SCAT Electronic News 26 December 2001 issue 659 Boxing day
- Details
- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1985
SCAT Electronic News 26 December 2001 issue 659 Boxing day
Table of Contents
Last Word on Cost - Andresen
comments on the Junior Comments
Southwest Regionals - Andresen
F1C Cost Beating - Andresen
f1c cost. - Wilkenson
Vol Libre - Brocks
Honda Cub - Emery
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber - Gewain
W-Hobby, Junior Kit - Tasto
Seasons Greetings - Woodhouse
F1C Astronomy - Vincent
Junior - Vincent
Slobat - Vincent
F1D - Norvall
Taft in January - Norvall
Last Word on Cost
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shoulda mentioned before a great THANK YOU (caps is shouting) to you and
others who donate time, money and effort to this great sport.
It should be noted that some of the F1C fliers that shell out the big bucks
for the latest hi-tech models, send bigger checks in support of the Jr team.
There is a lot of volunteerism in the FF community.
We are all better off for it.
The World is better off for it.
Back to the interesting stuff like hi AR stabs, dihedral vs washout, etc.
comments on the Junior Comments
A couple of issues back we published a review of the Junior
F1A model, that is based on Pete Allnutt's Czechmate design.
This review was somewhat critical of various aspects of the model.
- incidentally Peter did not get any financial credit for his
intellectual property that went into that design and is not
associated with the production of this particular kit.
One if the difficulties we face at SEN is how to help people
with their choice of F1x model. There are many suppliers who
supply a wide range of products at a wide range or prices
and qualities. There is a degree of expectation of what
one should get for the money. Clearly if a model is sold
as a F1B model, it should fly eventhough it might require
some adjustment. But if it D/Ts and the stab breaks because
it landed on bush is that the 'fault' of the model ? or if it wears
out after one season is OK ? If we look at the "Name" suppliers
such as M&K, Stamov, Andriukov, Vivchar, Verbitsky, etc there
is no doubt that you are buying a quality product that should
last a reasonable time, provided it is well treated. These models
are certainly in a different price range than the Junior. But even
with those sources you will sometimes hear people muttering
about some 'feature' or other.
We are not setting out to right the supposed wrongs of the
Free Flight world but we do see a need to help the
beginner and provide them with more information.
Some suggestions for the person looking at buying F1X
equipment for the first time would be :
To ask a local flyer for help
To try and buy it directly from the supplier at a contest
To ask the supplier for a reference that lives near you.
Sometimes the instructions with these models is minimal and
you reference is likely to say - the model was OK but I did not
like feature A and did B to fix it before I flew it.
Southwest Regionals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Weather was great in Phx both 1 and 2 lunar cycles prior to the upcoming
SWR. While this is no guarantee, it is a good omen.
It should be pointed out that 5 of the 6 leaders in this years Am Cup got
their first points by winning the SWR. Also the winning F1B along with Jr &
Sr fliers stand an excellent chance of setting a record due to the 30g rule
Would like to remind everyone that there is a slight savings by
pre-registering to John Nystedt by Jan 1.
Look foreward to all the smiling faces sporting their expensive toys.
Happy holidays to all,
F1C Cost Beating
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Was going to relieve everyone of beating the F1C cost issue to death, but
would like to point out a couple of things.
Since most of the items in the hypothetical $8000 for 2 geared models were
other things like trackers, cycles etc, it would cost 1/2 that to campaign a
zero cost model. Actually buying 2 geared models only adds about 10% more
than 2 non geared when all the auxillary stuff is considered.
The main point I want to convey is that FFers can preprogram a model that
flys outside of the range where much data exists. Success in this endeavor
usually is a result of skills which translate into marketable talents. I
think a survey of FFers would show above average % of entreprueneers (sp?)
and above average income.
While most FFers don't stray far, there are exceptions like Carl Haas who
won races at Elkhart Lake with a Porsche Roadster and continues in the
racing game.
