SCAT Electronic News 20 August 2001 issue 611
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1351
SCAT Electronic News 20 August 2001 issue 611
Table of Contents
Thanks for the grapevine - Reid
Co-ords - Wallace
World Cup - Kaynes
2002 NFFS Symposium - Servaites
Helios, Macs, other diversions, - Mac the Bigot
Tangent Classic Results - Roberts & McBurnett
Geneseo Results - Ellis
Thanks for the grapevine
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Roger - I'd like to express my thanks to the readers of SEN who supplied me
with Steffen Jensen's address. What a great bunch free flighters are,
Jack Reid.
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In a previous SEN mention was made of GPS use. I will be taking my GPS to
Lost Hills and was wondering if someone had or could give me the coordinates
of " Motel Six, Lost Hills ", and " The entrance to Lost Hills Flying Site "
even though I have been there before. I'd appreciate the figures in hours,
degrees, minutes, seconds if possible.
E-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Many Thanks,
Rob Wallace
World Cup
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Thanks for your interesting idea. My immediate reaction is that while
something to account for flight time could be useful your proposed use of
the flight score in seconds completely swamps the points for placing. The
problem with this is that it depends on the weather and this makes it
something of a lottery - you cannot plan in advance how many points you
might get by going to a particular competition and winning it. It would
work against the people going to competitions away from central Europe or
California which might have wind and poor weather (nobody would take the
risk of going to Stonehenge Cup with our weather).
You quote John's performance at Poitou of 1286 sec but he was 5th and was
beaten by 4 people who scored more in the same conditions. By comparison
Vasiliev was 5th in Antonov Cup out of 8 people with a score of 1320+245.
His place was too low to count for World Cup points in that entry but his
time would have represented 279 more than John at Poitou and surely it was
not such a good achievement.
The bonus point scheme was introduced so that a tie with equal place
results in the World Cup results would be resolved by giving a few more
points to the person who had beaten more people. Thus Cuthbert would not
win if someone else achieves 3 wins at contests with more competitors than
the ones John has won - a good chance of that at the end of the year in
California? Perhaps the points available need to be reduced when there are
very few entries (e.g. less than the number required to get one bonus point
= 5 in F1C). Perhaps flight time could be covered by giving a bonus for
reaching the flyoff?
Other ideas are welcome.
2002 NFFS Symposium
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It is time to solicit papers for the 2002 NFFS Symposium Report, the 35th
edition. The purpose of the Symposium is to promote and encourage the
investigation, discussion and documentation of the technical and theoretical
side of free flight. Papers addressing historical, administrative,
documentary and philosophical aspects of the sport are also welcome. If you
have a special topic that you would like to see a paper written on, please
submit this and I will attempt to find an author. Several commitments have
already been received for some neat articles.
I feel that there is a continual need to stress the importance of introducing
new competitors to our sport. Success stories on recruiting new participants
would be appreciated. Articles on the F1 classes, AMA ff, nostalgia,
old-timers, indoor, scale, etc, are needed. The Symposium report represents
international ideas and concepts and it is requested that those readers from
overseas and Canada will consider making contributions.
Bucky Servaites, editor
7660 Duffield Circle
Centerville, OH 45459
(937) 433-0975
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Helios, Macs, other diversions,
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Helios, Macs, other diversions
All of you know about the Helios aircraft and the new world altitude record,
kudos and congrats to the Aerovironments team. What many of you may not
know is that the computer brain onboard the aircraft was a macintosh
computer. Now I know that many of you think I'm biased and for some strange
reason I have been given the title of Mac Bigot but the bottom line is they
simply could not get that gangly looking airplane to even roll down the
runway when it had a PC hooked to it. It's not just that the Mac is better,
it's a lot better and only with the superior technology could such a feat be
achieved. I give the design team credit for their forward thinking in spite
of the power of the Microsoft monopoly and antiquated operating system. I'm
going to loan my ultra-fast dual processor Mac G4 to the Helios team and I
figure they can reach 120,000 feet with that on board.
On on a much sadder note I have to report that I have had to take the
drastic measure of disowning my F1B flying son Evan. I don't take decisions
like this lightly but Evan had the gall to sell his Macintosh laptop I got
for him and replace it with a Dell PC as he felt the PC would be more
appropriate for his first year of College. I can't even begin to explain the
utter betrayal I feel and I'm shocked by his defection to the dark side of
personal computing. I have named his laptop Darth Vader in honor of the evil
side of things. He of course has has been urging me to have a light sabre
and computing competition with him but out of my own personal honor I am
refusing as I don't want to embarrass him. Adding insult to injury in the
ensuing discussion we had about his decision he went so far as to say that
the Dell PC is the Andrikov of laptops, of course implying it is the best. I
reminded him that he flys Vivchar models but his point was made none the
less. Even though he is now living in the college dorm he has all his
modeling equipment here at the house so I need to cut this letter short so I
can go out and add a little bit of sand in each of his rubber motor bags.
