SCAT Electronic News 27 August 2001 isue 613
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1383
SCAT Electronic News 27 August 2001 isue 613
Table of Contents
Adobe $$ - Puhakka
GPS locations - Salzer
AmCup and lost voltmeter - Parker and Coussens
Adobe $$
Author :
Do you know in the language plug ins are available for Acrobat 4? Adobe is
asking $250 for Acrobat 5.0. It is kind of steep in this economy;-).
Alll the downloads I got are free. You do not
get Arobat - just the Acrobat READER. The Reader is free
and the Japanese character support worked with that]
GPS locations
Author :
At the MaxMen 2001 Istored the following Lost Hills Coordinates:
(decimal minutes, not seconds)
Motel 6: 35° 37.045' N, 119° 39.601' W
Holloway Rd: 35° 36.950' N, 119° 44.584' W
Entry to field: 35° 40.014' N, 119° 46.833' W
Launch Pos.: 35° 39.526' N, 119° 48.132' W
(Javier obviously lived in the east wing and hat a different pole...)
By the way: from you can get good maps, too - not only
sattelite photos!
AmCup and lost voltmeter
Author :
Roger, for SEN
First, I lost a small digital volt / ohm meter (black cover, yellow case) at
the NATs or the Tangent Oregon contests. Return would be appreciated. Now,
on to business.
The WC's are around the corner so before our modeling world gets completely
crazy the AmCup committee needs to get this word out.
At the Nov SCAT club meeting, the 2002 AmCup schedule will be discussed. We
have numerous requests for sanctions. This is the time to put it into writing
(email preferred). We currently have three request, 1) Arizona in early Dec,
2) third contest at Wagel field and 3) the MaxMen Mid summer contest Lost
Hills. We will also need to deal with the Hoosier cup situation.
It is paramount to remember that the AmCup exist to promote FAI FF through
the traveling of modelers to contest through out the country. The worthy
second purpose is to recognize the yearly top performer in the FAI FF classes.
The 2000 discussions for the 2001 season included the subject of the maximum
number of contest the AmCup schedule should have. The original 13 contests
have gradually grown to 29. We believe this is or is near the max. This
averages over a contest every other weekend! In addition to the contest
selection rules stated in the AmCup Rules, selection criteria will consider:
date (avoid multiple contest on the same date), historical trends (are the
contests getting larger or smaller), interest in the club or individual
CD'ing the contest, preference to contest with both open and mini- events,
and finally location (maintain the east, central, west balance).
5 Eastern Sites
7 Eastern Contest
3 Wayayanda, NY
1 Ingleside MD
1 Borden Canada
1 PalmBay FL
1 Pensacola FL
5 Central Sites
10 Central Contest
4 Muncie In
2 Seguin TX
2 Denver CO
1 Allen TX
1 Geneseo NY
6 Western Site
12 Western Contest
6 Lost Hills CA
2 Sacramento CA
1 Eloy AZ
1 Tangent OR
1 Harts Lake WA
1 LasVegas NV
>From the 1996 FAI Team survey, half the FAI program participants call Lost
Hills their home field. The other half are pretty much distributed across
the other fields. I'd venture to guess that Muncie has increased since this
The SCAT club continually seeks the input from across the US and Canada. We
desire that the regional areas coordinate themselves with regard to any
suggested changes to the established AmCup contest. Then to make any
suggested changes to the AmCup committee (email preferred).
I'll be sending out a score update after the Big Al's rescheduled contest
this weekend.
To close, below is the 2001 AmCup Rules. Note the mission statement and rule
1c as they pertain to the contest schedule:
The purpose of the America's Cup Competition is to foster the development of
flyers and models across North America in the FAI classes F1A, F1B, and F1C
as well as the mini-events, F1G, F1H, and F1J. This coast-to-coast
competition encourages flyers to attend multiple contests each year in the
United States and Canada in order to win. To this end the Southern
California Aero Team has formulated the following rules:
1) Designated contests must be flown in accordance with the provisions of
the FAI Sporting Code and as follows:
a) F1A, B and C Contests must be a minimum of 7 rounds plus flyoffs if
required. First round max durations should require the current extended
flight times as stated in the FAI Sporting Code. F1G, H and J contests must
fly a minimum of 5 rounds plus flyoffs if required. flights (rounds not
mandatory). All events must have discreet rounds and must be flown from a
launch line. In the case of deteriorating weather or for safety reasons,
contests can be terminated after 5 rounds, and the Contest Director must
provide the situation description. The CD must also indicate which round max
durations were shortened from those stated in the FAI Sporting Code. verified
by the signature of a majority of contestants on the contest report.
