SEN 693 - 18 Apr 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1390
SCAT Electronic News 18 April 2002 issue 693
Table of Contents
Important news ! - Brokenspar
Links - Lloyd-Jones
Question for anybody with an Eygptian collection. - Gregorie
Marketing FF II - Jahnke
F1P and the Future of FF - Ioerger
Older A-2's and Wakefields needed - Ellis
F1P Event Question. - Stalick
13 April S.O. article - Cope and Baxter
SO politics - Bennett
A crazy look at the future of FF ? - King
Future FF ? - Bryant
email addresses - Segrave
Important news !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I notice Segrave is looking for an old Vol Vilre issue, with an article,
'What's wrong with freeflight'...
This is where I stopped reading.. ( or skipped ahead )
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi there!
I have just come across your site, and wonder if you could mention my =
I trade in old, used and collectable Aeromodeller magazines and other =
English language periodicals on aeromodelling from 1934 to date, =
including some US ones too!
I also have about 200 spare books on aeromodelling from 1924 at the =
My site is and all information about me is =
Many thanks,
David A. Lloyd-Jones
Have you seen my website at ? Have a look, =
and keep watching for updates! Please note however, that it cannot be =
viewed successfully in anything other than Internet Explorer!
Question for anybody with an Eygptian collection.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Are there any SEN subscribers with Egyptian connections?
If so do they know Dr. Khalil Messiha?
He is quoted as being awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal
Aeromodellars Club of Egypt in 1950. I would be delighted if anybody
who knows of him can contact me directly at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Marketing FF II
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to make two observations in response to Richard Blackam and Don
I like Richard's follow up (how could I not!!). I agree with Richard, that
juniors might not be the demographic most predisposed to this sport. We
must also realize that the modern female may fit the personality type better
than the modern male. Unfortunately, our image right now is very old, very
male, and very white. We are the Oldsmobiles (about to be discontinued if
I'm not mistaken), we need to attract the Toyota's and Honda's. We should
at least try to behave like a new Cadillac.
At the end Richard mentions the Golden Age of aviation. I think that Dave
Thornburg in his book Do You Speak Model Airplane? assessed the origin and
demise of this era correctly. After Lindbergh, aviation was the pinacle of
applied science and engineering, and model aviation was seen as a stepping
stone on the path to a carreer in aviation. The era ended with Sputnik, the
new goal was space flight (refer to the book Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam and
its film version October Skies) . Now we are in the age where computer based
technologies are the leading technology. We have lost the cultural
significance of our activity, so we must look for a new one. It may be
through the new "experiential learning" pedigogy that we find our niche in
the classroom. Sci-Oly is an example of this. Like team sports (soccer,
t-ball, etc.) we provide a structured sporting and learning enviroment
which is attractive to parents.
As for Don Thompson's lament about the loss of the corner hobby shop, Mike
Woodhouse wrote an excellent article on this subject and on the cottage
industry in FF supplies, in the 2001 NFFS Sympo (buy one! Its great!).
Computers are actually bringing that hobby shop atmosphere to us via the
internet. You are likely staring at the best hobby shop in your
neighborhood right now. And so are millions of non-modelers too!
Ross Jahnke
F1P and the Future of FF
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
I have been reading with interest, the comments on F1P and the future
of Free Flight. I would like to add my two bits worth to the discussion:
" F1P " From what I hear through the rumor mill, this is the direction
the CIAM intends to take F1C in the future, when they have had a chance to
see how this event works out. I suspect that they will do it in the same
instantaneous way as F1P was done. Rather than rigidly resisting change,
and waiting for the ax to fall, the F1C flyers might consider what changes
they could tolerate that would bring more flyers in to the event. Some
people like to compare F1C to Formula One auto racing as an all out
technology battle, but the rules are changed all the time in Formula one,
and not by the contestants either.
" Where to find more Free Flighters " It seems obvious to me that the
that there is a large pool of model airplane flyers available that could be
tempted in to Free Flight. They have already shown an interest in models
and have some ability to build and fly them. They even already belong to
the AMA. Of course, I mean the 200,000 plus members who fly radio control
models. If we mounted a concerted effort to inform and attract these flyers
to Free Flight, I think we would have a far better chance of some success
than once again trying to draw youngsters out of their myriad of available
activities. The Academy would probably even help us with this approach.
NFFS had a Free Flight brochure. We could start by mailing the brochure and
a Free Flight contest schedule with locations to each member. I'm sure
"Model Aviation" would run an article if we prepared one. This looks like a
better way to go to me.
Tom Ioerger
Older A-2's and Wakefields needed
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you have an old A-2 or Wakefield that is too uncompetitive to fly but too
good to throw away, please consider donating it to the Eli Whitney Museum.
Our youth program is absolutely exploding and we need anything that will fly.
Last year Stan Buddenbohm gave us his A-2 at the Nats and Al Vollmer gave us
a number of early 70's vintage Nordics. Those planes logged many flights last
fall and each of the individuals who were given one of those planes has built
or bought a more competitive F1A or F1B this winter.
The wave of interest in FAI events started last fall. Over the winter we have
had visits to our club by Bob Stalick and Igor Vivchar that further added
fuel to the fire. Now the wave is huge. We could find a good home for as many
as 20 Nordics and 10 Wakefields. The numbers in our youth program are really
that large. Bob Gutai and Dick Wood have made mention of the large numbers of
youth they see at Wawayanda. Keep in mind that the Barron field is a two and
a half drive from our area and that the number of youth fliers who flew
locally last year was many times greater. We had about 125 different children
go to a contest of some kind in Connecticut and we built over 100 P-30's and
25 A-1's. Many in that secondary group are now ready to try Nordics and
We can really use anything and everything. If you would like a tax deduction,
we will establish a fair market value for the donation and will give you the
appropriate documentation.
Donations can be sent to:
Eli Whitney Museum
915 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06417
Attn: Art Ellis
Phone: 203-777-1833
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Museum web site:
Better yet, come fly with us at one of the major contests at the Barron
Field. Your balsa and tissue memory will mean as much to these children as it
means to you.
Art Ellis
F1P Event Question.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been reading most of the information and opinion about the newly
adopted F1P event, but it is not clear to me whether the requirement is for 3
flights of 3 minutes each or something other than that? Also, how is the
flyoff system defined? Reducing engine runs? Increasing max times? I would
appreciate it if someone who knows would fill in these blanks.
Bob Stalick
13 April S.O. article
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Saturday April 13th, 2002, David Ives CDed the Southern Califronia S
cientific Olympiad Wright Stuff event at Cal State Long Beach. He was assis
ted by many volunteers, including Paul Anderson, Lonnie Cope, Norm Furutani
, Tom Laird, John Morrill, Dick Smith, and Gordon Strickland. There were se
veral other modelling volunteers whose names I do not know, and the organize
rs periodically sent other volunteers. Non modelling volunteers served prim
arily as door monitors. David assigned roles of : logging in contestants -
Paul and Dick ; verifying model compliance/recording flight times - Gordon a
nd himself; flight timers - John, Norm, Tom and the R/C fan; 7 minute timer/
loud voice/spectator control - Lonnie; rules interpretations by committee wi
th David as ultimate authority.
Directed to show up at 7:30 AM, we arrived as early as 7:15 and up unti
l 8:30 or so. Few of us paid attention to parking details, and did not ask
for parking permits; so we earned $25 parking tickets! Schools event direct
or, Ed Radovich, was taking "care" of them at the end of the day; hope he c
aught everyone of us who got tickets!
There were 53 registered teams for our events. With each team permitte
d two flights within 7 minutes, that is a lot of flights to run off in the 8
:45 to 1:30 flight window! Too many. We actually timed 49 teams, but ran u
ntil nearly 3PM to do so. There were time periods when no one was there to
fly; as the flight team members usualy were entered in multiple events. I t
hink S.O. has 25 events available. We met a robotics team when returning fr
om the cafeteria, they said their robot had to gather up some table tennis b
alls and place then in a box.
We saw model types from one Guillows all balsa ROG, it took off!,and th
ree very small kits, to perhaps a dozen very well built potential winners.
Fullerton's 4 minute winner was here, doing a little over 3 minutes. The ce
iling was lower here and was supported by a very extensive set of beams and
air conditioning ducts. A smooth ceiling would have let a number of the ent
ries to break 3 minutes, and most certaintly have influenced the top ten res
ult ordering.
By mid afternoon we were timing mostly high school entries, and had a l
arge audience who applauded every flight efffort/ near miss/ excellent fligh
t/ bad flight. It got loud when one model circled several times through the
backboard supporting pipes.
Dick and Shirley Baxter arrived very near the end, and took a few photos.
I do not remember there being any hung up models, however quite a few h
it the wall and slid to the floor. One or two had adjustment changes when h
itting the beams.
By now you are wondering where are the results. I don't have them. I
hope that David writes up something. I seem to remember some Jr High flight
s nearing 3 minutes and one High School flight over 3 minutes, both at the v
ery end of the day.
SO politics
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 4/15/02 10:17:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:
> SO Question
> ===========
> Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> As to " Powered by a single loop rubber motor ( which may include one
> knot ) and not to exceed 2 grams.
> elsewhere: Rubber motor will be massed separately and must not have a
> mass of less than 2 grams.
> The rubber motor may have one knot.
My copy of rules, issued to me as "Event Coordinator," (we would call it CD)
says "not to exceed mass of 2.0 grams." Don't know where you found the "not
less than..." but if so, that must be a mistake.
In general, SO rules are not as well developed nor as thoroughly interpreted
as FAI. Science Olympiad, (actually "Wright Stuff," the model airplane
event) is one of 30+ science based events for which schools field a team,
and compete in, all the same day. Therefore, contest structure, and in many
cases "seriousness quotient," is quite different from AMA. Some regions in US
are really "with it" and others selectively apply rules.
As for whether a multiple strand/one knot motor violates "single loop" rule,
that's a new twist to me. Few, if any, of the contestants are that
sophisticated--maybe 80% of them don't even realize that rubber width CAN be
stripped for better results. Their coaches are typically school teachers who
may not have a clue about models until they choose to research (i.e. after
There are several elists among SO devotees. May I recommend the Yahoo Groups
Indoor list, not a dedicated SO source, but composed of serious AMA types,
some of whom keep a hand (as myself) in local SO. Sign up, then do an
archives search "SO" for all the rules discussions you can stand. (SEN only
for FAI, right?)
Mark Bennett
A crazy look at the future of FF ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reading the coments by Richard Blackham, Don Thompson and John Barker etc, I
have some thoughts on this subject.
I have a lot of sympathy with all their comments. I think the likely
scenario is that FF will die with the present FF generation so let's make the
most of it for them. However I totally agree with Richard that the only
hope is to get into mass marketing along the lines he suggests. The chances
of this are pretty remote but it made me think of an idea (dream) I had. Don
Thomson will be familiar with this as I brought it up at our club AGM for a
laugh ;-)) It is a serious point however.
I am always amazed how millions of people are glued to the TV to watch golf
and things like darts(sic) (in the UK). I am not a golfer but it seems
to me that the way it is covered has some parallels with the problems of
covering FF. I like to watch golf as you at least see some great venues and
it always reminds me of being out on a flying field ! ;-)) The audience is
fascinated by watching a tiny ball flying through the air and watching it's
progress. My reaction is, if they can be turned on by what is to some
extent such a boring sight, the right approach to covering say a World Champ
event could be made to be far more exciting. Like golf FF is competetive
and any one can have a go at it. That is the important bit. The problem is
how would you make it interesting. By using the latest technology and
marketing hype. It is only a pipe dream but, for amusement, picture this:
The program opens with some over the top music, accompanied by ultra slow
motion action shots of the best looking guys, (maybe Randy Archer and AA
;-)) hurling their models with much effort and wearing the latest Nike
clothes and bursting into tears when they drop the fly off !! All shot and
carefully edited showing their best side, glistening muscles and suitable
facial expressions of total effort and comitment. Close ups of the eyes
etc...... Get the picture? Think of the Olympic atheletes etc ;-))) All
calculated to get max glamour into the contestants. In fact this does not
rule out the older and less glamorous people. Most older modelers still look
damned fit and have that look of comitment, which could be pretty effective
to the right audience. Golfers aren't for the most part David Backham look
a likes and if you have ever seen the British Darts champs with their ugly
beer guts and horrendous over size tasteless shirts you will get the point !!
;-))) Then the actual comp itself. The problems here are the long
distance of the flights, figuring out what is going on and making it
interesting. If you watch coverage of car rallying, apart from the short
action shots, you only know whats going on by seeing the time sheets and
positions. This is now made more interesting by the latest technology which
uses a play station approach where you can see a computerised display of
several cars apparently racing each other. You can now see the lines and
positions two or more cars relative to each other over the whole stage !!
I am sure the way to do this in FF is to concentrate on the exciting search
for lift, the launch and first 300m or so of the flight, like a golf drive.
After that, some kind of digital display could show relative progress of the
models. Maybe a height read out against time, all tarted up to show the
competetive and the aesthetic sides. Of course much would be made of the
ecstacy and the suffering on the faces when maxes are made or dropped !! We
will have to get used to punching the air and bursting into tears etc !! ;-)))
I know this sounds a little crazy but I have thought the thing through in
much more detail than this and there is a serious side to my ravings. The
bottom line is, with the right professional people and a lot of heavy
sponsorship, I am sure FF could be made far more exciting than many other
things that have huge coverage, like golf and many far more insane and
potentially boring things like 'Indoor Bowls" etc. It is all in the
presentation. It might be worth making an amateur pilot video of the WC,
using some of these techniques. You couldn't do all the high tec stuff (or
could you?). But you could make a powerful pilot if some real imagination was
used. You could interview competitors at crucial moments which would show
both the high emotions and also explain much of the tactics involved. The
whole thing would require a really great comentator, (a Murray Walker
figure), to capture the excitment and explain all the fascinating technical
aspects, like in F1.
It is a pipe dream but when I watch some of the inane sports that have
suddenly become multi million dollar businesses, I wonder. I remember when
F1, even with all it's old excitement, (in the late 70's 7% of the drivers
were dead by the end of the season !!! Yes 7% never made it through any one
season !!!!!!), had no TV coverage and was struggling to get one GP a year
on TV !! How that has changed !!!!
In this world it is possible to make any damned thing look great. Look at
the horrendous state of the pop music business today. Any tin pot boy band
of non musicians can be turned into a megga star band with marketing (sic).
If such a wonderfull thing as FF was aimed, as Richard says at the right age
group and targeted at the right kind of people, who knows what might be
I know most of the arguments as to why this would never work but instead of
the negatives, how about someone with some TV, PR or Marketing skills giving
it at least some thought and openening up a discussion. We may of course
well have to revise some of the way we look at FF and make some changes.
Models will probably be mostly bought etc. Please I don't want to hear from
any Luddites !! ;-)))
Pass this on to Nike, !! ;-))))))))))))
Peter King
Future FF ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Reference the articles in Issue 692 concerning the future, or lack of it, of FF
. A great deal of the (highly relevant and educated) argument I read is frankl
y academic, certainly as far as the UK is concerned. Why? Shortage of flying
fields, that's why! With perhaps only 2 exceptions modern competition FF model
s have outflown available airfields in England, it's as simple as that - and th
e continued use of these 2 exceptions is by no means guaranteed. Other fields a
re becoming increasingly subject to all manner of restrictive terms and conditi
ons, for a number of reasons. Very high-minded to speak about 'the new generati
on' coming into the hobby, but it's like promoting car-racing when there isn't
anywhere to race the cars! The last contest I attended in England I would gues
s that there were perhaps 75 cars parked on the field, but the largest entry in
any of the events was no more than 20-25. Some events didn't make double figu
res. Looking around, a large number of the people on that airfield were there
just to 'sports fly', simply because the field was available that day. And loo
king around again, most of those people were approaching, if not already at, se
nior-citizen age.
Don Thompson got it right, I think. When I was a teenager in the 50's there we
re maybe a dozen model shops in Birmingham (population 1 million+)supporting a
lucrative trade, and now there is one major shop with a couple of craft shops w
hich just happen to stock some aeromodelling goods (RC, naturally). Let's be r
ealistic - anyone with a passing interest in model flying will go for RC, becau
se it is simple and you don't need several square miles of open country to fly
it. It's a natural progression. Certainly, I pine for the heady days of old w
hen my local (CL) club had over 100 members, and when Open Glider at the UK FF
Nats got over 300 entries, but I also pine for the days when a pint of beer cos
t £0.10 instead of £2.00! I recently received an e-mail from my old pal Carl Do
dge in Cleveland (former World Champ, CL Speed) who told me that the wonderful
8-circle Cleveland CL site, which I marvelled at when I lived in Ohio 20 years
ago, was ripped up a few years back to build a factory estate and nobody raised
a word of objection. That site, and the many, many people who used it, belong
to a bygone age, sad to say.
It does no good to anyone to knock RC as being for the plebs, or to push FF as
being some esoteric quasi-mystical experience which will lead one to some kind
of Nirvana. People will do what they WANT to do! Cost has little or nothing
to do with it these days. From time to time I meet former aeromodellers from y
ears ago - when I suggest that they might like to re-enter the hobby, the usual
response is, 'That was just a phase I was passing through'. Lack of time, mon
ey or motivation don't usually figure as excuses. My feeling, so far as those
of us who still interest ourselves in FF and CL, is that we should continue to
enjoy it as long as we are able, and let the future take care of itself.
Graham Bryant.
( previously known as the BANCO CHALLENGE )
Lost Hills, CA
MAY 4 AND 5 2002
F1A, B, C, G, H & J
Contest eligible for Team Selection qualification!
You MUST be entered in the program prior to the contest.
Trophy for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place.
All classes are combined junior / senior / open.
5 – 1 ½ Hour rounds start: 7:30am
First round maxes:
F1A= 4 min F1G= 2 min 30 sec
F1B= 5 min F1H= 3 min
F1C= 5 min F1J= 3 min
SUNDAY 5 – 5
5 - 1 Hour rounds start: 7:30am
First round maxes:
F1A= 4 min
F1B= 5 min
F1C= 5 min
Champagne fly off SATURDAY Night for every category, 10
minute window
1 FLIGHT TO THE GROUND AT 4:30 PM . Time will be use to
select winners. Time your own!
No super MAX .
FEES: $20.00 first entry JUNIOR & Second entry
Contest coordinator:
Pierre Brun
7740 Balboa Blvd. Unit 121
Van Nuys, CA 91406
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Assistant Contest coordinator:
Don Zink
5181 Manor View
Yorba Linda, CA 92686
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NARRANDERA 29 , 30 & 31 MARCH & 1 APRIL 2002
1st Mike Thomas AUS 180+13 180 180 180 169 180 180 1249
2nd Phil Mitchell AUS 180+60 158 180 169 180 180 180 1227
3rd Brian Van Nest USA 180+60 180 180 180 180 180 143 1223
4th Dave Lacey AUS 173 113 180 180 180 162 180 1168
5th Victor Stamov UKR 168 155 26 180 180 180 180 1069
6th Martin Williams AUS 180+18 154 180 80 180 78 134
7th Brett Mitchell Jr AUS 162 103 180 180 132 (retired)
8th Vin Morgan AUS 167 (retired)
9th Jeremy Wooley AUS 45 19 (retired)
1st Igor Vivchar UKR 180+120 180 180 180 180 180 180
300 261 1941
2nd Richard Blackam AUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180
300 249 1929
3rd Andrei Khrebtov RUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180
300 220 1900
4th Don Blackam AUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180 180
300 214 1894
5th Bill Gordon AUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180 180
109 1489
6th Alexandr
Shelepov RUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180 180
0 1380
7th Brian Van Nest USA 180+103 180 180 180 180 180 180
8th Leigh Morgan AUS 180+60 180 180 180 180 180 180
9th Peter Sikora AUS 180+95 160 180 180 180 180 180
10th Terry Bond AUS 180+120 180 180 141 180 180 180
11th Bill Pudney AUS 180+53 159 125 180 180 180 180
12th Sergio Montes AUS 125 85 91 118 180 180 180
13th Vera Lacey AUS 180+29 121 (retired)
14th Bryan Oliver AUS 180+78 (retired)
1st Roy Summersby AUS 180+120 180 180 180 180 180 180 1380
2nd Dave Thomas AUS 180+101 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
3rd Bill East AUS 180+120 180 125 180 180 180 142
4th Stan Hinds AUS 180+18 83 156 180 120 180 146 1045
1st Victor Stamov UKR FIH 120 120 120 100% +194%
2nd Phil Mitchell AUS FIH 120 120 120 100% +154%
3rd Roy Summersby AUS O/Power(F1C) 180 180 180 100% + 56%
4th Terry Bond AUS P30 101 107 120 91%
5th Stan Hinds AUS F1J 108 120 93 89%
6th Mark Armour AUS P30 120 120 0 67%
7th Des Slattery AUS F1J 45 71 120 66%
8th Brian Van Nest USA F1A 180 168 0 64%
9th Col Somers AUS F1J 35 57 68 44%
10th Brian Oliver AUS F1B 180 0 0 33%
11th Bob Edwards AUS V/Power 56 0 0 10%
Go the F1Hs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st Roy Summersby 180 180 180 540 329
2nd Stan Hinds 180 180 180 540 254
3rd Col Somers 166 116 180 462
4th Des Slattery 180 75 180 435
1st Peter Sikora 180 180 180 540 293
2nd Bill Gordon 180 180 180 540 213
3rd George Car 180 171 180 531
4th Bob Edwards 180 150 180 510
5th Dennis Parker 180 146 145 471
6th Col Somers 61 159 180 400
1st Vin Morgan 120 120 120 360 146
2nd Mark Armour 120 120 120 360 125
3rd Sergio Montes 114 120 120 345
4th Leigh Morgan 120 107 120 347
5th Terry Bond 120 102 120 342
6th Roy Summersby 99 120 120 339
7th George Car 46 120 120 286
1st Terry Bond Pomona Champ 180 180 180 540 178
2nd Dennis Parker Lanzo Stick 180 180 180 540 173
3rd Mark Armour Fullarton Floater 174 180 180 534
4th Bob Edwards Copland 172 122 168 462
5th George Car Lamb Climber 101 128 179 408
6th Col Somers Gee Bee 180 91 97 368
7th Suzanne Hegarty Senator 106 99 105 310
1st Dave Lacey Nebula 180 180 180 540 515
2nd Vin Morgan Seraph 180 180 180 540 415
3rd Dave Hegarty Gadabout 180 180 71 431
4th Des Slattery Odenmam 180 180 55 415
5th Brett Mitchell Jr Lulu 136 89 180 405
6th Phil Mitchell Revenge 98 86 134 318
7th Suzanne Hegarty ?? 35 35
1st Roy Summersby Fifteen 172 180 180 532
2nd Col Somers Stomper 180 180 74 434
3rd George Car Stomper 59 118 180 357
4th Bob Edwards Stomper 76 180 56 312
5th Des Slattery Kerswap 81 81 108 270
6th Dennis Parker Stomper 137 43 78 258
1st Phil Mitchell 930
2nd Dave Hegarty 698
3rd Than Stowe 687
4th George Car 539
5th Mike Towell 474
1st Dave Hegarty ABC Robin
2nd Dennis Parker BE 2
1st Mark Armor 120 94 108 120 120 562
2nd Terry Bond 120 95 120 120 105 560
3rd Bill Gordon 112 106 79 120 120 537
4th Col Somers 94 66 0 82 120 360
5th Sergio Montes 0 60 60
1st Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 600 255
2nd Victor Stamov 120 120 120 120 120 600 252
3rd Jeremy Wolley 120 120 120 120 120 600 77
4th Phil Mitchell 120 116 106 120 120 582
5th Mark Armour 120 66 120 120 120 546
6th Jan Thomas 84 41 120 120 93 458
7th Than Stowe 78 88 120 0 120 406
8th Dave Lacey 52 65 57 174
9th Mike Thomas 111 111
1st Des Slattery 120 120 120 120 120 600
2nd Roy Summersby 76 73 68 120 120 457
3rd Col Somers 56 120 120 44 11 451
1st Mike Towell 35 60 50 60 31 46 170
2nd Phil Mitchell 30 54 60 25 26 14 144
3rd Brett Mitchell Jr3 25 2 15 36 43 104
4th Tahn Stowe 22 60 19 4 4 20 102
Phil Mitchell AUS 12594
Secretary AFFS
email addresses
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone have the Email address of Lennart Flodstrom in Sweden, please?
Or failing that that of Lars Oloffsson (1975 World Power Champion? Perhaps
Sweepette Lee? Regards Mike S
Roger Morrell