SEN 885 - 31 Jul 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1353
SCAT Electronic News 31 July 2004 issue 885
Table of Contents
Looking for CzechMate
David Fee - Segrave
Carrie Van Nest
My Friend Ed. - Gutai
Ed Keck - Farkas
Model Business for Sale - Brush
Prop Suggestions - Rossiter
Time is time for the Supermax? - Tribe
Ed Keck
Looking for CzechMate
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
'Was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a copy of full-size plans
for Peter Allnutt's "Czechmate". Reduced line drawings with all
dimensions would also be great.'
David Fee
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With regard to F1B props., contact Jjean Wantzenriether, 2 rue de la Marie
57810 Bourdonnay France. Although french he speaks English and has done a
very great deal on the design of rubber props. If you were to send him the
flight speed diameter,pitch and chord wiidth desired at 70%)and a specimen
of the type oof blade shape you would like, he will send you a set of
measurements to m ake a form to be carved to make mnoulded props.
I think he is at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mikke S
Carrie Van Nest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am the daughter of Bob Van Nest and of course my brothers Brian and Kurt. I
would just like to thank my family for some of the best memories of my
childhood. And the endless slides of flying pictures, many of
which are in so many
frames. I wish I could share some of the hundreds of slides of old and new
flying family and friends with some of you, just ask Craig Cusick.
I am in the of
process organizing these slides to have a family slide show. I am so grateful
to have these memories.
Carrie Christensen also know as quoted in a Newspaper photo of my brother
Brian as the "youngest daughter at the age of 5 who prefers Barbies over
airplanes," if they only new!
My Friend Ed.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ed Keck: A Fierce Competitor, My Pal, A True Friend.
I got a first hand look at Ed's competitive nature sometime in the
late '70's or early '80's while flying at an RC Sailplane contest on
Harris Hill, near Elmira, NY. (Yes, I strayed a bit from freeflight for
a time). Ed had made his time and was coming in for his landing. The
landing area was a rectangle about 10 feet wide and maybe 50 feet long.
Well, Ed's model was coming in pretty fast and it looked as if he would
overshoot the target. Not so! Ed hit down elevator, and stuck the nose
into the ground. Ed got his landing points.
It wasn't until several years later that I actually met Ed when he
started showing up at contests at Galeville, asking questions about
freeflight and F1C models. The following year he showed up with his
"Pink" silk covered models. While they weren't super models, they did
fly well. His next efforts were state of the art, and he never looked
back. His record in F1C since that time speaks for itself. He took
everything we showed him and really beat up on us with it.
I used to pick on Ed at times, and one of my favorites was his need to
stay clean while flying. This I'm sure was from his RC Pattern days. One
day at Galeville, his model came down in the swamp in the one corner of
the field. When he came back with the model, he was soaked, dirty, and
covered with stickers from the waist down. About 10 minutes later he
emerged from his motor home looking like he had showered and shaved, all
dressed in clean clothes. Rotten person that I am, I really got on him
about trying to be a fashion model. It took a while, but we finally got
Ed to the point where he would get down and dirty with the rest of us.
In 1993, and 2001, I had the pleasure of helping Ed at the World
Champs. He got a bit tight at this level of competition, and my main job
throughout the week was to keep him loose. He did fairly well at those
World Champs, but to this day I regret not being able to convince him to
use his old reliable "107" in that last flyoff in 2001. I really think
he'd have won the contest with it.
Over the years, Ed and I got to be good friends. He was one of the
most intelligent people I've had the pleasure of spending time with, and
very down to earth. He was liked by everyone who knew him.
Ed's spirit will live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew and
flew with him.
Go in peace my friend, may you find the Thermal Gods in the sky.
Bob Gutai
Ed Keck
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The information about the passing of our dear friend
Ed Keck has filled our heart with great sorrow. The U.S. modeller
society has not just lost an outstanding sportsman but a real FRIEND who
will be dearly missed.
On behalf of all the Canadian modellers, I would like to convey our
Deepest Sympathy to the Keck family and to
our American friends.
Leslie Farkas
Model Business for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MODEL BUSINESS FOR SALE......due to recent medical limitations I am
considering the sale of either/or both of my profitable model businesses.
Both Star*Link and Flite Tech are well established in reputation for quality
models, that are winning national and international competitions. Combined,
annual gross sales have been 50-60K for 3 of the last 6 years of operation.
These are part time businesses; which provide a very handsome net profit.
Both are up and running, ready to make any investor a good return.
Here are the tangibles and intangible assets that have been six years in
1. A 600+ customer mailing list that are actual buyers, with purchasing
2. An On-Line friendly to use website, illustrated with model and product
3. An internationally known designer flyer, and manufacturer of quality
model products.
4. Back up support from the seller, that is knowledgeable in cost effective
promotion and advertising.
5. An exclusive lateral takeover contract including progressive 3 year
renewal options with the manufacturer you would import from. He is a man of
integrity that is very fair in his dealing and can be fully trusted.
6. Computer files including graphic art for production of catalogs and
direct mail promotion. Also, profile of buying preferences and annual
spending by product and amount spent annually. Monthly and annual graphs of
sales and selling cycles.
7. Continuing growth plans and advise as to what to do, as well as what not
to do. These enterprises have the potential of doubling their annual net
and gross in the next two years; which would move them out of a part time
business into a profitable full time business.
This notice to sell Star*Link and/or Flite Tech is for the serious, not the
curious. Please do not make inquires unless you have the resources to
finance this offering. I do not want to be a banker for any under
capitalized buyers.
Interested parties may contact me by phone or email at 909 301-9975 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Al Brush 25500 Aquila Ct Sun City, CA 92586
Fly Free Flight for Fun
Prop Suggestions
Reply to David Fee:
Some suggestions:
1. Get the NFFS Symposium Archive CD Rom from NFFS. It contains a
number of papers on the optimisation of Props.
2. Visit Martin Hepperle's web sit
( and have a look at Java Prop.
Given inputs such as torque and velocity, it suggests an optimum
configuration and allows you to vary all of the propeller parameters and
see the effect on performance.
3. I have written a program called PropCalc which is easy to use
and, given the propeller pitch and chord distributions, gives similar
data to Java Prop. It is available on CD Rom from me for a small fee to
cover media and handling.
Paul Rossiter.
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Time is time for the Supermax?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The UK Free Flight Technical Committee intend to submit the following
rule change proposals with respect to the 'Supermax':-
Draft United Kingdom Proposals to Omit the 'Supermax' clauses which are
presently included within
Section 4 of the Sporting Code-2003.a Edition-Volume F1.
1/ Introduction
The revisions which are generally referred to as the 'Supermax' were
incorporated into the 2002 edition of Section 4 of the Sporting Code,
and comprised two sections:-
1/ The first round maximums were increased to 240 secs for F1A, and
300 secs for F1B/C in order to reduce the excessive numbers in fly-offs
that had been experienced in recent World and European Championships.
2/ The procedures for totalling the competitor's scores were changed
to provide a method for determining 'tied positions'.
The maximum durations are used for World and Continental Competitions,
and also applied at that time to International events.
However, a clarification to clause 3.1.7 (and 3.2.7 and 3.3.7) was passed in
2003 effective for 2004 with respect to 'International Events' and these
clauses now read:-
'In other international events a maximum of three minutes
will be used for all rounds unless different durations (not exceeding
four minutes) have been announced in advance in the contest bulletin for
specific rounds.'
(Note-Substitute 'five minutes' in 3.2.7 and 8)
The maximums can be amended where exceptional meteorological conditions
or model recovery problems occur, but only with Jury approval, and
providing that the revised maximum is announced prior to the commencement
of the round.
2/ Programme to instigate a rule change
Proposals for changes to the present code will be considered at the 2005
CIAM meeting, and will come into force in January 2006. Proposals need to be
submitted to the UK BMFA in sufficient time to enable them to be
ratified and submitted to CIAM before 15th November 2004.
3/ Discussion
When these proposals were promulgated, the BMFA FFTC considered them in
detail, but perhaps in common with many other governing bodies, did not
appreciate the implications with regard to the proposals for the 'tied'
scoring system.
The rules governing the 'tie breaker', where competitors with 'equal total
scores' can end up at different ends of the results table has proved to be
almost universally unpopular. It seems strange that so much strife could have
occurred to determine tied positions, especially when in most circumstances a
tie is of little consequence, and especially when rule 3.1.8c gives a
procedure for determining tied placings.
The result of this is that some International Event Organisers ignore
the present rules when collating results.
The effect of the UK proposed rule change set out below aims to result
in all time scored in the rounds to count towards final placings in the event.
Ie, the 'supermax' converts to an extended max.
4.0 Draft UK BMFA Proposals in Connection with Procedures for Scoring'
1.1 Clauses 3.1.7, 3.2.7, 3.3.7
Omit the third paragraph :-
'For any flights with a maximum duration greater than three
minutes the additional time over three minutes is used only to resolve
any tie.'
1.2 Clause 3.1.8a
Omit the words :-
'subject to a limitation of three minutes for each flight.'
1.3 Clause 3.1.8b
Omit this Clause, and re-number subsequent clauses.
1.4 Clause 3.1.8 c
Omit the words :-
'when there is still a tie after the procedure in (b)'
Peter Tribe-FFTC.
Ed Keck
Sorry to hear of the passing of Ed Keck. He was a nice person and a
great competitor.
Richard Blackam
Thansk to Phil Ball for his domation in support of SEM. .. and regrets
that I'can't make it to Poitou this year.
Roger Morrell