b) For F1A, B, and C, Contests flown over two days must have 7 rounds
minimum (exception as above), and scoring will be based on total rounds
flown. Contest Directors are urged to configure contest rounds over a two
day period to best allow 7 rounds plus flyoffs to be completed.
c) A $25US Contest Sanction Fee is required on or before April 1 of the
current schedule year. Acceptable forms of payment are Money Orders or
Checks made out to Bill Bogart and sent to either address below. Non-payment
will result in the removal of the contest from the following year's schedule.
Designated contests will be recommended to the SCAT Club at large by the
S.C.A.T. America's Cup Committee after careful consultation with contest
organizers and FAI competitors in the USA and Canada. Previous Cup Contests
have priority. In the event of rescheduling or cancellation, the organzer
must make an effort at widespread notification to that effect. A 30-day
advanced notice is recommended. New contests will be granted Conditional
Status for their first year on the Calendar, based on their adherence to FAI
rules as reported by organizers and contestants to either of the Committee
members (see addresses below). Points scored at Conditional Contests are
fully counted.
d) Contestant eligibility is restricted to permanent residents of the United
States, Canada and Mexico. New permanent residents must contact the
Administrator to establish eligibility. Other foreign competitors are not
considered in the quantity of entries or in the individual scores.
2) Any number of Designated Contests can be entered and at any contest site.
3) The highest scores from a maximum of four contests will be counted.
4) For all events, the total score may include two scores from one site
only; all other scores must come from different sites. Example: Four scores
require at least three sites; three scores require at least two sites.
5) Points Allocation:
1st Place 25 points
2nd Place 20 points
3rd Place 15 points
4th Place 10 points
5th Place 5 points
6) Extra "Bonus" points are scored on the number of contestants in an event:
1 - 5 0 points
6 - 8 +1 point
9 - 11 +2 points
12 - 14 +3 points
15 - 17 +4 points
18 or more +5 points
7) Contest ties must be settled, or else competitors receive the lowest
score possible. For example, if three tie for first place and the ties are
not settled, then each of the three receives the third place score (15
points). If two tie for fourth place and no settlement, each receives 10
points. If five or more max out with no flyoffs, each receives 5 points.
Bonus points are added to the above scores.
Ties are to be broken in a sporting manner, in which the event's models
are flown. A single "flyoff" flight or the result of a future contest are
the preferred methods for tie-breakers. The sportsmen are responsible for
arranging a suitable tie breaker. The results of the tie breaker are to be
documented in writing, and agreed upon by the participants. If attempts at
breaking the tie are ultimately unsuccessful, the America's Cup Committee is
responsible for adjudication. Ties must be broken within 60 days of the
contest or by January 15 of the following year, whichever is sooner, or the
scores will remain as ties with the lower score recorded.
8) Ties for first place in the final scoring are settled by counting 5
contests in totals or more if necessary, Rule 4 not withstanding. If this
does not settle a tie, then the winner is determined by taking the scores
from the five best contests and multiplying by the total number of
contestants in the 5 contests in the competitor's event.
9) For contests with fewer than 5 entrants, full points will be awarded
as per Rule 5. In the case of only one entrant, 25 points will be awarded
only if all other conditions of these rules are met; the contestant must fly
in a sportsman-like manner.
10) 'Entry' means - made at least one official flight.
11) Points are scored on the calendar year basis. The America's Cups and
certificates for the first five places will be awarded at a banquet on
Saturday night of the Max Men 14 Round International Contest in California.
The certificates will be mailed, and S.C.A.T. will pay for the Cups to be
shipped to those who are unable to attend; however, it is the responsibility
of the winners to return the Cups to the America's Cup Administrator in time
for the next Awards Banquet. If Cups must be shipped, it is the
responsibility of the winners to insure the cups for $200.00 US.
12) Contests Directors or FAI Event Sponsors are to send contest results
including 1) top five scores, 2) all FAI Junior scores and 3) number of
entries in each event to Jim Parker, preferrably via email within two weeks
of the event.
America's Cup Committee
Jim Parker Tom Coussens
9524 Ruffner 25442 Via Dona Christa
North Hills, CA 91343 Valencia, CA 91355
Roger Morrell