That should even the score out a bit!
A frustrated and sad Mac the Bigot.
Tangent Classic Results
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The following are the results from this past weekends Tangent Classic
FAI Meet in Tangent Oregon. We had terrific weather with minimal drift
on both days although some low overcast to start the contest; no
problems were weather related. Good air was somewhat difficult at first
to find so fly offs were needed in F1 A, and all three mini events only.
Pierre Brun graciously will be providing the "Wayne Drake Perpetual
Trophy" to the F1 A winner, recognizing one of Oregons past great
flyers. It was a fun filled weekend.
F1 A
1. Dallas Parker..................1540
2. Lee Hines 1486
3. Peter Brocks 1218
4. Pierre Brun 1178
5. Jim Parker 1171
6. Rob Lane 1055
7. Norm Smith 970
F1 B
1. John Pratt 1320
2. Herb Sessums 1262
3. Chuck Dorsett 1088
4. Len Kendy 702
5. Lee Schroeder 666
F1 C
1. Mike Roberts 1274
2. Ron Mc Burnett 1245
F1 G
1. Bob White 831
2. Hank Cole 829
3. Ralph Cooney 598
4. John Pratt 584
5. Peter Brocks 584 (fly off tie breaker)
6. Mark Sexton 546
7. Len Sherman 304
F1 H
1. Norm Smith 769
2. Lee Hines 747
3. Dallas Parker 571
4. Rob Lane 74
F1 J
1. Mike Roberts 1001
2. Bruce Augustus 600
3. Dave Parsons 278
Note the F1 G scores between Bob & Hank.
Ron Mc Burnett & Mike Roberts CD's
Geneseo Results
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Geneseo, NY gave us another good contest. Although the field is small
for the big events the weather fully cooperated again this year to give
a wonderful contest with no shortened rounds.
A number results are worth noting. Kay Fags was the only glider flier to
make the extended first round. He contiued to throw up maxes leading the
pack until finally dropping in the fourth round. Kay maxed out the rest
of the way to finish 3rd for some hard earned America's Cup points. Lee
Wang (junior) won Wakefield besting Dick Wood in the fly-off. The
competition to make next year's junior team is certainly getting tight.
Have a great day, Art Ellis
Bob Sifleet 202 177 180 180 180 180 180 1279
Omer Erguner 163 180 180 180 180 180 180 1243
K. Fags 210 180 180 66 180 180 180 1176
Tzvetan Tzvetkov 159 180 180 180 180 129 115 1123
Ben Thomson (jr) 91 131 88 163 0 0 0 473
George Victor 57 60 118 76 102 0 0 413
Art Ellis 120 115 122 0 0 0 0 357
Lee Wang (jr) 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290+185
Richard Wood 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290+173
David Ellis (jr) 210 180 180 180 180 105 180 1215
Jerry McGlashan 210 180 180 180 160 180 122 1212
John Clapp 210 180 148 180 174 148 151 1191
Fred Bloom 72 180 180 141 180 180 165 1098
Tom Ioerger 162 168 125 180 178 87 158 1058
Jim Brooks 210 180 180 180 137 0 0 887
Joe Friebis 160 180 127 180 180 0 0 827
Bob Gutai 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290+300
Andrei Kirilanko 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290+245
Ed Keck 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290+0
Frank Schlachta 210 177 180 180 180 180 180 1287
Bob Silfleet 210 180 103 0 0 0 0 493
Larry Pelatowski 120 120 120 120 120 600+174
Vic Nippert 120 120 120 120 120 600+117
John Clapp 120 120 120 110 120 590
Tom Ioerger 120 104 81 120 120 545
Richard Wood 120 68 30 111 120 449
Les Sayer 99 117 120 0 0 336
Fred Blom 120 120 0 0 0 240
Bob Silfleet 120 120 120 120 120 600
Vic Nippert 96 56 97 84 85 418
Ben Thomson (jr) 64 60 41 67 120 352
Vince Croghan 68 89 59 65 60 341
Jean Pailet 0 84 37 0 0 121
Austin Gunder (jr) 120 120 120 120 120 600+ to be determined
Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 120 600+ to be determined
Ed Keck 120 120 120 0 0 360
Jean Pailet 88 81 120 0 0 289
Roger Morrell