SCAT Electronic News 3 September 2001 issue 615
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1375
SCAT Electronic News 3 September 2001 issue 615
Table of Contents
Eifel Pokal - Lammersmann
Mechanical timer modification - Salzer
My experience at the Tangent Classic, Oregon, 2001 - Parker
Timing Motor Runs - Etherington
Turbo Help !
Eifel Pokal
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 FIA
Name Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D1.St2.S WC-Punkte
1 Kerner Ferenz HUN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 217 50
2 van Eldik Antoon NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 104 40
3J Drapeau Philippe FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 245 30
4 Rumpp Stefan GER 198 180 180 180 180 180 180 1278 25
5 Gerlach Wolfgang GER 210 166 180 180 180 180 180 1276 20
6 CroguennecVincent FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 148 1258 19
7 van WallenAllard NED 210 180 180 173 180 180 153 1256 18
8 Edlund Ulf SWE 210 180 180 180 180 180 144 1254 17
9 Schwend Tassilo GER 164 180 180 180 180 180 180 1244 16
9 Nyhegn Bo DEN 210 180 160 180 154 180 180 1244 16
11 Rabes Jörg GER 210 180 158 180 180 155 180 1243 14
12 YablonovskIgor UKR 201 180 180 180 180 172 146 1239 13
13 Bellen Win NED 209 180 180 180 180 126 180 1235 12
14 Challine Jean Pie FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 110 1220 11
15 Kreetz Ron NED 162 154 180 180 180 180 180 1216 10
16 SzekelyhidAttila HUN 210 180 100 180 180 180 180 1210 9
17 Brinker Reimund GER 210 179 159 180 180 121 180 1209 8
18 Kreetz Ivo NED 210 180 125 180 180 180 153 1208 7
19JVivchar Veronika UKR 195 180 180 180 112 180 180 1207 6
19 HolzleitneRudolf AUT 210 180 180 180 127 150 180 1207 6
21 Kutonen Ari FIN 210 180 180 180 180 180 95 1205 4
22 Schoder Hans SUI 189 180 159 131 180 180 180 1199 3
23 Jakutis Sigitas LTU 210 180 180 180 180 180 87 1197 2
24 Schmelter Uli GER 209 180 152 180 180 112 180 1193 1
25 PshenychnyOleg UKR 210 177 123 180 180 180 134 1184
26 Godinho Jean FRA 175 180 129 180 180 157 180 1181
27 Breeman Cenny BEL 210 180 165 180 180 180 83 1178
28 Aringer Gerhard AUT 177 166 180 111 180 180 180 1174
29 van Kuyk Jon NED 144 180 180 180 180 180 128 1172
30 Rink Andreas GER 185 180 166 180 180 81 180 1152
31JBuchwald Robert GER 170 180 180 180 180 180 79 1149
32 SchellhaseJörg GER 129 180 180 107 180 180 180 1136
33 de Boer Pieter NED 210 180 180 180 89 180 116 1135
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 FIA
Name Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D1.St2.S WC-Punkte
34 Aztemenko Yazoslar UKR 210 180 180 180 180 110 94 1134
35JSeren David GER 166 180 140 180 180 105 180 1131
35 Maassen Jurgen NED 180 180 180 180 180 106 125 1131
35 Albrecht Gerd GER 135 180 126 180 150 180 180 1131
38 Brazenas Romas LTU 141 180 180 180 180 83 180 1124
39 Hulshof Wilhelm NED 171 180 180 180 51 180 180 1122
39 van IerselAD. NED 196 180 180 154 143 124 145 1122
41 Moreau Francois FRA 210 180 125 180 180 99 143 1117
42 Nyhegn Jes DEN 210 165 180 180 106 147 128 1116
43 Marilier Thierry FRA 183 180 140 180 180 180 68 1111
44 Trachez Bernard FRA 189 180 180 180 180 168 0 1077
45 LhermeroulVictor FRA 199 135 100 180 127 180 149 1070
46 Rotteveel Bart NED 203 148 109 180 180 110 137 1067
47 Oldfield Dave GBR 140 180 121 180 180 84 180 1065
48 Kleine Ralf GER 96 180 180 180 180 66 180 1062
49 SchalkowskJosef GER 101 147 132 180 180 143 160 1043
50 Fuss Helmut AUT 76 180 180 180 180 171 75 1042
50 van Eldik Nicole NED 210 137 120 180 180 150 65 1042
52 Schulz Dietmar GER 170 136 180 180 71 147 128 1012
53 Seren Paul GER 99 180 180 180 180 180 0 999
54 Hönig Bernd GER 144 180 33 180 180 93 180 990
55 Nüttgens Ansgar GER 203 180 122 180 40 71 180 976
56 Rabes Gottfrie GER 82 180 121 74 133 180 180 950
57 Peper Hans GER 62 149 119 180 68 180 180 938
58JFux Christia GER 115 120 119 180 180 92 116 922
59JSzentpeterIstvan HUN 100 180 108 180 180 100 64 912
60 Stoffels Horst GER 154 180 180 180 180 32 0 906
61JVermeulen Mark NED 99 57 153 180 78 180 123 870
62JPouwelsen Stefan NED 108 108 62 114 156 179 90 817
63 Maes Berrie NED 121 114 87 108 180 65 92 767
64JGielen Martyn NED 94 85 83 88 180 96 66 692
65 Bothauer Viktor GER 81 45 180 180 37 18 98 639
66 Dezaire Henk NED 158 148 180 146 0 0 0 632
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 FIA
Name Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D1.St2.ST WC-Punkte
67 Weisheit Volker GER 100 101 61 106 110 75 62 615
68 van DuysenJohny BEL 51 61 180 62 180 0 0 534
69 SchuermansLeo NED 92 180 74 51 123 0 0 520
70 Stoffels Heinz GER 165 166 180 0 0 0 0 511
71 van Hoorn Henk NED 0 0 0 180 31 159 66 436
72 Aanen Peter NED 61 143 27 0 0 0 0 231
73 Plantinga Wiebe NED 110 82 0 0 0 0 0 192
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 FIB
Pos Name Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D1.St2.ST3.STWC-Punkte
1 KulakovskiOleg UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 420 398 50
2 Waltonen Yrjö FIN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 420 321 40
3 StefanchouStepan UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 420 310 30
4 Shagun Alexande UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 400 25
5 Rosonoks Viktors LTU 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 361 20
6 Korsgaard Jörgen DEN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 349 19
7 Bukin Alexey UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 346 18
8 Zilberg Igor GER 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 335 17
9 Zeri Anselmo NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 328 16
10 Varadi Mihaly HUN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 290 15
11 Wagner Horst AUT 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 281 14
12 Sarpila Teppo FIN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 280 13
13 Seifert Rolf GER 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 275 12
14 Vivchar Igor UKR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 267 11
15 MönninghofPeter GER 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 263 10
16 Woodhouse Michael GBR 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 261 9
17 Kutvonen Ari FIN 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 11 8
18 Andre Thedor NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 299 7
19 Gircys Laurynas LTU 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 298 6
20 MeusburgerHarald AUT 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 285 5
21 van Hoorn Henk NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 283 4
22 Mackus Rlandas LAT 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 217 3
23 Kolic Ivan JUG 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 33 2
24 Koppitz Albert FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 177 1287 1
25 Seifert Michael GER 210 180 172 180 180 180 180 1282
26 Lucassen Roel NED 210 180 180 180 180 180 170 1280
27J Seren Thomas GER 197 180 180 180 166 180 180 1263
28 Sauter Bernhard GER 176 180 180 180 180 180 180 1256
29 Klinkien Jan NED 173 180 180 180 180 180 180 1253
30 Helbrecht Heiko GER 210 180 180 130 180 180 180 1240
31 Tedeschi Serge FRA 210 180 180 180 180 103 180 1213
32 Schulz Detlef GER 163 180 161 168 180 180 180 1212
33J Buchwald Sebastia GER 171 180 180 180 180 126 180 1197
34 Schröder Dietmar GER 210 180 180 180 110 150 180 1190
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 FIB
Pos Name Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D
35 KilpelaineOssi FIN 210 160 159 180 180 135 141 1165
36 Ruyter Pim NED 210 180 59 127 180 180 180 1116
37 Yurtseven Ismet TUR 153 180 79 177 180 180 145 1094
38 van Eede Ton NED 151 144 180 180 133 156 145 1089
39J Fux Christia GER 129 140 180 180 108 146 132 1015
40 Voskens Frans NED 210 156 121 150 - 180 59 876
41 Vicente Arnaud FRA 198 121 178 180 179 7 - 863
42 Schoder Hans SUI 210 180 180 180 107 - - 857
43 Evatt Michael GBR 23 160 141 80 140 135 157 836
44 Desinger Wilhelm GER 210 40 168 180 180 11 - 789
45 Hoffmann Manfred GER 210 180 180 148 - - - 718
46 Stoffels Heinz GER 210 180 180 121 - - - 691
47 Hautmann Herbert GER 194 144 180 - - - - 518
48 Grössel Stefan GER 85 - - - - - - 85
49 Silz Bernd GER - - - - - - - -
50 Gustavo Jorge POR - - - - - - - -
51 Gopp Viktor GER - - - - - - - -
52 Kolic Pera JUG - - - - - - - -
53 Reicke H.Jürgen GER - - - - - - - -
54 Bjelic Branko JUG - - - - - - - -
32. Eifel - Pokal 31.08.--02. 09. 2001 F I C
PosName Vorname 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 1-7.D1.St2.ST3.STWC-Punkte
1 Molchanov Alexande UKR 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 300 50
2 Maurer Peter SUI 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 281 40
3 Schwend Tassilo GER 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 216 30
4 Reinwald Stefan GER 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 188 25
5 Aringer Gerhard AUT 240 180 165 180 180 180 180 1305 20
6 Roux Alain FRA 240 180 180 180 142 180 180 1282 15
7 Kuhl Kurt GER 233 180 180 135 180 135 - 1043
8 Raabe Hans Joa GER 152 103 180 88 180 159 150 1012
9 BorczewskiEduard GER 121 125 88 180 180 112 180 986
10 Stetz Hans GER 152 89 154 137 144 180 91 947
11 ZsengellerGarbor HUN 240 180 48 180 75 5 180 908
12 Gretter Claus GER 120 102 180 156 131 21 180 890
13 SchalkowskJosef GER 240 91 180 180 143 - - 834
Mechanical timer modification
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Strictly do-it-yourself!
At a World Cup contest in Hungaria this summer a visitor from the USA (Mr.
Fox, I believe?) remarked on my timer modification, and asked me to publish
it, as he felt that others might be interested.
The mod concerns only mechanicals with a scroll for DT, like the original
Seeligs and the "russian" F1B timers.
Everybody using these has at least once selectedthe wrong groove, resulting
in an early or late DT. If he has not, he is a poor liar!
To prevent that, and to have the option for a second long delay function
(more than one turn of the drive shaft), I add a secondary drive train: a
small sprocket wheel on the drive shaft (9 teeth), and a large gear (45),
which is just losely bolted to the cover plate so it will easily turn, but
not wobble too much. This 1:5 reduchtion gives a 1-groove 5 to 7 minute
run - if more is necessary, an extender disk a la Tatone can be added (for
flyoffs). A stacked smaller disk allows a second function with any delay up
to the full flight time.
The drive shaft itself carries also a small disk for short time functions
(VIT, Wiggler, ...).
Good small gears are the problem. On the Seelig mod I used brass replacement
gears from model trains, not too heavy for F1A / F1E. On the F1B-timers I
found some plastic gears for RC servos, which nearly fit. I turned the
unwanted parts off, made a silicone rubber form, and now cast the gears in
anything from epoxi with micro balloons to mix-up glues. They last about a
season, but have to be checked very carefully for missing teeth before each
A Photo (WelTim.jpg) shows the thing, more explanations are probably not
No more missed grooves.
[The photo is in the attachment supplement]
My experience at the Tangent Classic, Oregon, 2001
By: Dallas Parker
The contest up at the Tangent Classic was very successful and memorable
for me. Dad and I enjoyed a scenic drive on Wednesday and Thursday through
the mountains up to Oregon. When we arrived, the weather was nice, so we
started unpacking. While we were chasing our test flights, the amusing
"micro bike" went bumping up and down because of the short stubby grass. At
the end of testing day, we went to the local Chinese restaurant and ate
simply fantastic food.
Friday was the contest day of the main events. The F1A contest went very
well for me. I was able to max out, therefore I earned 100 jr. team points.
Then Dad realized that I could try for the jr. record. So we went out to put
in my 5-minute flight. I did not get a good bunt, however the airplane was
barely able to make the max. Next, I tried for the 7-minute flight, which
would definitely break the record. I still did not obtain a very good
launch, but the air was good. I would have done the 7 minutes, but the
airplane specked out in some haze. Hence, my flight time was officially 5
minutes and 15 seconds, which was approximately 2 minutes over the record! I
was pretty happy but we forgot to put some gas in the motor bike we were
using. Consequently my Dad also lost the airplane in the air. Lee Hines and
I decided to postpone the flyoff till next morning because the wind was a
little too strong and we did not want to lose any more airplanes. I was
relieved when Dad found my plane a few hours later. Then we drove to Motel 6
for the night.
On Saturday we got up early to prepare for the flyoff. We arrived out at
the field, I assembled my plane, and I put in a good test flight. At the
beginning of the flyoff, I went up and began towing in the northeast corner
of the field. Lee started towing a few minutes later but I was already
feeling the air. I found a small piece with only about 3 minutes left in the
round so I launched. I got a good bunt and Lee came running over and
launched also. His bunt was not great since he stalled off the top,
therefore I knew that I had a good chance to win. Our airplanes started
gliding down wind and I jumped on "micro bike" to chase my plane. When I got
back the timers said that I had won! My time was 4 minutes, 10 seconds and
Lee's time was 3 minutes, 16 seconds. I received a nice big beer glass for
1st place (which I will probably not use for a while).
After that it was time to fly F1H. I flew OK, but I dropped one flight
since we were still having some trimming problems with the model. On the
last flight I chased my plane into another field, and as I climbed up over a
ladder I was not watching the wire and a got ZAPPED (I knew the cows that
were watching me were laughing). I received another small beer glass for
3rd. After I was done flying, Dad and I packed up and we hit the road. I
would like to note that every other exit in Oregon had a Dairy Queen. I had
an excellent first time at that contest. I hope that I will be able to
return to the Tangent Classic again sometime.
[As we said a few issues back it is great to see the younger flyers
takomg part and taking the trophies. It is an added bonus to have
then write about - Thanks Dallas and Ben Coussens who wrote about
the Nats a few issues back]
Timing Motor Runs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The AMA rules under "Free Flight Power" section 4.3 says: "The length of the
engine run is to be considered the elapsed time from the instant of launch to
the last audible power (combustion) stroke. Propeller run down shall not be
considered as engine run time." Hope this helps.
- Chuck Etherington
Turbo Help ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
i want more details about designing aero turbo engines=
please help me..
Roger Morrell