SEN 701 - 15 May 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1351
SCAT Electronic News 15 May 2002 issue 701
Table of Contents
Looking for a Puppy ?
SEN700 - Segrave
KustomKraft piston/cylinder set : TD.09 - Mosely
SEN message for Don and Fran Leath - Parker
Expanding Max? - Markos
Issue Seven Hundred - King
SREM KUp - Raletic
Mikey on the Virus - Achterberg
Puppy Love - BrokenSpar
Flyer vs Flier - Ramrod250
SEN700 - Toto in Kansas
Looking for a Puppy ?
We would like to hear of any any F1P contests ? Will it be
flown at the SCAT Summer Madness - Hector ?
or at the MaxMen Summer Contest - Bob ?
or even added at the last minute to Big Als ?
or how about on the East Coast ? or in Europe ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
First of all, congratulations on the 700th milestone. I think that your News
is the most important element in Free flight currently, surpassing the
folding prop,the dethermaliser,Tan 11 and the glowplug. It has the ability
to mould and change opinion as well as being a great disseminator of
informatiuon QUICKLY. A long life ahead,Roger!!
On another note, "Puppy" comes from the derogatory term, " It's a pup",
Regards Mike S
I do not have delusions of grandeur - the things you mention are
more important - after all they are directly connected with
what this is all about - flying
With respect to the Puppy - it is directly first attributed to the The Alien
and is, I believe some form of endearment, although I must admit
to not being fully au fait with popular expressions]
KustomKraft piston/cylinder set : TD.09
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Am in need of a KK piston/cylinder set for a TD.09.
If anyone has such lying idle and uninstalled .. I'd be very happy to hear
from him...... :-)
Jim Moseley
SEN message for Don and Fran Leath
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am sadden to report the death Don Leath's son on the weekend May 4 2002 as a
result of an offroad sports vehicle accident. Please support and pray for Don
and Fran through this most difficult of times.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
Jim Parker, SCAT President
Expanding Max?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bogie's suggestion to increase the max by 20 seconds per round brings to
memory a suggestion made long ago by the late Dick Lyons. He thought that it
would be good to let the contestant declare, in writing and before flying
each round, whatever max time (no fractional minutes allowed) he thought
reasonable. Make the max and you could fly the next round, miss and you
would get a zero for that round and also be done for the day. Anyone wanna
try it? Sounds like fun to me.
Chuck Markos
Issue Seven Hundred
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger ...
Congratulations on the 700th edition of SEN !!! Your note in it really
made me think. I'm sure everyone who has enjoyed and benefited from this
wonderfull contribution to FF, feel the same as me. It was only when you
mentioned the bit about the 10 best awards that I realized SEN had not yet
been considered. In spite of the fact that I know you are only interested in
providing a wonderful service, it is surely time you received such an reward
!!!. Not only for SEN but also for your great Black Magic Timer work. At
the risk of you packing it all in (God forbid) if and when you win, I for
one propose such an award is long overdue and hope that the members of NFFS
rectify this anomoly ASAP !!! Where would we be without so many hard
working selfless people putting so much of their time and energy into the
sport? Of course if that means you pack it in, I shall vote against the
idea ;-)))
Apart from some of the endless griping about rules, BOM, F1P and many others,
I have had nothing but great pleasure in all SEN has to offer. Not least
the chance to chat and swap info with so many new friends, Worldwide.
Thanks again Roger and long may SEN continue, and that includes even all the
'Luddite' contributions as well !!! After all, today's Hi Tec freaks become
tomorow's 'Luddites' !! I can picture it now.... "10,000 wonderonium D
boxes and sattelite activated thermal detection and retrieval" !!! "What's
wrong with good old Carbon Fibre and E Prom timers"? ;-)))))))))))
Peter King
Srem kup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Final results - " SREM KUP " World cup F1A,B,C
Best regards Milos Raletic
Mikey on the Virus
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger;
Thanks for saying something about the w32 virus. It is rampit in the free
flighters computers. In the last 4 days I have received 11 e-mails that
contain this virus. I have Norton and it has caught them, but have received
them from Lee Hines, Daryl Perkins Hardy, Norm Poti, and many more.
What this virus does is attach itself to e-mails and sends them out without
the computer owner ever knowing it. Very smart and sneaky virus! It does not
even show up in the sent box.
Next, it stays hidden in your computer and contaminates 100's if not
1000's of files. I know , as this summer it got me and infected 3700 of my
files. If I have received this many in 4 days it is all through the free
flight community. So for all of you out there run the updated versions of
your anti virus systems. Good luck. Thermals'~ Michael
Puppy love
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Without making me go read he rules...please,
Is there a builder of the model rule for F1P ?
Flyer vs Flier
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Flyer vs Flier
In modeling terms, a "flier" is one who flies models. A "flyer" is a sheet of
paper that conveys information.
Jim Haught
you need some FAI Speak - the sportman is the flier ]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I applaud you remarks about motivation in FF modeling. Indeed, such
motivation should apply to life in general. Please keep up providing the SEN
service. We need you!
To Bill Bogart,
Your remarks regarding F1P were interesting and thought-provoking. I would
take issue with only one idea, the last one regarding charging as a function
of the number of maxes a contestant makes. This is bad in principle in that
it is bad to penalize a contestant (or anyone else for that matter) for doing
Jim O'Reilly
Roger Morrell