SEN 702 - 19 May 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1370
SCAT ELectronic News 19 May 2002 issue 702
Table of Contents
F1P Contest - Simpson
Looking for a flown puppy - Wilkenson
Mike Segrave's look to the future from Vol Libre 123
Alien News
W32/Klez Virus - Wiley
Stamov F1H Destroyed - Avallone
Looking for Verbitsky - Abad
F1P Contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, in response to the SEN question on locations of contest having the
F1P event this year. The 18th annual Autumn Cup contest in Seguin TX, Nov
9th and 10th will have the F1P event.
The events on Saturday are F1A, F1B, F1C ad Open Gas - seven rounds starting
at 9:00. Also on Saturday but not by rounds will be P30 and F1P. (Weather
permitting, we will fly the extended max. CD decision at 8:45)
Sunday will be the F1G, F1H and F1J Mini events, five rounds starting at
Come join us.
Reid Simpson CD
115 Trailridge Dr.
Athens Texas, 75751
(903) 677-8525
Looking for a flown puppy
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
has any one out there in freeflight land built a puppy
yet and flown it if so olease have them contact me and
we can talk about it.
thx don.
Mike Segrave's look to the future from Vol Libre 123
The originally appeared in Vol Libre 123 - It was sent to us by Mike
and had to be re-formatted from the original Newspaper column
style presentation to better suit SEN
Page A
SPORTS -----------------------------------------------THE TIMES, LONDON,
MAR 21, 2007
Eric CANTONA wins Wakefield, says: "A Cup-Final was nothing like this" and
adds "and not a Chaussebourg in sight."
By our special correspondent.
INVERNESS, yesterday : the 46th running of this prestigious event, in the
hands of the new nation of Scotland, was sensationalized by the fantastic,
there is no other word for it, 19 minutes flyoff flight of the former bete-
noire of soccer, Eric CANTONA, now finding his true m=E9tier as Wakefield-man
par excellence. He clearly depassed the second place man, Silas B FIELDING
of the USA, by a clear 3 minutes with his very innovative design. (more on
page B)
New research centre opened.
BUENOS AIRES. In opening this 7th center, the President of Argentina said he
was "delighted that the world movement of slow speed flight had chosen
Argentina* (or his country) as a site for continuing research into this
fascinating discipline, and its whys and therefores." Research will be
centered on speeds less than 5 mph, an area neglected so far. * The six
others are Timbuktu, Resolute (Can), Bali, Alice Springs, Kabul and Cordoba.
Reorganization of World Body.
PARIS. With the phenomenal growth of the F/F movement over the past 10
years, The President Ian Kaynes has called for delegates from all the member
nations to assemble July 14th here to chart the way ahead for this August
body, as well as its move to the USA. With the suppression of all radio
channels used formerly to control flight, adepts of this discipline are
discovering F/F in hugely increasing numbers which, together with its natural
growth, demands some immediate action.
NEW YORK. The Society of Advertising Agencies has just announced here
yesterday at a press conference that Shell, EDF, Aerospatial and many other
prominent world organizations have joined forces to form a nucleus for
organising future World Championships. (Reuter)
RESOLUTE. Full details of a new covering material developed by an eminent
team of specialist engineers led by Dr. Ing. A. ANDRIUKOV have now been made
public. Send for details on your Minitel or a brochure by mail. For the
moment, The Times can say that it is extremely strong, weighs half of the weight
of the lightest previous and is extremely easy to use. You must spray it
into the air over the structure and it falls in place, just needing trimming
for final use.
Address: Box 9, Oakville, Ontario.
MOSCOW. The 2nd school for professional timekeepers has been opened here.
King GORBACHOV on cutting the ceremonial ribbon said: "With this school, we
will be able to fulfill all the needs of all the present known contests
throughout the world, pending development of our electronic measuring
devices." These are being fine-tuned with the aid of Timex, Hermes and other
Swiss makers of precision time-measuring devices. As you know, the current
team of timekeepers are ferried from contest to contest in planes of Air
Canada, one of the originators of the idea.
With the new 10 metre line, this class was as close to a still air
performance as you will get. Held in the new cavern hollowed out under Mount
Everest, it was highlighted by a lack of catapultage, probably because of the
40 kilo pull test required made the lines very heavy. 110 flight of 2
minutes were achieved by 27 contestants, flyoff going to 3 stages with SUN
YAT SEN beating Joseph GANDHI by a clear 49 seconds. (Details of winning
machines tomorrow).
Now using electrics after many years of inter combustion, this year's
championship was won by the old Hungarian maestro G. BENEDEK with a flyoff of
10 minutes even, but only 3 seconds ahead of 2nd placed A. SCHANDEL...!
"On peut rever...mais c'est mieux d'agir," a new book recently published in
France by Editions Avenir, deals with the future of F/F and postulates some
new ideas for the development of the Sport. Author M. J. EVARGES.
Alien News
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The original intent of the "Puppy term" was meant as a feeble attempt
to add some humor to the issue of the F1P event. "Puppy" in American
slang, has gotten to mean a lot of things. I suppose some of our editor
friends out there can and/or will let us know what they are.
BTW- As per our conversation, watch this closely.
Alien Bob
W32/Klez Virus
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
Those who wish to know about the W32/Klez virus that is sweeping through the
FF community can gain information from any of the virus protection
companies. I use Virus Scan/VShield, a McAfee product, and their information
concerning this virus is at It
has protected me and I get monthly updates which are well worth the cost.
Just because you receive a virus attachment from another party does not mean
that that party has the virus or that that party actually sent you the email
as the current version of this virus is capable of appropriating names from
an address book of a third party. Although my VShield has intercepted each
and every attempt to infect my computer, I still went to the trouble of
going to the command line and searching for hidden files (as per McAfee's
instructions). Three steps need to be taken. First, install a good virus
protection program. Second, do all the command line steps recommended to
make sure that you have actually exorcized the demon. Third, demand that
your internet provider screen incoming email for viruses. (That third point
is not easy as it costs the provider money.)
Of course, another strategy is to dump Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express
and adopt Eudora of some other alternate email program. Even better, to this
on a Mac platform, with, of course, a good virus program to boot. Most of
the bad guys are targeting Microsoft and simply avoiding Outlook in its
various manifestations cuts down on the number of viruses one is likely to
get. (Me? I continue to use Outlook on a PC as I am confident in McAfee's
Good luck to all,
Ed Wiley
Stamov F1H Destroyed
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Morrell,
Please post this on SEN:
This past weekend has been disastrous for us. Michael and my Dad went
down to the national flying site at the AMA in Muncie to fly in a contest,
and practice for the upcoming Junior World Championships. Michael, in
practice, was flying his Stamov F1H when the towline broke, and the model
landed just off-field.
Thirty-minutes later, the chase was over. The model had been dumped
just this side of one man's property. It was clear that the model had been
meticulously, carefully been dissected (much like a victim of Jack the
Ripper) and demolished, with no part exceeding the length of six inches.
Upon arrival at the scene, my dad and Michael were chased back into the car
by vicious dogs of the owner. Keep in mind, however, that this was a model
made of space age materials, and in no way could dogs have done so much
damage without spreading the plane over a large area. Also the fact that
this person is not a first time offender.
Upon the arrival of the police, we put in a complaint about the dogs,
and a criminal complaint against the man. The entire model was placed in
one shoebox by the police and will be dusted for fingerprints and will be
used as evidence. We are planning to seek the vandalism deductible from the
AMA in addition to the complaints.
This incident has left us with more questions than answers. The first
one of what will the AMA do about it, and secondly what are we modelers
supposed to do about it?
The Avallones
Looking for Verbitsky
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where is Verbisky?
During the past weeks I have tried to contact Eugene though his email or home
phone with no answer.
Can someone help me?
Javier Abad
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Thanks to Mike Mulligan for his donation in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell