SCAT Electronic News 14 Aug 2001 issue 608
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1416
SCAT Electronic News 14 Aug 2001 issue 608
Table of Contents
[Broken ?] Rhyme - Brokenspar
Glider self-launching system - Yoshioka
Rectangular carbon stock - Gewain
Nats - Coussens, Ben
Tan II for sale - Wegenr
Address for Steffen Jensen - Reid
WPAFB - Heeb
McCook - Toto in Kansas
[Broken ?] Rhyme
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm trying to write a limerick in which
the first line ends.....Tracy
What are rhyming words for Tracy?
( Edward Lear is the model for the limerick form: aabba )
Why ? The National Free Flight Society has inaugurated a new
plateau of expansion. Tracy is our hero.
T Shirts, Decals for your wings, Tatoos ( above the belt please ),
- other festive material...
Look him up at the WC*
The other rhyming question: Orange.
Still working on that, in spite of Sorrentino
* either way
Glider self-launching system
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I attached two pictures of a glider self-launching device. This device was
invented by the late Hideo Uchiyama who was a good Japanese F1A flyer and
was developed by many flyers in Japan. These pictures were drawn by
Shin-ichi Shinagawa.
The device has a good mechanism and high reliabilty for launch without
damage and we called it "Uchiyama launching device" in memory of the late
The number of launches will increase by using this device even if you were
only in the flying field. I hope that you will show these pictures on SEN.
[The pictures will appear in a supplement - real soon now]
Rectangular carbon stock
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We recently added 7 sizes of small rectangular pulltruded carbon to our
catalog. They are listed on the following page
Some of the sizes should work well for wing and stab trailing edges.
Please pass this information on to the SCAT Email list.
Matt Gewain
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello fellow readers. If this could be published in the
SCAT Electronic News,I would appreciate it. First of all I would just like
to thank Art Ellis for giving the flyers a great contest at this years Nats.
My father and I had a great time flying at the field. I was astonished
to see how many flyers there were at that contest. I did not finish
where I would liked to have, but I had the best time of my life.
I would like to encourage every junior flyer to come to that contest.
Your guys will remember it as one of the highlights of your freeflight life,
just the field alone is amazing. I live near and fly at lost hills which
is one of the best fields in the world, and i would give
it up to have the Nats field. My dad and I referred to it as freeflight heaven
and that statement is not far from the truth. So in concluding I would like to
thank everyone who contributed to make the Nats contest possible.
The field was so good it could host a finals, in the near future
Tan II for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger;
I have about 9.25 lbs of Febuary 1999 Tan II that I would like to sell.
It has about
9.25 lbs left of a 10 lb box. It has been kept in a dry, protected area, and
is in very good shape. I know that this was not the best batch, but I
understand it is not bad, eithier. I will not be using it, but did not think
that EBAY would have been the best place to sell it. Could you post this on
the SCAT site for me?
If anyone is interested, they can E-Mail or call me and we can discuss
price. Thanks.
Richard Wegener
Educational Services
Office (860)654-6302
Cell (860)655-8508
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address for Steffen Jensen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger - In the Poitou F1A results I saw the name of Steffen Jensen, an
acquaintance from the Danish 1977 World Champs. I'd like to reconnect with
him, having lost his address. Can you, or anyone else on the SEN circuit,
give me a postal or email address for him? Thanks.
Jack Reid
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mc Cook Field was the first in the Dayton area and is now a baseball field.
Wright & Patterson Fields came much later & are now combined. Only Patterson
is open for military flying. Wright has the USAF Museum.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bill Bogart,
I'm sorry I can't remember where I picked this up but McCook Field and Wright
Field were separate entities. McCook Field was said to be currently
supporting a full crop of apartment buildings. Old Wright Field is currently
the portion of Wright-Patterson AFB which houses the Air Force Museum. The
main Wright-Pat facility is elsewhere. I haven't personally been there but
when I was at the 1980 Nats at old Wright Field I had the impression that
Wright Pat is NE of Old Wright Field.
Some earlier issues of Wings and Air Power mags dealt quite a lot with early
US Army Air Service development efforts and I think that it was there that I
read that McCook Field was plowed under and sown in apartments.
Jim O'Reilly
Roger Morrell