SCAT Electronic News 18 August 2001 issue 610
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1363
SCAT Electronic News 18 August 2001 issue 610
Table of Contents
FAI World Cup - Boutillier
NATS / USOC results posted on the NFFS website - Mekina
FAI Down Under - Vincent
Pictures of F1A self launcher - Kelly and others
Helios Flight Test 2 - 96,660 ft - Cowley
Sea Fury Engines - Miller
Tracker - Paavilainen
Neat Stuff
FAI World Cup
Bernard Boutillier
In the last issue of Free Flight News one can see the current positions
of World Cup after 20 contests, 13 contests being still to count.
For now the leader in F1C is John Cuthbert with three wins: one in UP with a
flight total of 810 sec.(?) and 7 contestants, two wins in CM and VH as a
SINGLE flyer with a flight time of respectively 322 and 240 sec.
I have nothing against John, who is a good fellow that I appreciate, but to
my eyes he deserves more for his total of 1286 sec in windy Poitou than
for a single flight of 240 sec in Beja.
It is time to think about FAI World Cup rules. The points awarded according
the placing are, with the above example, a real masquerade.
I have no ready made solution, anyway my opinion is that the placing AND
the flight times should play an equal part in the points attribution. For
instance 50 points for the winner + his flight time. This will encourage
a contestant who finds himself alone on the starting line to
complete all his flights in the goal of getting 50+ 1320 points,
i.e. 1370 points For a contest with many participants with several fly-offs
the winner will get, for instance 50+1320+300+420+ 297,i.e. 2387 points.
This way competition is rewarded with more points in a big contest than in
a small one, and the World Cup winner will be a real winner.
This is only a personal opinion but I am already sure that it is shared
by many contestants.
What thinks the F.F. subcommittee?
W.C. contestants should submit to their national delegates in the hope that
things could improve.
Bernard Boutillier
NATS / USOC results posted on the NFFS website
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fellow Free Flighters,
The 2001 NATS / USOC are now history, as many of you know, we had exceptional
weather, with great competition in all events. The F1 events enjoyed
tremendous flyoff conditions with F1A, and F1C going to the 9-minute rounds,
therein that round narrowly deciding the victors with the victors making the
9-minute maxes, and 2nd places narrowly missing them! F1B would have gone to
the 9 minute round, but a short DT precluded that. F1G, H and J also had
glorious flyoffs with "stick and tissue" models taking 1st and 2nd place in
F1G. F1J, saw the flyoff go to 7 minutes during the day of the event, then
to an unlimited flight the next morning which was won by the reigning F1J
Junior World Champion, beating out all comers! Hand Launch Glider and
Catapult Glider saw many maxes with the top 4 and 7 flyers respectively
maxing out in each of these events. The Mulvihill Cup was awarded to two
people in the long tradition that it be awarded to two people if at the end
of the day they are tied. In this case, both Mulvihill flyers had achieved
their 8-minute maxes! All in all, the weather was exceptional!
As for the results, I have just posted the scores from the 2001NATS / USOC on
the NFFS website:
Just click on the link at the top of the main links page (along the right
hand side of your browser), it is labeled :
"new" 2001 Nats "new"
>From there you will find complete listings of all the events, including the 4
Catagoy Championship Awards.
Many thanks to Randy Ryan, his number 2 man Chuck Markos and ALL of his crew,
especially his data assistant Bob Whitesides, who gave me one of the best
digital data sets of results to work from, ever!
Joe Mekina
FAI Down Under
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There will be four World Cup events in New Zealand and Australia
next year over a three week period in March April.
They kick off with the New Zealand events at Omarama in the South
Island high country,
the Kotuku Cup from March 17 to 20 and the Omarama Cup from March 21 to 24.
A week later at Narrandera, in the Riverina district of New South Wales,
the Australians will be running the AFFS Cup and the Southern Cross Cup.
I have been unable to contact AFFS convenor John Fletcher for a
programme but Tahn Stowe reports the South Cross event will be from
April 2 to 4.
The Narrandera site is the one which would have been used for the
Worlds Champs if the Australian bid had gone ahead.
All four events have supporting events for open or mini classes.
Information sheets will be available at the World Championships and a page
will be set up withing the NZMAA web site giving full details and
including entry forms.
Lincoln Vincent, for the NZFFTC
Pictures of F1A self launcher
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger; When I tried to open the attached pictures of the self =
launching device they both generated errors which caused them to =
disappear from my Acrobat reader screen whether I tried to "fix" the =
detected error or leave it alone. I was wondering if anyone else =
experienced the same problem. Sincerely yours, Paul Kelly
Re: SCAT Electronic News 14 August 2001 issue 609 attachment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have tried repeatedly to get the picture printed but everytime we try to
print we get a message that it is invalid. I almost feel they will come and
give us a ticket. What are we doing wrong? Phil Klintworth,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Re: SCAT Electronic News 14 August 2001 issue 609 attachment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you please re send these files. I got error when I tried to open the
files. There was something wrong. They look interesting I I would like to
get them.
[There is bad news and good news ...
The files were produced in Japan and use a font that is
not normally on Western PCs. I happened to have it so was able
to view the original PDF.
If you want to see the PDF you can go to the Adobe web site and download version 5.0 of the Viewer - that will tell you that
you need a Japanse font - the web site has additional
lanuage support that can be down loaded. So download the Japanse
and you will be able to see it.
The other bad news is that this attachment was fairly large and was rejected
by a number of mail providers, notably Hotmail.
So it you want to see it you must
go online to to find it.]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear fellows Free Flighters,
I have a good news for you. PRE WORLD CHAMPS SALE.
All "Genuine Andriukov and Kulakovsky Aeromodelling products" are 10% off
for a limited time. Please check our new web site
Alexander Andriukov
1 - 805 - 577 1349
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Helios Flight Test 2 - 96,660 ft
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* FYI * for SEN
Helios reached a momentary maximum altitude of 96,660 ft at 4:11pm HST.
At peak altitude the airplane was 136nm from PMRF Barking Sands airfield.
The airplane is now at 94,000 ft descending at 500 ft/min. Landing is
predicted to be at 1:30am. This makes Helios the highest flying aircraft
ever, in sustained level flight. Previous record held by SR-71 was
recorded as 85,000ft.
[So ... the Andriukov props went higher than the SR - 71.
But I guess they're not the same ones as mentioned on
the Web Site above]
Sea fury engines still for sale?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I was wondering if you still had the Sea Fury engines for sale, if so how
much are you asking for them. Thanks-RON
[I'm not sure why I got this - but if anyone can help Mr Miller ...]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Radio Tracking
i was reading some letters on radio tracking devices. We have been
supplying for over five years tracking receivers and small transmitters
for model airplanes, mainly in Europe. You may introduce Tracker tracking
devices to your group of people by checking our web pages at
or (our US-subsidiary). The most suitable and
affodable tracking receiver for the purpose is Tracker Smart or Tracker
Traxx and the falconry transmitter FTL-860. The range is from 3-5 miles.
Arto Paavilainen Tracker Inc.
President & CEO Telemetry House
FIN-90460 Oulunsalo, Finland
Tel +358 8 521 9000
Fax +358 8 521 9100
Cellular +358 40 548 9900
Visit our websites:
Neat Stuff
While at Poitou I noticed that the sunflowers were only waist high,
considerably shorter than I remembered. Apparantly they are either GM or
cleverly bred to have shorter stalks, same size flowers and take
much less water to grow - and are a whole lot better for finding
your F1B. Now they need to work on the corn/maize!
While at Poitou I picked up a neat electronic counter for the Blazevitch winder
made by Pim Ruyter. The Counter got the real test at Lost Hills
today where it hit 100 F [or 38 in FAI Speak] and the LCD did not go
black when left lying in the sunlight.
Upon return to Lost Hills in my mail box was the latest winder from
Andriukov [also fitted with one of Pim's counters]. This winder is
way cool and should be in a design museum. Probably winds rubber good
too. Full report to follow.
A Lost Hills observation was that I've been there a few times recently
and compared notes with others. The weather, ie. wind being the only
component that really matters, is much better than at the beginning of the
summer where some of the bake out contests turned into blow outs. Yesterday
it was very nice with 4 minute flights only going 100 yards [again 100 meters
in FAI Speak]. A little on the warm side which is probably why there
were not too many people there.
As it was a couple of years back there are a lot grasshoppers, so
remember to keep your mouth closed while chasing! still they beat
trantulas. Those fellas are just waiting til to cool ?! of
Thanks to Lee Hines for his donation in support of SEN
Roger Morrell