SEN 883 - 25 Jul 2004
- Details
- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1401
SCAT Electronic News 25 July 2004 issue 883
Table of Contnets
SEN E-Mail Address
Junior Particpation
Sierra Cup - McKeever
Open Letter to the chairman of the CIAM - van Wallene et al
From the Johannes Family
Argentina 2005 World Champs website - Leeper
Mooney in the FAC Hall of Fame - Willis
vintage glider plan wanted - Abad
Ken Bauer / RCDT ? - Reid
To Mr. Morrell about Black Sea Cup - Terentyev
Huron Cup 2004 Results - McGlashan
SCAT posts on WC - TxTimer
SEN E-mail
Please send submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - some in this edition were
sent to other e-mail addresses that I use only
intermittantly .. so were lucky to be included.
Junior Participation
I just got back from a quick trip to Kyiv, that coincided with the Antonov Cup.
A most enouraging thing about the event was the level of Junior participation,
in both quantity and quality. While some of them were the
children of well known sportsmen, Vivchar, Gorban,
Kulkovsky, .. it was very interesting that others were just regular people.
This is very positive because the former Soviet system of building
young engineers through modelling is no longer in existance and they need help
from private people just like every where else.
If we look at the World Cup F1A Junior score sheet we can see significant
participation from many other countries too, so this phenomenom is not
just in the competition driven Ukraine. Watching the juniors at both the
Antonov Cup and at Lost Hills events, they are hanging out together
and socializing together as well as flying, a very positive sign.
So here's wishing all the contestants at the up coming Junior World
Champs at Montcontour all the best both on and off the field.
Sierra Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It's 103 degrees in Sacramento today and of course, all FAI flyers thoughts
turn toward cooler temperatures and ....Our Endless October. I'm trying
something a little different this year and would like the majority of the entries
for the Sierra Cup to be done through the Internet with the help of SCATs (and
Roger's) great Web Site. Just print off this entry and send it to me with the
appropriate fees and you won't have to wait for a mailed entry. I will mail
you an entry form at your request, just let me know by E-mail or phone.
Sierra Cup Entry Form
When: Friday, October 15 & Saturday, the 16th with Sunday as a reserve day
if needed.
Where: Waegell Field, Sacramento, California
What: Friday, the "mini" events, F1G, F1H and F1J &
Saturday F1A, F1B and F1C
There's a banquet on Saturday evening that is included in your entry.
Additional attendees are $20. We will be having good food and our trophy
presentation at the Rancho Cordova Elks Club. i
The large facility is just off Sunrise on
the way to the fileld (look for the orange sign). Please let me know if it's
tri-tip beef, chicken or vegetarian.
E-mail address..................
Banquet Selection ( ) Beef ( ) Chicken ( ) Vegetarian
Nationality and Aero Club International License
AMA Affiliate Memebrship (required to fly on field) $28.00
( ) F1A ( ) F1B ( ) F1C $45.00
( ) F1G ( ) F1H ( ) F1J $45.00
If you enter both a "mini" and "maxi" event, total fee for both is $60.00
Additional banquet tickets are $20.00 per person.
Make checks payable to: Sierra Eagles MAC
Mail them to me at: Mike McKeever
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca, USA 95628
(916) 967-8475
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Look forward to seeing you all again, I'll post some more updates as we get
closer. Mike
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The Stonehenge Cup, World Cup Event, 18th and 19th September 2004, RAF
Sculthorpe, Near Fakenham, Norfolk, United Kingdom.
Just a reminder that the closing date for entries is 27th August 2004.
Full details of the event and entry form can be obtained from Mick
Howick, Knoll House, 69 The Street, Hindringham, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21
0PR, UK, or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bed and Breakfast accomodation is available on the Friday, Saturday and
Sunday night near to Sculthorpe, and an evening meal for competitors,
officials and guests is also available.
Peter Tribe, FFTC
Open Letter to the chairman of the CIAM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear all,
as announced in one of my previous SCAT postings, I hereby enclose the
open letter as sent to the chairman of the CIAM, Mr Ian Kaynes.
I am furthermore happy to read the report of the Black Sea Cup and hope
this will be a trend for the coming future: "competitions for the
The Chairman of the CIAM FF Subcommittee,
Mr. Ian Kaynes
Allard van Wallene
Oudeweg 35
NL 2631 PA Nootdorp
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
and the undersigned
Nootdorp, July 24th, 2004
Dear Mr. Kaynes,
We would like to report once more some serious deviations from the FAI
regulations in the fly-off of the 2004 Sezimovo Usti World Cup
The starting time of the F1A fly off was announced in advance after the
last regular round. However, for no apparent reason, this was delayed
several times.
One minute before the actual start of the fly off, it was communicated
to some flyers that the working time was reduced to 5 minutes. In our
opinion, this is a clear violation of Sporting Code which states that
the working time for a fly off must be 10 minutes.
It is furthermore noted, that neither did the Jury report as published
on the FAI Internet site
tm and in accordance with Part B.4.1. of the FAI Sporting Code Section
4b state such deviation from the Rules nor was it announced in any of
the bulletins.
Reference is furthermore made to our letter of 27th of May 1997 which
shows the occurrence of similar Rule violations (fly off working times
of 5 and 2 minutes respectively). A copy of this letter can be found at
Other than these non compliances, we would like furthermore to report
non compliances and divergences from FAI Rules such as:
-Ending the fly off working time at 9 minutes when 10 minutes was
announced (in the year 2000)
-Inadequate timekeeping (recorded max for sub max flights and vice
this happened frequently and even regularly influenced the top 10
results: all years)
-Incorrect positioning of starting line, models landing in town, trees,
public road and power lines nearby (2004)
-Absence of timekeepers and / or score cards at start of round,
preventing participants to start (all years)
-Non communication of decisions like maximum flight time, fly off
details, moving of starting line etcetera (all years)
-Obstructions (cars/vans) in starting area (2003)
-Unsafe starting area caused by car-racing youngsters (2003)
-Absence of tow line check equipment (all years)
-No spot checking of tow lines / rubber and model weights (all years)
We would like to draw your attention to the open letter sent by the CIAM
to all World Cup organizers in 2003 and published on the internet FAI
home page:
Which reads in its second paragraph:
"Please note that World Cup competitions are expected to be run to a
high standard. The CIAM Free Flight Subcommittee and the CIAM Bureau
have agreed that events which are not run in accordance to the Sporting
Code will not be included in the World Cup for the following year. Thus
2003 events which fail to reach the required standard will not be
eligible for World Cup in 2004." (emphasis not added by undersigned).
Taking account of the above, the undersigned would welcome to see the
CIAM take steps to enforce the FAI rules in future World Cup events.
Sincerely yours,
Allard van Wallene (World Cup winner 1994, third place 2000)
Undersigned by e-mail by*:
Stefan Rumpp (World Cup winner in 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1992)
Maarten van Dijk (World Cup winner 2000, third place in 1997 and former
vice World Champion)
Anselmo Zeri (second place World Cup in 1997 and 1994, third place in
1995 and former vice World Champion)
Rudolf Holzleitner (second place World Cup in 1998 and fomer World
Champion in F1A)
Pim Ruyter (several World Cup top 10 places)
Rene and Siegfried Limberger (several World Cup top 10 places)
Christoph Bachmann (several World Cup top 10 places)
Ron and Ivo Kreetz (active World Cup participants)
Manfred Gruneis (active World Cup participant and vice former World
Michiel Faassen, chairman of the Dutch Free Flight Subcommittee of the
Royal Dutch Aeronautical Society (KNVvL)
and on behalf of the entire Dutch Free Flight Subcommittee.
*a copy of the e-mail can be provided upon request
From the Johannes Family
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Modelers,
David, Lorraine, and I wish to thank all of you who sent such beautiful
cards, messages, flowers, prayers, etc. before and after Bob's death. We so
appreciated your thoughtfulness and we will always remember your kind kind
Dave and I will be at the NATS and hope to see many of you there. We plan
on spreading half of Bob's ashes there at Muncie and the other half out at
Lost Hills in October. Bob will always be flying high in good thermals.
Marilyn Johannes
Argentina 2005 World Champs website
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Hi Roger,
Hector Diez called with info of import re the upcoming 2005 World Championships
in Argentina.
The following website, , has Bulletin 1
information listed.
The entry form for our National Aero Club is included, among other useful input.
He asked me to forward this info for all interested readers.
He is hoping to finalize his home sale and move to Bakersfield, it seems.
Leeper the Scribe
Lee Hines
Mooney in the FAC Hall of Fame
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FYI...At the FAC Nationals last week in Geneseo New Your, the FAC installed
Walt Mooney into their HALL OF FAME. On August 5th, The SCALE STAFFEL will
present the memorial placque to his family at their monthly meeting in San Diego.
Walt was one of the founders of the SCALE STAFFEL CLUB in the San Diego
Anyone who knew Walt and his tremendous contribution to Scale Rubber flight,
can call Roger Willis at 760-603-8877 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._
(mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for directions to the presentation..If you would
like to send an email "remembrance" just email to the above and I will get it
to the Mooney family.
Hope to hear from Walt Mooney friends from the past...
Best Thermals ...Roger Willis, Vice President SCALE STAFFEL
vintage glider plan wanted
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A big thanks for all your offers. Right now I am not "short" any more
of the Shorty. ;-)
Javier Abad
Ken Bauer / RCDT ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the July issue of Sergio Montes' "Free Flight Quarterly", Juha Heikkinen
writes of using a RCDT unit by Ken Bauer. Is this a commercial unit? How do
I contact Ken? Thanks for any information.
Jack Reid.
Jack, Ken's Modelling company is called Airtek
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To Mr. Morrell about Black Sea Cup
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Dear Roger,
please include these several words of thanks to Organizers,
Sponsors (Maecenas - more proper word) of Black Sea Cup and
personally to Victor Stamov, who like a bee had been turning
around all days.
That were really fantastic competition with highest level of
organization, friendly and helpfull people. I hope it will be
just a beginning of annual traditional competitions.
I've got a WHITE envy to Farlep Aeromodelling Club which has
such a great Maecenas like Mr. Alexander Marakhovskiy, hope
Russian Federation of Aeromodelling will find sometimes such
Good luck to all.
Terentyev Sergey.
Huron Cup 2004 Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We had the best weather ever for the Huron Cup - only 1 model went in
the bush due to an errant wind shift, and it has since been recovered.
The scores (attached) will pretty much tell the story. On Saturday, we
had 3 rounds in the morning, F1G, H, & J and then we stopped flying and
had a bbq featuring Patty's hamburgers and Leslie's hungarian sausages
all of which Patty cooked to perfection. When the thermals relaxed at 4
p.m. we finished the mini's and held 2 rounds of F1A, B & C in almost
perfect conditions. We finished the contest the next morning with 1
extended round and only 1 flyoff in F1C.
Tom Ioerger 120 106 120 120 120 586
Charlie Jones 120 120 99 120 120 579
Evan Simon 88 120 120 120 120 568
Chuck Markos 120 120 120 84 101 545
John Clapp 120 120 120 120 60 540
Greg Simon 60 60 98 - - 218
Chuck Markos 100 120 120 120 105 565
Bob Sifleet 120 77 120 120 120 557
Gil Morris 120 120 120 120 120 600
Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 - 480
Bob Sifleet 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 60 1320
Leslie Farkas 180 180 168 180 180 180 180 1248
Aram Schlosberg 180 180 180 180 180 156 180 1236
Jiri Horak 180 180 140 180 180 180 180 1220
Vidas Nikolajeras 180 180 180 180 180 138 180 1218
Chris Lenartowicz 180 180 180 115 180 180 180 1195
Victor Sokolov 131 180 123 180 180 180 180 1154
Chuck Markos 75 180 160 180 180 180 - 955
Kirk Binns - - 180 180 134 122 89 705
Todor Boiadjiev 134 52 - - - - - 186
Ladi Horak 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 120 1380
Greg Simon 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 92 1352
Charlie Jones 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 53 1313
Bob Biedron 180 180 180 180 180 180 172 1252
Evan Simon 180 180 180 155 180 180 180 1235
Ron Felix 180 180 180 180 180 152 154 1206
Paul Crowley 180 180 180 136 168 180 180 1204
Tom Ioerger 180 180 180 ATT - - - 540
Jerry McGlashan 148 180 180 - - - - 508
John Clapp 180 166 - - - - - 346
Bob Gutai 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 120 300 1680
Gil Morris 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 120 178 1558
Frank Schlachta 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 90 1350
Eric Condon DNF
SCAT posts on WC
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Is anyone going to try to send daily reports from France on the Jr WC
that you could put up each day?
Just a thought.
Roger Morrell