SEN 884 - 28 Jul 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1284
SCAT Electronic News 28 July 2004 issue 884
Table of Contents
Rocky Mountain Champs
Time is time is time - Schlosberg
Paper tubes - Segrave
F1B Design Questions - Fee
Jr. World Champs - Secor
Ed Keck Passing - Bradley
Ed Keck - Clemens, Dukie, Morris, Simpkins, Carstens
Rocky Mountain Champs
Tired of chasing in the crops at Muncie? Come fly with us in Denver, our
field is 3x5 miles with no crops in sight.
How about trees? Well if you like fishing airplanes out of them don't come
to our field, we have virtually no trees.
How about summer heat? The high temp in Denver in late August is normally in
the low 80s with humidity of about 30%.
What about the thin air? True models glide a little faster at 6000 ft MSL.
But the thermals are some of the strongest in the country. Don't knock it
till you've tried it!
Come share the legendary Magnificent Mountain Men experience at the 39th
Rocky Mountain Free Flight Champs, Aug 28-29, 2004.
As we see it there are two kinds of free flighters: those who've flown here
and those who've always wanted to. Make this YOUR year.
Currently the MMM website is under construction. But you may download the
contest flyer and take advantage of a special $20 pre-entry offer at:
Saturday evening Grill-fest
The perfect end to the perfect contest: on-field gourmet grilling by MMM
chefs after Saturday's flying. A veriety of grilled meats, beans, drinks and
dessert will all be provided free of charge. And in an additional show of
gratitude visitors will be treated to the singing of the MMM theme song
"Pissin' in the Wind." Priceless!
The Microtel Inn in Parker, Colorado (720-851-2644) has a block of rooms
reserved under "MMM" for $62 each, double occupancy. These rooms are
reserved only until August 8th, after that they go back into regular
inventory. Another nearby motel is the Country Manor Motel in Watkins, CO,
800-834-9925. Both hotels are about 15 minutes from the field. The Microtel
has ample shopping and restaurants nearby and a free continental breakfast;
the Country Manor is about $10 less per night, but has only limited
conveniences as Watkins is a very small town.
The contest directors welcome your inquiries:
Don DeLoach
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Jerry Murphy
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Time is time is time
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Time is time is time
This comment is on the topic of the extended and super-max.
Both cover the time above the standard 3-minute max. Using
the American terminology, if the first rounds super max is
4-minutes, then one gets to keep the excess time as long as
one does not drop any time during the regular rounds.
Super maxes only effects fliers who have not maxed out and
settles ties. For example, suppose the first round had a super
-max of 4:00 and two fliers dropped 10 seconds after the first
round. To settle the tie one compares their super max times.
If one flier did 4:00 minutes, and the other 3:59, the first flier
gets the higher placing.
So, in a large contest, 100 fliers are doing their utmost effort
to super max, and the net outcome is that it only matters to
settle a tie between the 65th and 66th place, if at all.
But in small contests, the super-max can impact the outcomes
when the number of full scores is low. To make the point,
suppose that all the contest rounds are super-maxes. One
flier scores 179 seconds in each of the seven rounds. The
other flier makes the 4:00 super max over the first six rounds,
but drops 10 seconds in the last round. Although his measured
times is 1610 ( = 6*240+170), his official time is only 1250
(= 6*180+170), below the first flier with 1253 (= 7*179). So
the super-max alchemy evaporates 360 seconds into thin air,
never to be recorded on the official time report.
Instead of simplifying a contest=s administration, super-maxes
actually complicate the scoring, since at the first drop, the
total has to be recalculated. Even at small contests, totaling
errors typically occur.
Extending the maxes is a useful way to reduce the size of
flyoffs in large international contests. The additional time
does not matter for those who have maxed out. But for
these who don't, the super max favors the fliers with the
smallest deviations from the max. In other words, target
time flying. Was this the intention of the rule?
Dan Tracey has strenuously argued at CAIM for substituting
the super max by an extended max, so that all the flown time
would matter. It has become known as the American
position and is passed on to the next topic..
My strong intuition is that all time counts. Period. And that it's
time to dump the super-max for the extended-max.
Paper tubes
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First of all, many thanks for all the great response on the request I made
for info on making these useful items. I have tried all suggested methods
and finally come up wiith a repeatable system.
First, use only model cement. Useing white glue expands the paper and makes
the pprocess very difficult, Cyano due to the heat generated on its drying
also the quickness of drying are bith good reasons not to use this adhesive.
So down to the actual method. Take a piece of bond paper and try to tear it
down one side. If that is difficult you muust be attemppting to tear ACROSS
the grain. You will find the other side 90 degrees opposed will tear much
more easilt and also, parallel to the side.
Now cut a rectangle 40 x 80 mm with is grain parallel to the short 40mm
side. Now take your mandrel, a length of wire, dowel or carbon rod and place
it on the paper parallel to the short side and close to the edge. Liift this
combination and roll the paper around the mandel . Go past one revolution.
Roll the combo backwards and forwards a number of times to make the paper
take up a set. Now unroll this combo to the position such that you can just
see a part of the mandrel and apply glue(see above) for about i/3 on the
remaining paper. And then roll the paper round tyhe mandrel all the while
keeping the paper tightly in your hands on the mandrel. When the 1/3 glue
position is reached, apply glue to the rest of the paper and, when the tube
is complete,scontinue to roll it on the mandrel a few turns. Then slide the
tube oiff and leave it to dry.
Mike S
Jr. World Champs
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As we do our final packing for the Jr. World Champs we want to Thank the
Free Flight community for your support. We have seen allot of debate about
support for Juniors from the Open community. From our experience we have had
outstanding support.
Special thanks to SCAT Club who has been very supportive of the Jr. Program.
Randy, Tyler & Cody Secor
Ed Keck Passing
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We have lost another great power flier with the passing of Ed Keck on Thursday,
July 22nd. Ed was a past many times F1C Team Member and always finished well
in the World Championships. He will be remembered as fierce competitor but
willing spend time talking and sharing ideas with anyone.
Ed flew Free Flight in the 50's and 60's before taking up RC Pattern where he
also became one of the top competitors. I will always remember the first
time I met Ed in the early 90's. He had come to Florida for the Tangerine RC
contest to fly pattern. The Tangerine is a week long affair held during the
Christmas/New Years week. He was hear to fly in the RC contest but he had
recently seen some AMA and FAI power models at a free flight contest and was
amazed at the performance of modern free flight models. Ed want to come by
the house and talk about Carbon Fiber. We spent the whole afternoon together
talking about Free Flight. He flew in the RC contest and then skipped a day to
come over to the King Orange to watch Free Flight. I think that was the last
time he flew in an RC contest. By the summer he was competitive in AMA gas
and he took up F1C the following year and became one of the top F1C fliers.
Ed will also be remembered as one of the co-developers, along with Doug
Galbreath, of the Hummer F1C geared engine. His years working the machine tool
industry paid off in the precision of the gear train in the Hummer Engine. It
was Ed's passion for F1C that made him to get involved with the Hummer project.
We have recently lost Bob Johannes and now Ed, both of them will be in my
thoughts every day this October at the Team Selection Finals.
Jim Bradley
F1B Design Questions
Please forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask such a question but,
I am interested in doing some design exercises on F1B props. I've got
several examples as I have been around F1B for a few years... but I've
never "done the math." I'm also interested in helping a friend who has built
a solar-powered UAV and is looking to optimize his propeller for lower Re.
Are there design equations which have been published? Any ideas?
-David Fee
Ed Keck Passed Away!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good Afternoon Fellow Free Flighters:
I just received word from Marilyn Johannes, that another one of the premier FAI
free flighters has passed away about a week ago, ED KECK.
I believe his death was due to cancer.
Give a prayer for Ed's family and friends. I am sure there is really some kind
of gathering up there with the recent influx of free flighters. For all we know
, they may even be able to intice THE Man upstairs into some free flighting!
If you have heard about Ed already or not, please inform the others that may no
t have heard yet.
Thanks. Thermals to you Ed and may each day be endless!
Ed Keck has died
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Ed Keck died quietly at his home in Webster, NY, on July 22 following a long
battle with cancer. He was 74.
Ed, a member of the Western New York Free Flight Society, was informed
shortly before his death that he had been elected to the AMA Hall of Fame.
A memorial service will be held at the convenience of his family.
NOTE: I'm sorry I don't have any more details to add at this time. I'm told
an expanded death notice will appear in our Rochester paper next week.
Bob Clemens
Ed Keck
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Edward W Keck, : WEBSTER: Passed quietly, at home with loved ones, July
22, 2004. Ed was a deeply devoted Christian individual. He was a GMI graduate,
a corporate leader, business entrepreneur and Rochester Rotarian. Ed loved model
aviation and is in the elite group of the Model Aviation Hall of Fame, and
the Free Flight Society Hall of Fame. His wife Sue, son Fred, daughter Heidi an
family Tim & Emily loved him dearly and will miss him.
A Memorial Service will be held at the convenience of the family.
Falvo Funeral Home, Webster
Roger Morrell