SCAT Electronic News 25 January 2000 issue 535
- Details
- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1200
SCAT Electronic News 25 January 2000 issue 535
Table of Contents
Past Editorials? - Hines
Prilep and the Sporting Code - Kaynes
Fast Richard- Murphy
SEN Numbering - Bogie
Early DT with programmed combination of altitude and duration. - Boutillier
SWR 2001 0 Kit Bays and Altitude - Andresen
Fast Richard - Smith
Prilep World Cup event - Hines
Past Editorials?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking on SCAT website, tried to access past editorials, and it seems
only Jan 2001 issues are still posted.
Can you guide my access to search for some from midyear 2000?
July, possibly?
you have two ways of doing this. On the screen with the current
issues there is an up arrow in the top left. Click on this and
and you you will move up an hierachy until you see more topic
headings - then chlick on the heading to see the content.
Anternately if the screen has the serch icon at the top you can
click on that. It will give you a form to enter search
critera. ]
Prilep and the Spoerrting Code
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re the query on Prilep World Cup event, all the FAI events are listed on
the FAI - CIAM web page under international sporting calendar
The 2001 Sporting Code will be available for download form the same site in
the next few days.
Fast Richard
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dick Mathis, AKA Fast Richard, was a flying buddy during our high school and
collage days in Dallas. he went on to earn his Ph.D. is Sociology and was
teaching at SMU. The next time I heard from him he was the real estate
editor of the Dallas Morning News. Work and family left him with no time
for modeling. I suspect that the loss of most of the flying fields in North
Texas might also been a factor. After that I have also lost contact with
him and I heard that he was living and working some where in Louisiana.
Dick was a great innovator and competitor. I recall his 570 1/2A,
early circle tow Nordics and keen mind. We would meet after class in
collage and practice towing figure 8s with our open hook straight tow
Nordics! It was always fun to simply sit and talk to him as he was always
thinking of ways to improve performance. Our sport would be better if he
were to return.
Jerry Murphy, AMA 917
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
FAX; 719-685-3745
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SEN Numbering
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your issue numbering is off. When you listed the last one as 523 it should
have been 532. Take a look.
[Yes Bill and Bernard I did get turned around. Hopefully I
have it back together now.]
Re: Early DT with programmed combination of altitude and duration.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Bradley asks, in the last issue of SEN , about legal aspect of an early
DT operated by preset combinations of time and height. For sure it could be
interesting when flying in monster thermals and would save retrieving time,
but to my opinion it is not legal even if the action is non reversible.
There is a sensor measuring a flight parameter and the loop is closed by an
action modifying the flight..
I do not like these electronic "deviations" of free flight. Why not fly
directly RC models for those interested by electronics, servos, sensors and
the like.
PS for Roger: It seems that there is a numbering problem with the last
issues of SEN, last one is numbered 524, should be 534. Ciao.
SWR 2001 0 Kit Bays and Altitude
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for braving the elements and attending/reporting on SWR meet.
Jim Parker used which showed the window of opportunity for
the weekend, being more accurate than other forecasts. Actually, except for
the few towline flights that didn't get off the line due to lack of wind,
the weather wasn't a factor. Don't know of any premature OOS flights.
Incidently, this weekend, which would have been the lunar cycle choice was
near perfect in Phx & Northern AZ. This is encouraging for Max Men which
would be in similar lunar phase. Like all my advice there is a money back
guarantee (on the cost of advice, no secondary liability)
Only minor addition to John Nystedt's report was that White & Crowley made
the 4 & 5 min maxes in F1G. Paul Crowley added drama to the 5min flyoff by
breaking 2 motors and launching into a boomer with 2 sec to go in the 10min
There were a number of Jr's with the best placings by the Avallone brothers
from Grand Rapids, MI. Michael, the younger, learned well from Brian Van
Nest's coaching, maxed out in F1A and ended up 4th. Eddie was 3rd in F1J.
The AMA side had the sky full of Cubs/Delta Darts as former F1A flyer Jim
Farmer gave 40 kits to a Mesa Scout Troop. Was encouraging to see all the
smiling faces of kids who experienced the joy of creating something by
themselves. Some good flights too.
Really appreciated the help in running the flyoffs with George Batiuk
running F1B and Andrew Barron pitching in on F1H & F1J and all available
helpers & fliers pitching in to time. Thanks to all.
Kit Bays: I never met Kit Bays in person either but remember John Bonang
muttering something about him winning P-30 at SWR again. That was several
years ago and Mr Bays was listed in the Ft Huachuka/Sierra Vista, AZ area.
Onboard Altitude Measurement: Some RC Sailplane fliers used to put Casio
watches with altitude feature in their models. These had resolution of
about 20' and a peak-hold feature. Other models produce a bar graph at 2min
intervals. There is a competing watch with better res.
Have seen a Motorola sensor that, as I recall, had a res of about a foot
(with proper readout).
Have seen GPS give some unusual altitude results. With the better signals
and differential measurements, this may be feasible.
GPS has some legal questions being a man-made signal and what it's used for.
Even onboard pressure measurement if used for control may save a plane but
invite a protest.
Fast Richard
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I did not know him personally but a good friend of mine knew him well. He
says Richard took so much venomous and hateful criticism over his RC/free
flight ideas that it turned him off the hobby permanently. The last I heard,
Richard is still alive and well.
Gene Smith
Prilep World Cup event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FYI, the CIAM/FAI website ( has the 2001
Sporting Calendar posted.
The contact person is Zdraxko Todorovski.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell