SEN 714 - 9 Jul 2002
- Details
- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1352
SCAT Electronic News 9 July 2002 issue 714
Table of Contents
Lee Hines catapults to first place! - Skykieng
Cycles for Sale + - Andresen
CIAM - Tracy
Process for USA Suggested Rule Changes in FAI - F1 categories - Tracy
Sokol Jr. Kit For Sale - Ivers
Square Puppy - Oldenkamp
Dick Seifried - Mikkelson
Re: G & Z mount - Kluiber
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
July 20-21, 2002 Bissonette Field, Lost Hills
F1G- H - J 5 flights, not rounds. 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Fly-off Sunday morning, July 21
F1A -B - C 7 rounds 1st round 7:00a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
2nd round 8:00a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
3rd-7th one hour rounds on the hour
Rewards glassware
Entry fee: A B C $15.00
G H J $10.00
CD Bob Tymchek (805)929-1605
Lee Hines catapults to first place!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An unofficial -- and certainly unathorized -- report from: Bill Giesking aka
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In an incredible tension-filled Lee Hine's Challenge "Shoot Out"
flownunder ideal conditions -- following Denver's annual MMM FAI events on
Saturday --Lee Hines took on all aspiring pretenders in HLG and CAT and
came out as this year's Top Gun! Not only did Lee recieve oodles of glory
he took home enough prize money to grease his retirement for years to come.
(That is, if he invests wisely)
Lee was very gracious in the aftermath of his clear-cut victory and gave
much needed comfort and encouragement to a host of the agonized defeated.
He was also generous in his praise by making sure everyone knew he had used
Stan Buddenbohm's splendid V-17 design to achieve his remarkable victory.
Later on Lee was seen coaching Steve Jones' two, wide-eyed young boys --
Charlie and Sam -- in the art of twanging gliders, thus thus he apparently
won a couple of instant converts to free flight... Or maybe it was riding
shotgun on the exciting motorcycle chases to retrieve the gliders that got
to them. Well, whatever. MMM's will certainly see them at the field again!
Well done, Lee!
Oh yeah, as an aside, Brian Van Nest, in a rain delayed contest, managed a 13
round max-out in F1A. That was impressive in its own way as it matches
Jim Bradley's max-out effort some years ago. George Batiuk set the bar last
year with a complete 14 round max-out in Wake. If this trend of maxing out
continues -- after 23 years of stone-wall frustration -- the July FAI
contest will have to be properly renamed:
The Rocky Mountain Powder Puff Pushover."
Official details of the two-day meet will follow soon. Exciting and
inspiring photos are scheduled to be posted on the MMM website shortly
(don't hold your breath) at:
Sky Spy
Cycles for Sale +
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ran across 3 Honda dirt bikes for sale on the PV peninsula.
1981 500XR $995
1981 250XR? $895
1986 200 Reflex $695 412 miles
All were reduced $45 for quick sale Sat 6 Jul 02
Trailer $125
Joe (310)375-6755
No vested interest, just a messenger.
On a chasing related note, a techie program mentioned the Garmin Rino
GPS/radio combo that sends the position to the other radio. So there is
2-way communication + location. The $250 each, the top of line version has
a bunch of GPS features along with stopwatch. At 8.5 oz it is a bit heavy
to strap on a plane but convenient for keeping sportsmen from getting lost.
Bottom of line is $170 each. More info with google search of garmin rino.
Again just the messenger,
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Attached is a document that describes the USA process for adding to or
amending existing FAI F1 rules at the CIAM. Jim Bradley is including a
hard copy of this process in a program mailing that will be distributed
to all current participants next week (received by the flyers the
following week). It may be convenient to display the process on the SEN
so that there can be a little more time for a response if anyone choses
to add or amend a rule. The cutoff date is 1 August.
Thanks, Daniel J. Tracy
Process for USA Suggested Rule Changes in FAI - F1 categories
Prepared by: Daniel J. Tracy, District XI - FF FAI TSC
24 June, 2002
1) New rule suggestions, recommendations and proposals are
to be worded in simple but precise English. Reference
the rule(s) to be changed, if appropriate, and provide
concise rationale, benefit or explanation of the
proposal. If a completely new rule is being proposed,
the location within the sporting code where the rule
would be written should be identified.
2) Rule proposals are to be sent to the chairperson
(presently, Jim Bradley) of the US FAI Free Flight Team
Selection Committee (TSC) before 1 August.
3) The TSC votes on proposals and deems them appropriate
for the program participants to vote on by a general
appraisal. AMA distributes the ballots for the various
rule proposal(s) to all the registered US F1
participants by 1 September. The ballots must be sent
back to the AMA before 1 October.
4) Each proposal that receives greater than 2/3 of the
registered participant's approval will be sent to the
CIAM before 15 November. It is intended that the
various proposals be included in the CIAM Bureau's
plenary planning meeting that takes place every mid-
November. This meeting establishes the agenda for the
mid March Plenary meeting (where the actual acceptance
or rejection takes place). The planning meeting
attendees include the Management of the CIAM
(president, vice-presidents, secretary, etc.) and the
various technical subcommittee chairpersons (currently,
in the case of F1 - Ian Kaynes).
5) Proposals that will be on the Plenary meeting agenda
are to be published and available on: ,
the FAI's website in January.
6) Those proposals that concern F1 will be gathered and
placed in a ballot format on the SCAT Electronic News
or the National Free Flight Society's website
( on 1 February. The intent is to
solicit opinions and comments by the US F1 Flyers as
well as opinions of other flyers from around the world.
7) The results of the February survey weigh heavily on
opinions offered by the US F1 technical subcommittee
member (presently, Daniel J. Tracy) at the technical
subcommittee side session meeting. This meeting is an
integral part of the data gathering process for the
portion of the Plenary meeting where rules change
proposals are officially accepted or rejected by a
general National Aero Club representative vote - one
nation one vote. The survey results will also weigh
heavily on the opinions of the US "delegate"
(presently, Dave Brown) as he is the NAA designated
voter at the Plenary meeting.
8) The CIAM Plenary meets for 3 days in March at the
International Olympic Committee's museum in Lausanne,
Switzerland. At the portion of the Plenary where rule
changes are processed, the F1 Chair is officially
recognized by the president of the CIAM (it's on the
agenda). The chairperson states each proposed F1 rule,
its ramifications and how the subcommittee voted on the
proposal (this offering can be a rather powerful
recommendation). Proposals that had not received
unanimous or overwhelming acceptance in the technical
subcommittee are usually voted on by the Plenary world
9) The sporting code (rule book) for F1 is published every
4 years. The next release will be in January 2005 for
indoor FF and January 2006 for outdoor FF. Major rule
changes (like model specifications and significant
flying procedures) will not occur within the interim
years. Exceptions to this will be issues involving
safety or non-significant but reasonable changes or
rectifications needed for clarity (the recent F1A
towline pennant geometry is an example).
"Provisional" categories (e.g. F1P) can accommodate
rule modifications every year. The CIAM Bureau can also
make recommended rule adjustments at a flexible
scheduled rate. The AMA itself is also free to compose
and offer rules proposals per the above schedule
Additional information:
Every year every office and every position within the CIAM
is either voted on and accepted or follows some
incorporation scrutiny. This includes the President
(presently, Sandy Pimenoff from Finland), the vice
presidents (there are 3), the secretary, etc., and the
technical subcommittee chairs. The technical subcommittee
chairs are elected by the Plenary. The chairs of the
respective committees choose the members of the technical
subcommittees. To ensure a semblance of harmony the National
Aero Clubs and the CIAM both enjoy "veto rights" on any of
the personnel involved.
The National Aero Clubs are each allowed one CIAM
representative (called a "delegate"). Only the people with
that appellation (one "delegate" per country) are allowed
to vote in CIAM Bureau and Plenary sessions representing
their respective countries. The NAA and the AMA have a
contractual arrangement providing for the AMA to represent
the US at the CIAM. Normally the president of the AMA (Dave
Brown) is appointed to be the "delegate". The AMA
president can also appoint someone else for this duty. Dave
has had the delegate position for the last 8 years and is
also currently the 2nd Vice-president of the CIAM.
Sokol Jr. Kit For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bought from FAI Model Supply about 6 months ago. Complete kit still in
original box. The box is also the building jig. This is the circle tow
version not the bunter. $95.
Dick Ivers
Square Puppy
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BoxBuider welcomes one and all. Brokenspar wants plans of my 04/01/02 F1P
and may yet get them. I did 358sec in Bostonian today at Otay for the
MOONEY memorial. Plans somewhere.
J. Oldenkamp
Dick Seifried
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
Some of your readers might not know of the death of Dick Seifried who
flew F1b in the 90's and was highly regarded in Jumbo rubber scale and
Old Timer gas on the West Coast. He succumbed to throat cancer on July
first at St Joseph's Hospital in Burbank, CA.
Mik Mikkelson
Re: G & Z mount
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Had such good results requesting info for the Thunderbuggy that I thought I
would try my luck again
Does anyone know of someone who would be interested in making a couple of
screw in radial backplate mounts for a G & Z 049 ?? This is a Chinese engine
so I am sure the threads for the backdoor are some zoogey-dip metric
dimension. I would certainly appreciate any leads.
Rudy Kluiber
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Roger Morrell