SCAT Electronic News 5 November 2001 issue 638
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1404
SCAT Electronic News 5 November 2001 issue 638
Table of Contents
Winding ? - Bogie
Woodhouse on Winding
Mini's at USFFC - McKeever
From the Aussie Team - Blackam
Flying opportunity - Lindstrum
F1E Rumor
Contest Announcements
USFFC - Tasto
CG experiment - Markos
Southwest FAI Challenge - Zeisloft
Winding ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding the proposal about winding before the round starts was mentioned in
the latest SEN. I did not understand what you meant. Do you want to wind
before the round?
My position was that I do not need to wind before the
fly-off round starts. From my personal point of view
I do not think it is necessary and I do not mind if it make the flyoff
harder. So do not change the rule.]
Woodhouse on Winding
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I agree leave the rule alone. Winding in the 10 minute period is AOK by me.
At the champs in the 5 minute round I blew 2 motors and still got away in
the main batch in the middle of the round. I also blew another motor going
for the 7 again I got away in plenty of time, the failure to make the 7 was
nathing to do with motor breaks. So leave the rule alone, anyway this guy
flys F1A, I'll go cut his towline! Actually I think I know who it is!
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK
All mail to: -
Mini's at USFFC
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Too bad about the Mini events, after endless Oct I (and likely others) have
run out of available time off and will miss it....good luck to the retirees
and those with more flexibility than others. Maybe some thought should be
put into that event scheduling given the lack of a universal 3 day weekend as
we used to have on Memorial Day and the spirit of America's Cup. Mike
From the Aussie Team
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'd like to publicly thank Steve Helmick for the outstanding effort he
put in prior to and during the World Champs at Lost Hills in retrieving
virtually all our Team's contest flights and many training flights.
Particularly in the flyoffs it would have been almost impossible for us
to recover several flights in time for the next flight without Steve and
his bike at our disposal.
Thanks again Steve!
Richard Blackam
Flying opportunity
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MIAMA fli HI Tropicana Dome The MIAMA club invites you to fly in 230-foot
Tropicana Dome at St Petersburg, FL on Feb 2-3, 2002. AMA Sanctioned. All
AMA/FAC Events. Performance Index Scoring. No trophies-just the challenge.
No pre-registration. MIAMA flyers have more details for you.
Snailmail info: send #10 SASE to Dave Linstrum, 4016 MaguireBlvd.,Apt.
3314, Orlando FL 32803, ph. 407-814-3097. Online:per AMA District I thru
Can/Overseas include snail address & phone in
This is the 3rd annual meet in awesome public site. Practice for 2002 Jr &
Sr F1D Team pending. USIC Style Race to Roof Event Call MIAMA Hotline DocM
(305) 858-6363 on Jan 26 to confirm before traveling THANKS
F1E Rumor
It it rumored that ther will be an F1E event at Lost Hills as part
of the Isaacson Winter Classic on the weekend before the MaxMen
International World Cup Contest in February. There are actually
hills at Lost Hills, to the east of the flying field on the other
side of Holloway Rd. The site was to be checked out by the
US F1E team - provided they got untangeled from their
baggy rapper pants.
Contest Announcements
We are pleased to publish any contest annoucement. But it
is the responsibility of the organizer to give us that information
in a reasonable format. Many organizers have a flyer that is
attractively formatted and produced in MS Word or a similar fashion.
It may have colors, use different sized fonts or have information
in columns or tables. None of this is satisfactory for SEN. I have
also a scanned copy of a flyer to be sent out as an attachment. This is
not ideal as some readers cannot recieve attachments. The only that we
can continue with SEN is if we get help from those who provide
information by giving it to us in a format that is ready for publication.
When preparing a flyer for SEN the layout must be very simple. If you
use MS Word or a similar program it must be understandable when the
flyer is all in 12 point Courier font. The reason for this is that we
have many subscribers world wide who use a wide variety of e-mail programs.
To accomodate every one we use a very simple format. The primary
function of SEN is to get the information out in as simple
a form as possible.
The not above from Dave Lindstrum is fime, the one I got about
the USFFC was not - because it was a a Excel page that when convert
to plain text was not clear - as was obvious from the comment from Larry
Remember that SEN goes to most of the FAI flyers in the US and many
in other countries. We do not re-write contest announcements for you.
If you want FAI flyers to attend your contest, prepare
a clear and simple announcement, send it well ahead of time and
send a follow up announcement closer to the date. We are prepared
to publish a reminder - you just have to send it to us. It is the contest
organizers responsibility to get that information to us
at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. correctly and in good time.
As a comment to US organizers there are flyers from other countries
who visit the US as partt of a vacation, business travel or even to
take part in one contest .. who might be interested in your event. This
year even though it was not really promoted there were people from
France, Australia, Ukraine, Lithuania and New Zealand at the
Las Vegas contest.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can someone tell me if there is a Catapult Glider event for juniors at the
USFFC this weekend?
Thanks for the information
Charlie Tasto
CG experiment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Inspired by the recent discussions about CG positions, I decided to try a
simple (and probably flawed) experiment with CG location and glide duration.
The test vehicle was an old pennyplane sans propeller which was ballasted
with a movable chunk of lead (about 1.5g) on the fuselage. Two CG locations
were tested: 35% and 80%. The model was adjusted for best glide by changing
the wing incidence until just a hint of a stall was observed, then decreasing
the incidence a touch to give a smooth glide.
This is an easy adjustment for an Indoor model with wingposts fitted into
The glide was from shoulder height, although it might have been better to
stand on a ladder that was available at the Indoor site in Racine. Three
flights were taken at each setting. For the 35% CG, times were 7.5 +/- 0.2
seconds. For the 80% CG, times were 8.3 +/- 0.1 seconds.
The stab measures about 10 x 2.75 inches and the wing 18 x 5. A much larger
stab than is commonly used on most F1 models, but small for a Pennyplane.
Certainly, it is much larger than would be necessary for stability at 35% CG.
One other observation was that the flight patterns at each setting were
drastically different. For the 80% CG, the glide path was nearly a straight
line with some left tendency. For the 35% CG, the path was circular to the
right with a diameter of about 12 - 15 feet.
The wing had built-in offset to the left and wash-in of the left wing
relative to the right.
It is not my contention that the aft CG is better, but that it should be
quite easy to set up a test with a suitable slow flying model, perhaps with
variable stab configurations to generate data meaningful to freeflighters.
Southwest FAI Challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6th Annual Southwest FAI Challenge Contest Results - October 27 &28,
INTRO - Once again, the weather of late October at Eldorado Dry Lake was
great. That is, up until the last 15-minutes of Round 5 of day two, the
mini-events day. At that time, the wind came up spoiling the scores of
many who had a full house of maxes through Round 4 and precluded
fly-offs in F1G and F1H. Following a conversation with Bill Booth at
last year's contest, this year's event was planned to occur following
the World FAI FF World Championships in order to provide one other
contest that would appeal to the many international fliers visiting the
US for the World Champs. That idea was a success, as there were
contestants at this contest from Australia, France, Germany, Lithuania,
New Zealand and Ukraine. Contestants were also present from five western
states, AZ, CA, ID, NV and UT. Las Vegas was represented by five
contestant/modelers, and at least two of the VAMPS came out to watch and
to help time - thanks Jim Groves and Larry Schwartz.
The scores presented here are for the AMA contest. Fly-offs to determine
Americas Cup points will be held as follows: F1G at the Patterson
contest, and F1H at the US Free Flight Champs, both at Lost Hills over
the next two weekends. On to the scores (full names of international
contestants are given:
F1A (17 flew)
Vasily Beschasny 1290 (only Max Out in F1A)
Pierre Chaussebourg 1289
J. Parker 1278
D. Parker 1271 (junior high time)
D. Zink 1264
D. Kozlyuk 1257
Phil Mitchell 1250
T. Coussens 1250
B. VanNest 1235
L. Hines 1214
P. Brun 1212
E. Busnelli 1171
M. Cowley 1155
Rene Limberger 1040
N. Smith 849
B. Coussens 809
P. Brocks 576
F1B (14 flew)
B. Tymchek 1290+300+420=2010
G. Batiuk 1290+300+336=1926
John Malkin 1290+300+329=1919
B. Booth 1290+285=1575
R. Rohrke 1290+252=1542
R. Morrell 1290+198=1488
L. Norvall 1290+164=1454
A. Peterson 1243
G. Schroedter 1238
A. Ulm 1167
B. Piserchio 1080
R. Wood 844
M. Elkins 663
E. Nelson 390
F1C (3 flew)
Roy Summersby 1320+231=1551 (geared)
D. Joyce 1320+205=1525 (canard)
Danas Babenskas 836 (conventional)
F1G (11 flew)
B. Booth 600
R. Morrell 600
J. Emery 595
G. Schroedter 591
J. Zeisloft 580
P. Brocks 550
A. Peterson 548
B. Tymchek 545
L. Norvall 541
E. Nelson 541
R. Wood 444
F1H (10 flew)
D. Parker 600
Pierre Chaussebourg 600
B. VanNest 600
M. Cowley 600
N. Smith 600
T. Coussens 578
L. Hines 571
P. Brun 559
Vasily Beschasny 520
E. Busnelli 513
F1J (3 flew)
D. Berry 569
T. Robertson 512
B. Augustus 504
P-30 (3 flew)
D. Berry 360+150+149=659
G. Antonucci 360+136=496
M. Levy 65
Catapult Glider (3 flew)
L. Hines 276
M. Levy 201
D. Berry 187
- Tymchek repeated as F1B winner, two years in a row!
- Three contestants in F1C! A real contest, rather than letting Doug
Joyce be the lone eagle (only contestant) for the past five years.
However, Doug was the only US flier - where are the rumored US F1C
- Dallas Parker taking advantage of the good weather to rack-up a
probable AMA Junior age F1H record - good for you Dallas!
- Made several new friends and renewed many years-long friendships.
- I was introduced to the taste of Vegemite by the Australians - it
really isn't axel grease.- Shirley's prickly pear jelly for each entrant
CLOSING COMMENTS - Thanks to the excellent control (scoring) table
volunteers: Shariin Emery, Mary Smith and Shirley Zeisloft. Without
their help I would not have been able to compete. And to Lee Hines,
thanks for stepping forward to run the event when it looked like I would
not be in the area to serve as CD - thanks, Lee, for helping run it when
we were both present.
I look forward to an even bigger and better Southwest FAI Challenge next
[The prickly pear jelly is great , another touch of
local color for the out of towners. With 'respect. to the
how do you spell Wuss or it Whuzz ..
Roger Morrell