getting ready for the NATS! You may have noticed that each
year, there is an NFFS table where publications, memberships, NFFS apparel,
sympo's, raffle tickets and banquet tickets are sold. In the past few
years, the NFFS membership chairman has usually been the person who is at
the table all week. Hank Nystrom did it for several years, and J.P. Kish
has been the one for the last couple of years. This year, J.P. will be in
the midst of a move, so he will not be attending the NATS.
Rex has asked that each district be responsible for one day at the table, so
I am looking for volunteers to sit in the shade for an hour or two on
Wednesday, August 2. The more volunteers we have, the shorter the time at
the tent will be for each. Please let me know if you, a helper, or anyone
else you know who will be attending the NATS are able to help in this
effort, and if you have a particular time of the day that you would prefer.
I would appreciate a reply by the end of the week if possible, so that times
can be coordinated.
See you in Muncie,
July 2006 issue of Free Flight Quarterly has appeared
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The new issue of Free Flight Quarterly is out! It is our 20th issue and
we have made it another special Coupe (F1G) issue, with a great
collection of articles on modern and Vintage Coupes. In this issue the
reader will find the second parts of the articles by Anselmo Zeri and
Edgardo Figueroa on their approach to Coupe design and construction
begun in FFQ#19, as well as the "snapshots" of French Coupe history by
Jean Wantzenriether. Individual designers bring their experience and
insight on the description and analysis of their own Coupe designs:
Helmut Werfl, Alessandro Manoni, Jack Emery, Tom Ioerger, Ian Davitt,
George Sharp, Jean F Frugoli. The remarkable recent developments by
Russian and Ukrainian Coupe designers, who have given us the ready made
components, kits and ARTF models is also the subject of another article.
These essays show the commendable diversity of approach in this
category, still a haven for the inquisitive mind.
On the Vintage Coupe side, Andrew Longhurst tells of the English
experience in flying and building Vintage Coupes, an article accompanied
by his beautiful pen drawings. Marcel Lavoie adds a simple construction
technique suitable for the fuselage structure of these Vintage models. A
new plan by Ralph Sparrow of one of the best Vintage Coupe, Morisset's
"Jump bis" is also included in our Vintage Coupe coverage.
Free Flight Quarterly also wishes to announce that the articles
contained in these two Coupe issues plus a number of additional ones
will be contained in a coming book, the "Free Flight Quarterly Coupe
Survey, 2006" which we hope will be a useful reference for Free Flight
designers, and not only for Coupe enthusiasts. Please refer to our
website for date of publication and price.
Sergio Montes
PC9 for Combat
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New 10 F2D Combat engines PC9 999Euro included shipping cost !
Best regards !
World Champion F2A
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
Jnr world champs update
Welcome to the Website of the F1A, F1B, F1P
Junior World Championships 2006 in Germany
Latest News - Change of Venue !
F1 Junior World Champs 2006 will take place at Airport Cochstedt
End of June we had been able to rent an airport including building and
follow-me-car to host the 10th Junior Freeflight World Champs and the 3rd
Freeflight Salzland World Cup commencing before.
The Airport Cochstedt ( had
been built as a Russian Military Airfield in the fifties and is now
perfectly renovated despite lacking any traffic. It is surrounded by open
fields, see this link. The distance from the original flying field close
to Borne to the airport is about 12 km straight line to Southwest.
Distances to commute from hotels and campsites to the venue will be about
the same as before. Just the organisation preferred to move near the
airport and offers the hotel in Borne to teams (see the list revised).
Harvested fields close to Borne may be used for practising before Friday,
August 18th.
The airport will be open daily from the Salzland Cup August 18th at 9.00
hours to the night of the banquet August 25th. Participants of the World
Champs are invited to attend the World Cup as a warming up (see the
Bulletin). Supporters wanting to enter the airfield but not registered as
competitors, team managers, helpers or timekeepers need to buy an
admission ticket (? 10, juniors ? 5) giving access all eight days.
Runway and taxiway in main wind direction exceed more than 3 km. They make
it easy to follow the models, but motorised retrieving by car will not be
allowed. Competitors and teams without bikes will be offered to rent
bicycles on spot. Shuttle service between flight line and airport building
will be offered to bridge the kilometres.
All formal activities during the World Cup and the World Champs will take
place inside and outside of the airport building. As announced before,
registration and processing for the World Champs August 21st are scheduled
between 9.00 and 17.00 hours, the Opening Ceremony at 18.00 hours, Team
Managers Meeting at 20.00 hours. On demand, the restaurant in the first
floor will be offering barbecues in the night. The airport is closed
during the night, no camping will be allowed. Price giving and banquet
August 25th will be inside or outside of the building, depending on the
If there are questions don't hesitate to contact us.
On behalf of the German Aero Club and its Aeromodelling Commission
Gerhard Woebbeking
(Event Director)
Back from Denver
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
We [Rene Limberger & I] got back from the MagMntnMen Denver, CO
contest this afternoon.
A good trip in his new View RV.
We had success: he won F1A & I won CLG.
A big T-storm put an end to things Sun about 5pm, with Coupe still
undecided, as I understand...Stay tuned...
FYI, anyone driving that way MUST stop in Durango, CO @ the
'Serious Texas BBQ'! It is just the best BBQ in the USA!
I believe that, cause Willy Nelson testified so for their Wall of Honor!
We want to say 'Thanks' to the MMM Good Guys for the warm welcome
& the fine competition you ran!
Rene & the Leeper
Death of Tim Banaszak
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Former SAM officer Tim Banaszak passed away July 2. Wake is Wed. 2-5 and
7-9 at Fagen-Miller F. Home on Rt.41 near the High School in St.John,
IN. No word about the Contest he was to CD this month at BONG.
Otto Curth
Could you post this on SCAT- many of his friends across the country read
Peter King and all that Jazz
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I'm not sure of the address fro the SCAT page and wanted to post this URL on
it. Rather than wait for the next one to come round I'm sending it direct
to you.
Bill Shoemaker, who is a Jazz writer for Downbeat Magazine, interviewed me
in Italy for a new web page thing he's set up. The interview was all about my
modeling activities. He had the idea to run a column about Musicians who
have another life and this is the result. There are some odd mistakes as he
recorded me and got a few things a little wrong once he wrote it up. However I
thought it might be of interest to modelers, especially the many Jazz fans
among them. I hope it will also give the sport a bit of extra coverage aimed
at people who know nothing about it.
The main URL is
If you click on "Something Else" and the follow up page, or go straight to
you'll find the article and a photo etc.
Warm wishes
Direction Change ot the Finals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Don't go East on 46 from Interstate 5 to get to the Finals field. So,
clarifying and stopping the e-mails....From the Los Angeles side (South), you
will be taking a left on 46 from Interstate 5. If you are coming in from
Northern California (Sacramento) you will the take a right....and anyone who h
questions can call me at (916) 967-8475 Your direction challenged CD, Mike
re:Korda Color
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The cover shows his model covered in Red tissue on all surfaces with some
black tissue used as trim around the nose area. It also had what looked
to be an aluminum colored (painted?) prop assembly.
John Malkin
Re: SEN 1013 30 June 2006
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Many thanks for the first e-newsletter for months! It's good to have you
Roger Morrell