SCAT Electronic News 21 January 2001 issue 534
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1301
SCAT Electronic News 21 January 2001 issue 534
Table of Contents
World Cup in Prilep - Erguner
Science Oympiad info- Bennett
Altitude sensor and controled DTS - Bradley
Fast Richard - Bocckinfuso
Vivchar - BlackMagic F1B Pylons
Air powered models - Goostrey
World Cup in Prilep
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have recently heard that there will be a World Cup in Macedonia, Prilep on
June 16-17, 2001. Does anyone have any more information about the contest?
Are any of the model and part suppliers attending this contest?
Science Oympiad info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If similar hasn't been posted answering Don Ross yet, there are several
websites by indoor flyers having Science Oylmpiad info and plans. One good
one is <> Also, I noticed that Lew
Gitlow (Indoor Model Supply) has published a booklet about S.O. and also has
S.O. kit.
Mark Bennett
Altitude sensor and controled DTS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As a comment to the on going discussion of altitude sensor, would it be legal
to have the electronic timer now keep track of both altitude and time? Think
about it, you could then have your model DT early a several preset
combinations of time and altitude knowing that it could not land before the
full Max time was reach. It could save a lot of models in those monster
thermals, you know the kind of thermal when you DT at 3 minutes and takes 5
to 10 minutes to come down. I feel it is legal because the action is
non-reversal. Comments?
Jim Bradley
Fast Richard
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hardy brought back a lot of good memories when he wrote about Fast Richard.
He was my hero and I always looked forward to his adventures in Snider
Swamp. He also was an influence on me to be involved in competitive
freeflight. I never met him, but always wish I had. Then in about 1975, it
seemed that he fell off the end of the earth and was gone from modeling
completely. How could anyone so involved in the hobby just disappear? Does
anyone know what happened, and has anyone seen his lately?
Jimmy Bocckinfuso
Vivchar - BlackMagic F1B Pylons
Over the past 18 months or so a number of people have asked me for
Vivchar pylons with BlackMagic Timers. Unfortunaley I've lost the
list of people who asked ... so ...
I have a small number of Vivchar F1B e-pylons in stock.
This is the latest model with
- smaller opening
- opening on back of pylon so it can be removed even if airplane is strung
- battery compartment easily accessible
- includes wing wiggler
- 4 function levers plus Vivchar propstart lever
- server mounted and included
- any color as long as it is yellow
- push button start switch on front of pylon near back
- charge Jack
- can use either CR1/3N Lithium batteries or rechargeable NiMH
- Servo is fitted and included
- Timer is fitted and included
$160 for complete pylon
plus starter package if needed
$15 for
- one set of batteries
- BlackMagic programming cable
- BlackMagic manual - printed form
- battery charge cable
- Blackmagic program for PalmPilot
Timer already has loaded typical Vivchar flight program as an example
This is the next evolution of the system that I used in all flights
except one in the US TEAM selection contest.
Your opportunity to get your F1B into the 21 century :-)
e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thanks to Bill [F1B] Booth and Al and Tina Brush for their donation in
support of SEN.
Air powered models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi !
I'm Wes
I read the letters about the Air Hogs.
Several of the guys in our club (SAM 59 Cloud Climbers Southeast Louisiana)
have Air Hogs but none have done any conversions of them yet.
I found an air powered plane called Air Jammer.
It has a little different motor than the Air Hogs.
I removed the heavier plastic mountings and adapted a P30 (One night 28)
wing and tail on a boom and mounted a 7.5 in grey prop. (the one that comes
on it
is crap) the bigger prop gives it a longer motor run and the wing give
better wing loading. So far I've just flown it in a small field but it
looks promising.
Estes (the rocket people) have an air powered plane out , I'd like to see
what its like .
I'd like to hear from anyone expermenting with air powered planes.
Roger Morrell