SCAT Electronic News 30 September 2001 issue 628
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1471
SCAT Electronic News 30 September 2001 issue 628
Table of Contents
Southwest FAI Challenge
Free Flight Quarterly - Monets
Super Model Box - Leon the Box man
Hummer Update - Dukie
Digital timer developments - Linkosalo
Southwest FAI Challenge
The Dust Devils Model Aviation Club
Invite you to participate in the
Southwest FAI Challenge
This year with assistance from SCAT - Southern California Aero Team
October 27 and 28, 2001
Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
6th Annual
Southwest FAI Challenge
An Americas Cup Venue
Saturday: F1A, F1B, F1C
Sunday: F1G, F1H, F1J
One hour rounds begin at
8:00 am both days
Either or Both days, AMA events:
P-30 Rubber
Catapult Glider
Contest Director:
Lee Hines
376 Magnolia Street
Costa Mesa, California 92627
Telephone (949) 645-4850 evenings,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Entry Fees:
OPEN -$20.00 for UNLIMITED EVENTS. If only flying Catapult
Glider, fee is $10.
Other details:
1. Port-a-Potties will be at the field.
2. The nearest lodgings are at the
Railroad Pass Hotel/Casino (5 miles
from the field). Direct telephone
reservations available by calling
Also Motels in Boulder City.
3. Valid AMA license will be required
4. Rounds may be shortened due to
Flying Site: Eldorado Dry Lake, five miles south of Boulder City, NV.,
on highway US 95
Free Flight Quarterly
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Many readers have written to me wanting to see the first issue of the
Free Flight Quarterly magazine. This is already being distributed by
mail to the subscribers. Also, and this may be of interest to those
attending the W/C at Lost Hills, Richard and Don Blackam, from the
Australian F1B team have a number of copies of the first issue to
distribute, as well as some brochures. Please ask them for a copy.
For further information you can view our website at:
Sergio Montes
Super Model Box
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger
Please put thes e-mail on the next SEN.
How many of you think that the model box is an unimportant item?
That it can be made out of wood and does'nt have to look good?
Well there is someone that thought otherwise. That someone will be at the
world champs with his brand new model box.
The box is beautiful it's made out of carbon in the inside, rohcell in the
middle, and aluminium on the outside.
Wait till you see this box you will want one too.
Hummer Update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : No Subject
I am busy putting together Hummers and I will have engines at the WC for
people to pick up. Hopefully I will have enough for everyone. So everyone
that wants to pick up their ordered engines please inform me now of the
Fuselage ring type you want. There are three choices: Straight on outside for
Oliver Fuselage type; tapered on outside for Achterberg fuselage type; or
leave it untapered, I'll do it myself later.
Mcburnett has a prop that works well, Poti has a prop that Ed Keck is using
that works well.
I also have a prop pin pusher inner-outer and a balancing-only hub. This tool
set is mandatory for a gear engine user to protect your hub and to be able to
pre-balance your prop blades in sets for replacement on the field.
See you all at Lost Hills!
Doug Galbreath
Digital timer developments
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've been recently working on a digital timer for bunting F1H glider. Some
ideas behind the timer and pictures can be seen at
F1H serves as a testbed to smooth out initial wrinkles in the system. My
final aim is to use the same system in F1B, too.
Roger Morrell