SEN 1013 - 30 Jun 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1284
SEN 1013 30 June 2006
Table of Contents
F1C Stuff For Sale - Poti
USA Team Selection Update - Bradley
F1Q Etimer - Rivers
Glow plug alert. - Dukie
Linstrum ? - Brokenspar
RE: SEN 1012 14 June 2006 / Korda - Mate
New engine PC9 for FAI F2D
Vol Libre just published
World Cup reports - Kaynes
Easy Tail Boom Repair Method: - Morris
Re: Korda color - Clemens
F1C Stuff For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A posting for SCAT. Thanks.
F1C : Achterberg 100 Kit For Sale: 6 wing panels not joined, stab, rudder,
fuselage, tailboom, coupler, stab mount, bunt unit, wing adjuster. Ready for
assembly and covering. Cowl fits Hummer.
Contact: Norman Poti, 1410 Folk Ream Rd, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344,
USA Team Selection Update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Would you please post this on the next SEN. I neglected to include it in
the 2007 FF Team Selection Program Newsletter that was sent out earlier this
Jim Bradley, FFTSC Chairman
2007 FAI US Free Flight Selection Finals Information
It's time to make your plans for the 2007 Ukraine World Champs but first,
you need to compete for your spot on the 2007 US Team Finals this October 10-13
in Lost Hills, California. The following information should give you
everything you need to make your Finals plans. If you have any questions please do
not hesitate to drop me an E-mail, I check E-mail on a regular basis and it's
the best way to correspond with me however if you would like to call, you
may do so at (916) 967-8475 evenings.
How do I get there? Lost Hills is located 145 miles north of Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) off of Interstate 5. The Lost Hills exit is
Highway 46 and you travel east on HWY 46 for approximately 6 miles. Turn right
on Holloway Road and you'll find the entrance to the field about two miles
down the road on the left.
Where do I stay? You may stay on the field and there will be many motor
homes, tents and trailers that will be parked in a specific area, there are no
utility hook-ups. In Lost Hills there are two motels, Days Inn at (661)
797-2371 and Motel 6 at (661) 797-2346 as well as an RV area that does have
hook-ups. If they are unavailable, there are additional motels in Buttonwillow
20 minutes south on I-5.
What is the schedule? Juan Livotto will hold his traditional FAI contest
on Saturday and Sunday 10/7 and 10/8. Processing for the Finals will be Monday
10/9 and the Finals will be flown 10/10-13 with a reserve day on Friday
10/14. Following the Finals, the Sierra Cup World Cup Event will be flown on
Saturday and Sunday.
The event schedule for this year's Finals is as follows:
Oct. 10th-F1C flies early round and F1B flies late round.
Oct. 11th-F1B flies early and F1A flies late. F1B flyoff starts at 5PM
Oct.12th-F1A flies early and F1C flies late. F1A flyoff starts at 5PM
and F1C at 5:20.
Oct.13th- If required, a final flyoff in the order of F1B 7:20AM, F1A 7:40,
and F1C 8:00.
All 1st Round maxes are 240 seconds for F1A, 300 seconds for F1B and F1C,
conditions permitting.
All other non-flyoff rounds will be 180 seconds, conditions permitting.
Flyoffs will be 300 seconds for the first flight followed by 420 seconds
then 540 seconds, and 660 seconds. All maxes on the morning of Oct 13 will
be 600 seconds.
Round Times early late
1 7:30-8:00 8:10-8:40
2 8:50-9:20 9:30-10:00
3 10:10-10:40 10:50-11:20
4 11:30-12:00 12:10-12:40
5 12:50-1:20 1:30-2:00
6 2:10-2:40 2:50-3:20
7 3:30-4:00 4:10-4:40
Round start times can be awkward for flyers since rounds do not always start
on the hour, please pay attention to your round start and closing times.
Regular rounds are 30 minutes long. Flyoffs are flown in a 10 minute window.
Official time will match your GPS device time and will be displayed on a
clock near the directors/scoring area.
