SCAT Electronic News 30 August 2001 issue 614
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1381
SCAT Electronic News 30 August 2001 issue 614
Table of Contents
Cottage Wings - Warner
Aeronuts Results
Correction to Parker's AmCup Message - Parker
Timing Motor Runs - Barker
Battery packs - Pennington
Mark Wood ? - Brokenspar
World Champs 2001, Oct 8 - 13 - Coleman
Do you have an email address or an address for Leonard Opdyke? - Paludan
[Fwd: Spectacular Muncie flight] - Lorbieki
Livotto Let Down - Basque Dinner - Waterman
Chase bike in World Champs - Hatazawa
FAI Results: 41st FAI Invitational August 25-26, 2001- Muncie, IN = Markos
Cottage Wings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just happened across a posting from you guys of the Cottage Wings list
which I gave up some 6 yrs. ago. People keep mailing me money for it,
and I could never figure out where they were getting my address.
Cottage Wings is presently being done by Carlo Godel, 2873 Unaweep
Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81503. I think $2.00 will get you a copy.
$3.00 for sure. His phone is 1(818) 980-6184
Bill Warner
Aeronuts Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The results of Aug 25-26 are posted on the NFFS website. I sent them to some
of you, but have been getting return mail that the files couldn't be read.
[ We could read them ....]
Correction to Parker's AmCup Message
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I used the wrong AmCup Rule file that was published a few days ago. Chuck Marko
s correctly pointed out that the Mini-events are to be flown in rounds.Please r
e-send this. Also, Geneseo NY is still on the East coast. Sorry for the carele
ss errors. I've recieved good input for the 2002 AmCup Schedule discussion. Fo
llowing are the corrected items.
2001 AmCup Contest
6 Eastern Sites
8 Eastern Contest
3 Wayayanda, NY
1 Ingleside MD
1 Borden Canada
1 PalmBay FL
1 Pensacola FL
1 Geneseo NY
4 Central Sites
9 Central Contest
4 Muncie In
2 Seguin TX
2 Denver CO
1 Allen TX
6 Western Site
12 Western Contest
6 Lost Hills CA
2 Sacramento CA
1 Eloy AZ
1 Tangent OR
1 Harts Lake WA
1 LasVegas NV
The purpose of the America's Cup Competition is to foster the development of fl
yers and models across North America in the FAI classes F1A, F1B, and F1C as we
ll as the mini-events, F1G, F1H, and F1J. This coast-to-coast competition enco
urages flyers to attend multiple contests each year in the United States and Ca
nada in order to win. To this end the Southern California Aero Team has formul
ated the following rules:
1) Designated contests must be flown in accordance with the provisions of the
FAI Sporting Code and as follows:
a) F1A, B and C Contests must be a minimum of 7 rounds plus flyoffs if require
d. First round max durations should require the current extended flight times
as stated in the FAI Sporting Code. F1G, H and J contests must fly a minimum
of 5 rounds plus flyoffs if required. All events must have discreet rounds and
must be flown from a launch line. In the case of deteriorating weather or for
safety reasons, contests can be terminated after 5 rounds, and the Contest Dire
ctor must provide the situation description. The CD must also indicate which r
ound max durations were shortened from those stated in the FAI Sporting Code.
b) For F1A, B, and C, Contests flown over two days must have 7 rounds minimum
(exception as above), and scoring will be based on total rounds flown. Contest
Directors are urged to configure contest to best allow 7 rounds plus flyoffs t
o be completed.
c) A $25US America's Cup Contest Sanction Fee is required on or before April 1
of the current schedule year. Acceptable forms of payment are Money Orders or
Checks made out to Bill Bogart and sent to either address below. Non-payment
will result in the removal of the contest from the following year's schedule.
Designated contests will be recommended to the SCAT Club at large by the S.C.A.
T. America's Cup Committee after careful consultation with contest organizers a
nd FAI competitors in the USA and Canada. Previous Cup Contests have priority.
In the event of rescheduling or cancellation, the organzer must make an effor
t at widespread notification to that effect. A 30-day advanced notice is recom
mended. New contests will be granted Conditional Status for their first year o
n the Calendar, based on their adherence to FAI rules as reported by organizers
and contestants to either of the Committee members (see addresses below). Poi
nts scored at Conditional Contests are full!
y counted.
d) Contestant eligibility is restricted to permanent residents of the United S
tates, Canada and Mexico. New permanent residents must contact the Administrat
or to establish eligibility. Other foreign competitors are not considered in t
he quantity of entries or in the individual scores.
2) Any number of Designated Contests can be entered and at any contest site.
3) The highest scores from a maximum of four contests will be counted.
4) For all events, the total score may include two scores from one site only;
all other scores must come from different sites. Example: Four scores require a
t least three sites; three scores require at least two sites.
5) Points Allocation:
1st Place 25 points
2nd Place 20 points
3rd Place 15 points
4th Place 10 points
5th Place 5 points
6) Extra "Bonus" points are scored on the number of contestants in an event:
1 - 5 0 points
6 - 8 +1 point
9 - 11 +2 points
12 - 14 +3 points
15 - 17 +4 points
18 or more +5 points
7) Contest ties must be settled, or else competitors receive the lowest score
possible. For example, if three tie for first place and the ties are not settl
ed, then each of the three receives the third place score (15 points). If two
tie for fourth place and no settlement, each receives 5 points. If five or mor
e max out with no flyoffs, each receives 5 points. Bonus points are added to t
he above scores.
Ties are to be broken in a sporting manner, in which the event's models are
flown. A single "flyoff" flight or the result of a future contest are the pre
ferred methods for tie-breakers. The sportsmen are responsible for arranging a
suitable tie breaker. The results of the tie breaker are to be documented in
writing, and agreed upon by the participants. If attempts at breaking the tie
are ultimately unsuccessful, the America's Cup Committee is responsible for adj
udication. Ties must be broken within 60 days of the contest or by January 15
of the following year, whichever is sooner, or the scores will remain as ties w
ith the lower score recorded.
8) Ties for first place in the final scoring are settled by counting 5 con
tests in totals or more if necessary, Rule 4 not withstanding. If this does no
t settle a tie, then the winner is determined by taking the scores from the fiv
e best contests and multiplying by the total number of contestants in the 5 con
tests in the competitor's event.
9) For contests with fewer than 5 entrants, full points will be awarded as
per Rule 5. In the case of only one entrant, 25 points will be awarded only i
f all other conditions of these rules are met; the contestant must fly in a spo
rtsman-like manner.
10) 'Entry' means - made at least one official flight.
11) Points are scored on the calendar year basis. The America's Cups and certi
ficates for the first five places will be awarded at a banquet on Saturday nigh
t of the Max Men 14 Round International Contest in California. The certificate
s will be mailed, and S.C.A.T. will pay for the Cups to be shipped to those wh
o are unable to attend; however, it is the responsibility of the winners to ret
urn the Cups to the America's Cup Administrator in time for the next Awards Ban
quet. If Cups must be shipped, it is the responsibility of the winners to insu
re the cups for $200.00 US.
12) Contests Directors or FAI Event Sponsors are to send contest results in
cluding 1) top five winners' names and scores, 2) all FAI Junior scores and 3)
number of entries in each event to Jim Parker, preferrably via email within two
weeks of the event.
America's Cup Committee
Jim Parker Tom Coussens
9524 Ruffner 25442 Via Dona Christa
North Hills, CA 91343 Valencia, CA 91355
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Timing Motor Runs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
I have just logged on for the first time - everyone tells me I must!
I am the Chairman of the Free Flight Technical Committee of the British
Model Flyinf Association. We are being asked to look at a rule change
for Slow Open Power. Our present rules just say 'time until the motor
stops' and we are considering whether to say 'ignore the burble'. I
understand that over there this is what you do for your domestic events.
If that is the case is there anyone who can supply me with the exact
wording of the AMA rule? There is no point in us dreaming up our own
words if you have it in workable form already. I realize that this is
not an FAI query but I am sure that you are aware of Open Power!
My best regards
John Barker
I understand the Open bit - it's the power part I'm
not sure about ! :-)]
Battery packs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Battery Charging/Discharge and testing circuits
Recently, after charging my NiCad and NiMh battery packs powering my BMT
timers it became apparent that the battery packs became flat quite quickly
and were not holding their charge. This was despite the fact that the packs
are new and had been freshly charged. I have checked both the timer and
battery out and both are fully serviceable and there are no short circuits
within the devices.
The problem did not become evident until I got to the flying field and what
made things worse was that there was no suitable charging supply on the
field and so I cold not fly :( I think that the problem is the 'old nicad
memory effect' problem and not properly discharging and charging the packs
before flying.
Therefore does anyone have any ideas on suitable circuits which would
overcome this problem. Investigation on the web has given many ideas, but
it all geared towards the R/C side of the house where the power demands are
greater. Can anyone offer advice as to the charge/discharge and test device
which I should use that would be suitable for the following battery packs.
It has been noted that one possible solution would be to use cut down 9v dry
cells I think a better long term solution would be to use Nicads and Nimh
The battery packs I am using are as follows:
a. 110mAh 5 cell 6.0V NiMH battery pack
b. 110mah 4 cell Nicad 1.2v cells (1/3A size)charging rate 3.7ma
c. 120mah 4 cell Nicad 1.2v cells (1/3A size)charging rate 33ma
Julian Pennington
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I use the battery chargers as recommended by the top R/C glider
guys - Siris Chargers - You can see them on their web site I always charge on the filed at the beginning
of a flying session. These chargers work very well. I'm sure there
are ther smart chargers. I use the Charger 100 as it will do the
40MA NiMH batteries I use in the F1B. ]
Mark Wood ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open letter to Dick Wood:
Dick, we would like to get in touch with your son Mark,
for the reason that we remember he had at one time
done a torque curve on the Nelson side port.
Any help you might care to give would be of great use=20
to us struggling with prop design for the geared .15's,
foriegn and domestic.
( I am not persuing old business )
I am at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Champs 2001, Oct 8 - 13
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi folks.....
I've had a couple bad years with my health, but am just getting to where =
I can get back out to fly. I would like to attend the W. Champs. Is it =
possible to get an event schedule or flyer? If I find I can time I will, =
but since cataract surgery
was just one of the things I've been thru I am not sure if I can keep an =
FAI model in sight for ten minutes. I'll give it a shot while folks test =
fly and if I'm good to go I'll time, But I don't want to volunteer, then =
not be able to help.
Roger Coleman
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The dates are Wed 10 Oct - F1A
Thur 11 F1B
Fri 12 F1C
There is a good chance that the F1C Flyoff will go to Sat Morning.
The person organizing the timers is Brian Van Nest This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I know that Tom Coussens This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Pierre Brun
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will need help in setting the field up
and taking it down.
The Livotto/Canada Cup is on the preeceeding weekend
Mini events Fri 5 Oct - F1a Sat 6 and F1B and F1C Sunday 7 Oct]
Do you have an email address or an address for Leonard Opdyke?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger Morrell:
I am a postcard collector and bought a big lot of postcards on Ebay that
contained 3 postcards that were addressed to Mr. Leonard Opdycke and I
have a feeling it is the same famous Mr. Opdycke as the one mentioned on
your web site. 2 postcards are from his friend "H." in 1924 or 1925 and
were addressed to Mr. O. at European hotels and one postcard is from
"Arthur" in Asheville, NC in 1944.
I don't like to resell personal effects of people who are still alive
(on my own online auctions) and I would like to return his personal
property to him if he wants the postcards, at no cost of course.
If Mr. Opdyke is not still alive, I will be happy to donate the
postcards to your FreeFlight organization. They are somewhat
historically interesting. One of the postcards mentions either a rocket
plane or a robot plane, its hard to read the writing from his friend H.
Let me know if you know how I can get them to Mr. Opdycke, or if not,
where I can mail them to you.
Eve Paludan in Arizona
[Fwd: Spectacular Muncie flight]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This flight was so spectacular that I felt it would be worthy of sharing
it with the readers. My son John was flying F1C at the Aeronuts Muncie
meet this weekend. He had previously tested his model and it showed no
bad tendencies. It was his second F1C model, but this one was of higher
performance than his Zingo. It was not a bunter, but had a bladder tank
and auto surfaces with a 88" wing. We test ran the engine on the ground
and everything worked fine. The engine was a bit hard to tune, so we
removed the cowl and put in a new plug and an additional washer. The
test flight started fine, with a nice looking pattern Here is where
everything went bad. The engine didn't stop. The auto stab and rudder
kicked in, causing the model to do a sharp 90 degree turn to the right,
diving towards the ground. The model then began to level off, about 75
feet off the ground, now flying parallel to the flight line. The left
outer panel sheared off, followed by the right outer panel, followed by
the right inner panel. The model rolled to knife edge and started a
right turn (away from the flight line) CLIMBING at a 10 degree angle.
Needless to say everyone was watching at this time. The stupid thing
continued climbing and started a gentle right turn untill it was once
again parallel with the flightline, going left to right. It was still
climbing at the 10 degree angle, with the seemly GPS system locked in.
It flew down the flight line and then started a "S" turn, weaving
slightly until it decided that it was time to terminate the flight and
hit the ground with a thump. There was silence for a moment and I swear
I heard a few people applauding. It was the neatest crash I ever saw!!
The meet wasn't a total loss as John placed fourth in F1J (Austin Guder
was 3rd and Bob Gutai (John's newest hero!) took first. This was needed
as he is trying for the Junior F1J team. He also took a third in A Gas,
2nd in Catapult and 2nd in 1/2A, So, it wasn't all for nothing!!
Thanks to the Aeronut for a fun contest. The attendence was the highest
it ever was at Muncie, so I would say they were successful. Thanks to
Chuck Markos, Charlie Sotich, Bob Watson, and the rest of the 'Nuts.....
