SCAT Electronic News 2 November 2001 issue 637
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1406
SCAT Electronic News 2 November 2001 issue 637
Table of Contents
Free Flight Champs - Norval
F1B Rules Proposal... - Shailor
Free Flight Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger, The format that I recieved on the schedule of events for the
champs wasjumbled. Just for clarafication Big FAI event are on Saturday and
the minis on Sunday. Is this the way you read the event schedule/
Thanks, Larry
You are not correct
Sat - F1A and F1C
Sun - F1B and F1K
Mon - F1H, F1G and F1J
It does not state the time of the first round but says the
flying will start at 6:45. Nor does it state the time of the flyoff.
It does say flying will finish at 2:45.
It does not state the length of the mini events rounds,
but if flying is to finish at 2pm that day it should probably
be 45 minutes.
This is not in accord with the America's Cup guidelines
that specifies the big events on the Sat and mini on the Sunday.
Seeing the Monday is not such I universal holiday, there will
be less participation from people who have to work.
In the past I questioned this and did not get a sympathetic
F1B Rules Proposal...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The AMA Competitions Department has recently circulated a rules change
proposal for F1B. This proposal relates to allowing winding to begin prior
to the start of a flyoff round. Regardless of how one may vote on this, the
question I have is how does the AMA have the authority to change FAI rules.
Presumably, this is something that would have to be done by the CIAM during
one of its cycles and, if there is one coming up, is this an advisory vote
being circulated by the AMA? If not, I would suggest that this proposal,
however the vote, is meaningless since it could only, therefore, apply to
FAI contests run by the AMA in the United States (NATS, for example).
If somebody out there has any information as to the impetus of this
proposal, could you please enlighten me?
Bill Shailor
the proposal came from a well known F1A flyer in the North East.
It was submitted to the AMA who gives it ti the FAI team selection
committee - where it is circulated to all who have particpated
in the FAI program for the last few years. Our input is used
as a basis for the way the AMA will act - i.e. firstly
is there a basis to submit the proposal and then
how to vote.
In the past the AMA has given the name of the person that sunbitted
the propsal, this time they did not.
I used to think it was a big problem that we could not start
winding before the beginning of the flyoff window. Now I do think
it matters.]
Applogies for messing up the number on the last issue.
Roger Morrell