When do I time? You will be required to time a full day or be responsible
to provide a qualified timer in your place. A $200 deposit (payable at
processing) will be required from each flyer to ensure your timer obligation s are
fulfilled. A check or money order payable to the AMA is required, cash will
not be accepted. F1A times day 1, F1C day 2 and F1B day 3. All flyers not
in the flyoff should make themselves available for flyoff timing. There will
be a qualified timer pool available and those individuals will be paid $100
a day to assist timing. If you are interested in timing, contact me by
The Contest Administrator is Bob Norton, Contest Director is Mike McKeever,
F1A Administrator is Martyn Cowley, F1B Administrator is Walt Rozelle, F1C
Administrator is Doug Galbreath, Timer Administrator is Larry Norval and the
Head Jurist is Chuck Markos. This team will be responsible both for pre and
post (as well as during) event processing as well as all other aspects of
Finals administration. Towline lengths, rubber motor weight and model weight
will be checked during the contest rounds on a spot check basis.
There will be subsequent updates as we get closer. Information may also be
posted on the SEN Web page on occasion. That should do it for now, call or
drop me an E-mail should you have questions. Thanks and I look forward to the
Finals and the selection of another great team to compete in Ukraine.
Mike McKeever, Contest Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._ (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) (916) 967-8475
F1Q Etimer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1Q Timer
Here is another F1Q timer to put on your list. Actually I'm working on
two timers, one for F1Q Electric and another for the new NFFS E36 entry
level electric class. The F1Q unit is the more completely developed and
is fully operational in at least four airplanes right now.
F1Q Timer Description:
Functions: Two servos plus motor speed control. The current software
utilizes one servo which moves sequentially under microproccessor
control. A slotted servo disc releases levers holding lines for VIT, AR,
and DT. Separate VIT and AR release times can be set to occur either
before or after motor shut down.
Interface: There are two choices. A Palm handheld computer or on-board
manual switches. The Palm is used only as a terminal device, so a laptop
computer could be used instead so long as it has a serial connection.
With a computer interface all timing is set with 0.1 second resolution.
The motor speed can also be preset from 0% to 100%. The manual system is
less precise, but does not need any computer equipment to be brought to
the field.
Control: A push button switch on the airplane sets up the timing
sequence. First press: the servo is moved and held at a position to load
the release levers. When ready, the button is pressed again and held for
4 seconds to arm the motor and start it running. Finally, the button is
released at launch to start the flight timing. The button also functions
as an emergency shut down. If you change your mind about launching just
repress the button and the motor stops instantly. Also, there is an
on-board switch to power the timer on or off.
Alarms: An on-board beeper sounds if bad inputs are programmed. For
example, if DT time is less than motor runtime the alarm sounds and
motor start is electronically aborted.
Radio DT: Inputs ports are available for 2 radio inputs: motor shut down
and DT.
Input Power: The timer works in cooperation with a commercial motor
controller which is part of the electric drive train. The controller is
powered from the motor battery. It sends regulated power to the timer,
receives speed control signals back from the timer, then sends drive
power to the motor.
E36 Timer: Info available from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dick Ivers
Glow plug alert.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you have purchased Nelson plugs between January 15 and June 6, there may
be a problem with the seal which results in the plug developing a leak while
running. The rate of failure will be somewhere between 0 and 10%. You may not
have seen any failures in free flight, as I have had no complaints from free
flighters as yet, due to the shorter run time that our plugs get compared to
combat and RC. However, if you have purchased Nelson HD plugs during that period,
you can send the suspected plugs to me or Henry and either he or I will "hit"
the seal crimp and return them to you asap. Keep in mind plugs that have been
run cannot be fixed. I m particulary interested in the F1C flyers that will be
competing in the Finals this fall. You guys make sure you are using plugs
that have been fixed or purchased after June 6. Plugs sold before January are OK
and plugs that have been sold since June 6 have all been fixed, or are of the
newest run, which are all OK. Do not send any plugs back that have a flat
crimp on the seal. They are the ones that have been "Hit".
