SCAT Electronic News 27 November 2001 issue 648
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1358
SCAT Electronic News 27 November 2001 issue 648
Table of Contents
Simple F1C - Waterman
Valley Fever - Dilly
Honda Cub - Emery
Peck-Polymers web site - Clemens
Re: F1c - Fred
Valley Fever - Coleman
Bird-like Sections - Bogie
Valley Fever - Malkin
More F1C Help - Helmick
Charles Rushing Wakefield book - Campbell
Nats Stats - Jahnke
Palm M100 2MB - Cowley
11/27/01 Tan II status - Clapp
Timing up to speed - Menanno
Simple F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Get a job, get money, get geared.
Valley Fever
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sorry to hear about Matti, who I hope is recovering. Glad to say George
Fuller's back home again after about ten days in hospital with confirmed
valley fever. He's a pretty happy go lucky kind of guy and the way he told
it, once he was safely home, the various specialists were hopping up and
down round his bed, delightedly checking off each of his symptoms against
their valley fever list, till they had the full set, and pausing only to
poke the odd spiky thing into various bits of him. I suspect they don't get
too many cases of valley fever in Exeter, Devon. It almost sounded as if
the local medical establishment were running tours just to see him.
Luckily I tend to pre-warn the UK team and its merry band of supporters
about any health matters to be aware of when at a Championships and I'd
included a mention of valley fever in on of my team letters well before
they left. This, plus the useful list in the contest programmeof exciting
things that can happen to visitors to Lost Hills (tarantulas, rattlers,
valley fever...) alerted George to the fact that maybe it wasn't just a
nasty case of flu.
Maybe we need a special tee-shirt (Been There, - Caught That)
Take care.
Martin Dilly
(Apparently immune UK team manager)
Honda Cub
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have just purchased new wheels and need to sell the Cub. It's in =
fairly good shape and with care should last forever. Contact me at (760) =
952-2424 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Peck-Polymers web site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here is the URL for Peck-Plymers' web site:
Bob Clemens
Rochester, NY
Re: F1c
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
what the problem is the cost, and no return. if the fic models werent so
high priced we would see more flyers . going back to balsa models would
not solve noting. lets face it, its cost you travel hundreds of miles,
a 2,500.00 airplane and motel cost for what a hand shake and IF you win
a glass. thats whats wrong.
[ I could make a long editorial comment about why people fly or
what it issues are - but simply this is a hobby or sport,
something that ones because one likes it or like the competition. If
money is important you should go to work - or sell props.]
Valley Fever
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
When CDing the USFFC during the Early 1990's I contacted a doctor at
California State who'd done considerable study on Cocidiomycosis(valley
It is a fungus. It cannot survive any plant growth since it is the
weakest of all fungi. It is most prevalent after a dry year and doubly
so after prolonged draught.
One of the largest deposits in the S'West is the dry grassless area
around Lake Buena Vista, just north east of the Taft flying site. Most
folks in the S'West USA have contacted it without ever knowing they had
it. Like a bee sting most folks just don't suffer from it, while some
actually die from bee stings. When flying in the S'West, be careful of
ingesting the dust of other bikes in the chase to retrieve your model
and don't step in to a thermal to launch your Hand launched or Catapult
Roger Coleman
Bird-like Sections
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It may be of interest that the B-2A wing section is bird-like. Next time
Edwards Air Force Base has its open house in September, take a look. Due to
the disaster in New York, Edwards did not hold the open house this year.
Bill Bogart
Valley Fever
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is interesting to read of the people who contracted Valley Fever
whilst at the World Champs as I too caught the bug whilst there.
Obviously it must be a bit more active this year as I have been going to
the site for some years now and never had any problem prior to this year.
I reasoned out that it definitely was not "Flu so went and saw my GP armed
with a heap of material I pulled off the Internet, and of course he had
never heard of it but did take the time to read what I had given him and
sent off some blood for testing only to be told
that there was no known test for Valley Fever in New Zealand!
Despite the above he believes that is what I have and told me to have
another blood test at the end of this month. I did some more Internet
digging and came across an article
written by two MD's, Richard Deaner and Hans Einstein, Einstein I do know
works in Bakersfield, which is written as a "Primer for Non Medical people"
and in it a section describes
what they do when testing the blood so this will be going with me and
handed onto the Laboratory.
This is a very good document and recommend it to all who may have contracted
the disease or are just curious as to symptoms etc.,
I do know that I am slowly getting onto the Credit side of the disease without
any medication thankfully, but I don't think I will be rid of it completely
for may be another couple of months.
One thing for sure is that I will be back over next October so you guys
who tho ught you may have got rid of me will have to rethink your tactics.
More F1C Help
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I forgot to mention (in my suggestion for span
limits for FAI classes) that IN MY OPINION, requiring
models to be heavy only does one thing, and that is to
make complexity POSSIBLE. The LAST thing you want to
do is make these things heavier! Thermally, Steve Helmick
Charles Rushing Wakefield book
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have just put a copy of the Charles Rushing wakefield book on ebay.
Lee Campbell
Muncie, IN USA
Nats Stats
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The data compiled by Walt Rozelle on event participation at the Nats (NFFS
Digest, Nov. 2001) Is interesting and may, if expanded through a bit of data
mining, help us make some decisions regarding changes in events.
FAI seems to be popular because the small slate of events fosters
concentrated competition. Even F1C, which is constantly criticized for
elitism made the list. Many, many low tech events did not.
If you divid the AMA gas events in half, as the Classic Gas rules propose,
all five events would fall of the list. If AMA categories are combined as
propose by Bob Perkins in the 2000 Sympo, they all move into the top ten. Of
course the higher level of competition, would promote techologically more
sophisticated models so it might push some AMA guys toward Nostalgia events.
We should also look at the distribution of Juniors and Senior in these
events. This data would have strong implications for the future of the
sport (and policy making by organizations like NFFS).
There are two popular events for A class engines and low tech models on the
list. I suggest those who wish to restrict F1C try them instead.
Ross Jahnke
Palm M100 2MB
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- The Palm M100 2MB is on sale several places for $99 (ie Good Guys
and is this suitable for Red Magic use only, as a back-up
system ? The 8MB costs $129D1 what do you think ?
the M100 or 105 is fine for the Black or RedMagic
timers. 2MB is pleant for our application. These models have a slightly
smaller screen. But the have a cable not a cradle - a plus
for our application.]
11/27/01 Tan II status
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Background: I'm sure that by now, most of you know that our production
and pricing of Tan II has been affected by the collapse of the
rubber wound golf ball market.
A special synthetic additive, in a modified form,
that was used in golf ball thread is no longer produced. As there is
currently little demand for this additive, the Tan II version of this material was
relegated to a low volume production line which has adversely affected the cost
of our new rubber. The low thread volume has also closed the factory
that produced Tan II, and the relocation change has slowed down our current
production lot .
Current status: The test lot of 1/8" has fallen behind schedule due to
the conservative approach being taken by the new facility in an
effort to try to duplicate the August 01 batch of 1/8". This new batch is
currently estimated to be shipped to us and tested by
approximately12/14/01.(other sizes in 30 days)
New pricing: $ 29.50 inc. S/H in the USA for a 1 pound box
$ 215.00 inc. S/H in the USA for a 10 pound box
(please note that this increase does not add additional profit to FAI)
Timing up to speed
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
During the World Champs, six of my Colorado Magnificent Mountain Men (MMM)
buddies and I were official timers. I have gained a heightened
awareness and respect for F1A and F1B flying following this event.
So, there I was all caught up in the excitement of the contest and found
that timing for these two events was relatively easy. The only problems to arise
were when planes which were close to a max landed behind a hill, having not yet
"DT'd." The haggling would then start between team manager and timers, and if it
couldn't be settled, they would bring in the Man (George Batiuk)
and/or the FAI Jury. That was nothing, however, compared to F1C timing.
So, here's the point - F1C timing rules have fallen behind. With engine
runs constantly getting shorter, flyers are pushing the engine runs
right to the
limits. This is compounded by the common occurance of flyers firing up
and launching in a group. There is a definite problem of accuracy in
timing the engine runs, which, of course, does not show up in F1A and F1B.
This is my proposal: Without changing the existing motor timing rules, add
a new entry with two options.
First would be to allow "electronic timer" flyers to use their entire
allowed run time as long as a timer or official checks his read-out screen and
verifies run time before official flights.
Second is a powerful strobe light that will flash when the motor shuts
down. One to be located at the bottom of the fuselage and one at the top of the
pylon. A simple electronic switch can be located anywhere to be triggered by
the flood-off release. I'm sure Rod Mogle could come up with some type of
switch so as to let all F1C flyers attain their full amount of motor run time
with a simple retro fit.
Why? What I saw and what my fellow MMM'ers personally went through at
the World Champs was nothing short of disastrous. I'm sure many flyers and
timers have experienced the frustration of having to time an over-run or
having someone call you for an over-run.
By seeing a light flash or by looking at a run time read-out on an
electronic timer would eliminate the inaccuracies of motor run times
in it's present form.
Frank Menanno This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell