SCAT Electronic News 25 November 2001 issue 647
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SCAT Electronic News 25 November 2001 issue 647
Table of Contents
TO SKYKIENG Re the 'Flamingo' section. - [the other] King
Matti's_ENDLESS_OCTOBER - Kilpelainen
FatCat - Parker and eBay
The Bernard Scott approach to FF - Coleman
Wooden F1C - Boutillier
Bird sections - Sager
F1C comments - Lorbiecki
Valley Fever - Summersby
Progress ? - Bryant
TO SKYKIENG Re the 'Flamingo' section.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Bill. hang in there with the flappers !! Don't let the new opposition put
you off !!
I remember reading all about that weird Flaming section years ago, when the
glider flyer first used it. I never felt it was a valid idea, personally and
it was never pursued much afte, to my knowlege. This does not mean it must
be a bad idea, Look at what happened with DPR !! That sure turned out to
be a great idea in the end. I still think, however, the bottom bump is a
weird idea. It seems to me all it does is create a load of drag due to
seperation after the bump and cancel out the effect of the drooped LE section
(?). I doubt if this does lower the flow speed on the lower surface. The air
must speed up as it goes over the bump and cause a downwards lift moment at
that point which is lost due to seperation after the bump. ie a stalled
condition with it's accompanying high drag. The idea of a streamlined
fairing after the bumb would help, I guess. Also surely the bump, in effect,
just increases the effective thickness and reduces the effective camber of
the airfoil. Maybe they are on to something, as there are suggested
benefits with indoor prop blades et etc, which I take with a pinch of salt.
But it just looks so damned ugly and 'wrong' and you know what they say.."If
it looks wrong, it is wrong" (??)
I await the counter attack !! ;-)))
Peter King
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Matti Lihtamo was supporter in Finnish Team in Lost Hills Champs and
flew in world cups. Sorry to tell, that his Endless October still
continues, according to doctors to the end of the year.
He had some mild fever already in Sacramento. He had pills to keep fever
''acceptable''. Back in Finland he went to the doctor. He showed
the organisers papers of Valley Fever, but the doctor said ''never
found in Finland'' and started antibiotic course for pneumonia. No
help in one month! So they made more tests and they had to believe it
may be Valley Fever, firs time in Finland. They asked verification from
Sweden. In Sweden they had some one who had got it in Arizona. They
agreed, it is Valleye Fever. And now Matti has right medicine for Fever?
Let's hope his Endless October stops at the end of the year 2001!
Did some one else get Valley Fever ? Can somebody tell or guess why
Matti, a strong and healthy sportsman got the fever??
Ossi Kilpelainen
Valley fever is caused by breathing a spore or fungus. It is
found in many parts of the southwest USA, including Los Angeles.
Virtually everyone who lives in the San Joaquin valley has had it.
For most people there is only a mild reaction that goes away quickly and
taking an over the counter fever reducing drug works fine.
It is not contaigous.
If you think that you have it it is VERY important to insist with the
doctor and NOT take anti-biotics that one would take for flu or
something similar. These can make the condition worse.
A very small number of people have a more serious reaction.
I have had Valley Fever some years agao - and had to insist that my doctor
test for it. This was a blood test by the time it came
back the fever had gone away. I went to the Doctor becaue I had fever ,
ibuprophen [Advil] made the fever symptoms go away
but I had to keep taking it longer that I thought was a good idea [about
a week]. I have been to Lost Hills many times since with no ill effects.
I take care not breath in a dust storm or dust devil. I also
keep my mouth shut when riding by bike [keeps the insects out too!] and
put a bandana over my nose if I think it is very dusty.
Some years the Valley Fever is worse than others, I assume it is related
to the weather. ]
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I'm trying to find a web site for Peck Polymer...anyone know if they have
one and what the web address is?
Thanks in advance.
Theold Alfer
Delmar, NY
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For those interested,
Ebay has a FatCat (#598168040) in Yougstown Ohio currently for $500. Not much b
id activity, only a few days left. Picture indicates it is in good condition.
The Bernard Scott approach to FF
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Most of us are too young to remember that back in the 1930's the model =
community was ready to ban jap tissue, balsa wood, dope, and folding =
props because of Dick Kordas success. They believed we should stick with =
silk, pine, banana oil and props that didn't fold. If we'd have listened =
then then maybe there wouldn't be any model hobby/sport today. Perhaps =
we should ban anything designed or developed since the 1930's and go =
back to horse and buggys. Yeah, right. You cannot or should never ban =
Roger Coleman
Wooden F1C
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I much appreciate the suggestions made in 646 issue of SEN by
MM. Salzer and Helmick.The weight and span are really decisive factors,
the idea of non folding props is good.This could lead to something like
Slow Open Power with some moving surfaces allowed for ease of trimming.
Sounds good.
I have aso suggested to replace the current set of rules by F1J with direct
driven props, straight fuel, 7 sec motor run and 3 minutes max (even if I
not be very happy to throw away all my Nelsons). The size is not so
of F1B, they look as real models, not toys, and the weight makes them much
less dangerous than current F1Cs.
Hope that CIAM will do something.
Bernard Boutillier
Bird sections
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the coordinates from the Flamingo Airfoil.
X Yo Yu
0 0.89 0.89
0.5 2.27 0.306
1.25 3.38 0.25
2.5 4.50 0.7
5 6.07 1.49
7.5 7.15 1.98
10 8.01 2.05
15 9.16 1.63
20 9.98 0.98
30 10.67 0.28
40 10.75 0.84
50 10.26 1.98
60 9.39 3.01
70 8.11 3.52
80 6.39 3.29
90 4.15 2.37
100 1.30 0.89
Kurt Sager
F1C comments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having recently getting back into F1C with my son John, we have been on
a "crash" course on getting back into the sport (as well as F1J, which
my son is attempting to get on the junior team, but that is a different
subject!). John flew an old Zingo at the NATS to get used to handling a
Rossi. Let me tell ya, silk and balsa on 5 seconds just don't hack it!
Thru the help of Charlie Stiles and Joe Wagner (both gentlemen have been
wonderful to us!) we now have some more modern toys to play with. Just
the feel on these models in one's hands make you think of Top Fuel
I have looked at most everything out there and have determined that the
first thing everyone has to do is make 3 minutes, no matter what. I have
witnessed models that climbed out of site, drop in two minutes. So, that
is the first hurdle and it doesn't take 110" of span and gears to do
that. Consistancy is first and foremost.
Cost is something that always comes to mind. $250 for a standard Nelson,
$800 for a completed model, $35 for a timer, $10- $80 for a prop and
$100 for misc stuff. After this expense, you have the latest and
greatest equipment, somewhat equivelent to what the hot guys are tossing
into the air. Still cheaper than a set of golf clubs!
Free Flighters have always been frugle (sp??). But, if you wish to have
the best, that is what it takes. Heck, our new F1Js have been in the
$500 range with engines, timers, etc. I think if you are serious, it
isn't that bad.
Now, geared engines are a bit different. I am fully behind banning them.
Sorry to all of you that have them, but I think this is an easy way to
take $$$$ out of each model. Limiting span isn't that big a deal. No way
do ya add weight! Also, I would hate to see a change to .09's. So, ban
the gear, keep the specs the same, and just make the three minutes every
I must get back to the building board and get ready for 2002- Look out
for John Jr., I think you all will see some good things from him (gotta
say that, I'm the proud dad!!).
John Lorbiecki
Valley Fever
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Lost Hills Valley Fever
I was one of the unfortunate few to catch Coccidioidomycosis (valley =
fever) during my stay at the world champs at Lost Hills. I know George =
Fuller from U.K. was also a victim and was wondering if there are others =
out there. It would be interesting to know the percentage of the unlucky =
ones. Send me an e-mail if you caught it.
Roy Summersby.
Progress ?
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 22 November 2001 issue 646 Thanksgiving day
So, Klaus w Salzer The man who gave theworld the "WELLES" is leaving balsa
behind. Thats progress.
Adrian Bryant.
Roger Morrell