I will have plugs at the finals, and I will also bring the "hitter" with me
and can handle that chore at the site.
Doug Galbreath
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have we hear of or from our friend Dave Linstrum in recent
years or months ?
RE: SEN 1012 14 June 2006 / Korda
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I must respond to the Korda. Dick was from a Hungarian family as am I. We
spoke in Hungarian when I last saw him at his Commemorative. Very few words.
He did not recall the language as well as I do. But my main point is that it
was my first competition type model when I was about nine. I had been doing
mostly solid models at the time, not realizing what fun there was to be had
in flying models.
What woke me up was a guy at the playground launching a Commercial rubber
job from the top of the kiddy slide. It did not climb much, fortunately for
it wold have ended up in the nearby trees. In the calm it would make 2 or 3
circles and land. I was ecstatic and remembered the '39 Korda kit at home
that my brother was given for subscribing to AirTrails. It was juat
collecting dust. I very painstakingly and painfully managed to complete it.
It was to be red and called the "Red Devil". Dad said he could get me some
red lacquer from work.
It was too thick and not knowing any better I used the enamel thinner we had
on hand. It never did dry. But undaunted I went to a local hobby shop and
bought the over quarter pound of brown rubber the plans called for. The guy
was amazed that all that rubber was going into ONE model. The prop pitch
somehow ended up to be around 60. When I launched it the blade just slapped
the air and not pulling very much. It went about a hand glide distance under
power mainly because it was tossed so hard. But it was a beginning. In later
years I always had 1 or 2 "39 Kordas. I won with it in the first contest I
ever flew it in, in a SAM event. It is still red.
Ed Mate
New engine PC9 for FAI F2D
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello dear friend,
I have on the stock the engines 2006 for F2D - PC6 !
Delivery time 2 days.
Price 149 Euro. The engine included prop, mount's, muffler, glow plug.
Special offer : 999Euro for 10 engines included shipping cost !
PC7 and PC8 available also.
Spare parts for PC4, PC5, PC6 available also.
This money will be go to big Siberian National Champ for children 2006 (all
class 23 June...06 July , Novosibirsk )
World Champion F2A
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
Vol Libre just published
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Happy to let you known
"Vol Libre" # 169 is at the post office.
Various subjects as usual. But # 170 will be that of the thirtieth birthday
of VL. The first cover showed our SEN lister and friend Bernard Boutillier,
at that glorious time the French Champion in F1B.
Editor : Andre' Schandel from Strasbourg/France
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World Cup reports
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Cup reports
In issue 1011 Aram suggested reporting on the number of competitors per pole
at events. This is already one of the standard pieces of information on the
jury report form. You can access these reports by going to the World Cup web
go down to the list of competitions included in the results (F1A B C or F1E)
and click on any of the jury report links. The jury report, where available,
is also cross-linked from the competition results page for the event.
There is not complete coverage of jury reports - organisers please note and
provide the report if I do not have one shown for your event..
Ian Kaynes
Easy Tail Boom Repair Method:
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: SEN 1012 14 June 2006
1. Roll piece of 1/2 - 1 mil Mylar and slip inside of tail boom at the break.
2. Tie knot in end of 2' - 3' length of surgical tubing and dangle down end
of boom so tubing end is opposite break and inside the rolled Mylar.
3. Using syringe, pump water into tubing until the end expands to size and
needed to round out the boom at the break and then pinch tubing to hold
4. Epoxy al. sheet to the OD of the boom at the break and wrap with tape and
leave until epoxy has cured.
5. Release water from surgical tubing. Remove tubing and Mylar. Remove tape
on OD. Perfecto -- done!!
Gil Morris
Re: Korda color
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Model Aviation, about 4-5 years ago, ran a color cover photo of Dick Korda
holding his model. This was probably from an old Kodachrome slide, since
that film was about the only consumer color material available in 1939. I
don't recall the color of the model, but someone on this list no doubt has
the magazine stashed away somewhere and can answer Brokenspar's question
about the color the model's tissue.
Bob Clemens
Roger Morrell