John Lorbiecki
Livotto Let Down - Basque Dinner
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Livotto Let Down - Basque Dinner
Noriega Hotel - Bakersfield
Sunday, October 7, 2001
8:00 PM
Cost $15/Person including Wine
Room Limited to 110, so contact me asap.
We did this in 1993 and it was enjoyed by all except Jay Mealy from AMA.
He had a bad dessert.
This is a different Basque Restaurant and is safer - 1/2 block West of
old one.
Traditional Basque dinner served family style with two entrees -
you get both.
Contact me at 661-832-0375 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Chase bike in World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi, Roger
Please post this message on SEN
Hi, Free Flighters,
I'm looking for someone who can rent a motorcycle
for Japanese team during the World Champs.
Your motorcycle will be treated with respect and
only persons with proper medical insurance will drive the
I will be the primary chaser for Japanese team with my motorcycle.
As I'm looking for a 2nd (backup) motorcycle, condition of the motorcycle
is not as demanding.
If anyone can help, please contact me.
Toshi Hatazawa
Tel. (562) 229-0191
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI Results: 41st FAI Invitational August 25-26, 2001- Muncie, IN
Chuck Markos
F1A (7 Entries)
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Bob Sifleet 180 180 180 180 180 900
2. Tzvetan Tzvetkov 180 180 176 180 180 896
3. Andrew Barron 180 159 180 180 180 879
4. Omer Erguner 76 180 171 126 162 715
5. Bill Schlarb 90 112 160 131 180 671
6. Chuck Markos 158 116 180 96 114 664
7. Michael Avallone 124 152 106 180 562
F1B (17 Entries)
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Paul Crowley 180 180 180 180 180 278 1178
2. Anthony Avallone 180 180 180 180 180 138 1038
3. Greg Simon 180 180 178 180 180 898
4. Dave Ellis (Sr) 180 176 180 180 180 896
5. Ryan Jones (Jr) 180 165 180 180 180 885
6. Richard Wood 180 148 180 180 180 868
7. Chris Matsuno 180 180 180 180 144 864
8. Tom Ioerger 137 180 180 180 180 857
9. Jerry McGlashan 180 180 180 180 130 850
10. Taylor Gunder (J 124 180 180 180 180 844
11. Eddie Avallone ( 93 180 180 180 180 813
12. Bill Shailor 180 180 180 180 75 795
13. Joe Friebis 103 157 154 180 159 753
14. David Lacey 180 180 169 178 92 749
15. Lee Wang (Sr) 166 180 180 98 624
16. O. C. Stewart 117 142 168 162 589
17. Fred Blom 118 154 128 160 560
F1C (8 Entries)
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Norm Poti 180 180 180 180 180 292 1192
2. Bob Gutai 180 180 180 180 180 285 1185
3. Gil Morris 180 180 180 180 180 266 1166
4. Bob Johannes 180 180 180 180 180 245 1145
5. Bucky Servaites 174 180 180 180 180 894
6. Bob Sifleet 180 178 358
F1G (17 Entries) 1st round maximum = 180*
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Charlie Jones 129* 120 120 112 120 592
2. Fred Blom 93 120 120 120 120 573
3. Tom Ioerger 121* 120 120 82 107 557
4. O.C. Stewart 110 104 94 120 120 548
5. Richard Wood 134* 66 120 120 120 546
6. Greg Simon 124* 120 120 36 120 516
7. Charlie Coeyman 75 74 120 120 120 509
8. Lee Campbell 125* 73 75 87 59 414
9. George Clowes 30 88 116 76 120 399
10. Chris Matsuno 55 75 120 103 120 373
11. John Shailor (Jr 70 120 120 310
12. Paul Crowley 104 68 172
13. Ed Konefes 79 79
14. Ryan Jones (Jr) 39 39
F1H (5 Entries) 1st round maximum = 180*
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Chris Matsuno 117 120 70 101 58 466
2. Bill Schlarb 122* 95 60 57 120 452
3. Jean Pailet 99 88 120 79 65 451
4. Michael Avallone 64 81 120 120 63 448
5. Bob Sifleet 0 77 120 120 120 437
F1J (11 Entries) 1st round maximum = 180*
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 FlyoffTotal
1. Bob Gutai 180 120 120 120 120 660
2. Jack Marsh 157 120 120 120 120 637
3. Austin Gunder (Jr 111 120 120 120 120 591
4. John T Lorbiecki 121* 38 109 120 116 503
5. Jean Pailet 180* 120 100 35 120 495
6. Jim Haught 77 120 120 120 437
*The first round maximum of 180 seconds for the mini-FAI events was
conditional to making normal 120 second maximums for the remaining
four rounds. Those who attained flights greater than 120 in the 1st
round and did not attain the max for rounds 2-5 had their 1st round
scores reduced to 120, resulting in some significant placement changes.
Roger Morrell