Bottom line is there are a number of exceptional talents with FF background
who are making this earth a better place. Many of them enjoy their
expensive toys. More power to them. Hope Santa was good to one and all.
Happy Holidays,
f1c cost.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
oleg stoev has a ready to fly f1c on his web site for
800.00 minus engine.
he does exelant work and his models are top notch.
i have two of his f1j and they are great.
d wilkinson.
[The comments about the F1C costs primarily
refer to geared models and the cost of geared engines
and props. Based on the last World Champs
there is still some life left in the older
style models.]
Vol Libre
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
Thank you for your arduous work in providing SEN.
Please note that my address has changed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Vol Libre is still $32.00 a year for 6 issues.
Happy holidays to all, Peter Brocks
Honda Cub
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My Cub is back on the market. First deal fell through.
Same price, $500. Located in southern California area.
(760) 952-2424
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Jack Emery
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber
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The lightest unidirectional carbon fiber currently available is a 50 gram / meter 2 (1.5 oz / yd 2) prepreg material we use for our ultra
thin laminate.
The problem of getting both bending stiffness and torsional stiffness at
the lowest weight is common to many composite parts. The best solution
I have seen is to put two layers of uni carbon on each surface but align
them off the span wise line at +/- 10 to 15 degs this give good bending
stiffness and good torsional stiffness. You can change the angle to
tailor the stiffness less angle for stiffer bending or more for stiffer
Matt Gewain
W-Hobby, Junior Kit
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just ordered a Sija kit from W-Hobby so I read the "review" of the junior
kit, by the same manufacturer, with some interest. Anyone know of a good A-1
(F1H?) or F1A kit out there?
Thanks for the information and Merry Christmas to everyone.
Charlie Tasto
P.S. Please note the new e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seasons greetings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The seasons greetings to you all! For the first time in years we have snow
so seems like proper Xmas!
Michael J. Woodhouse
F1C Astronomy
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aram, in jumping on Dave Thomas on F1C costs, forgets a little thing called exchange rates.
Sure a Verbitsky RTF geared model may be about 2200 bucks, but that is US bucks
The Australian dollar is slightly better against the Greenback than the New Zealand
one, but currently the NZ dollar is worth 41cents US.
Good reason to come to our World Cup events in Omarama next March. Face rates are
about the same as in the US, so your dollar will go a lot further, and there is
no tipping.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I note Leon Rozenkrants' comments on the Junior kit model and would like to point
out one thing, the model is Pete Allnutt's Czechmate simplified for production.
The original design according to the plan I have, had the wing joiner going through
five plywood ribs, not longerons as Leon describes them,, with no tube.
This was common practice at the time of wooden, semi open structures.
Leon is right about the new hook, the older design was better, and the weight of
the new nose assembly. Wood carves away.
You get what you pay for.
The design is a good flier, as my family knows well.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, I mourn the passing of Slobat.
It always conjured up an image of George hanging upside down from a gliding F1B
Followed the discussion on geared F1Cs with interest. No problem until someone
an automatic to give pitch changes through the run.
No problem with F1C in New Zealand either, mine was the only entry in the class
our Nationals which start in a few days and gears have not got his far,
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In reply to the F1D message from England. Ive been inquiring on building
techniques for props and such. The new changes to F1D have interested me
and so I must now try it. My only problem is flying sites. It would be
nice to have Moffit back.The price of rubber these days has made me look
towards diffrent venues to build, fly, and compete. Can u imagine how far a
10 pound box of Tan II would last on a F1D ship. The mind boggles. Is
there a builder of the model rule for this event? Imagine having to build
your own models. What is the world coming to. And all this controversy on
the cost of flying and competeing in FAI events. Wow the possiblitlies are
endless. Sell those Hummers lets fly F1D...
Thermals Larry Norvall
Contest in January at taft
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Still no confirmation on the true and correct date for the first
contest of the season at Taft. Just a little confirmation before I pack
the motorhome for the trip. Larry Norvall
[Larry it is the 5 and 6 Jan ]
Roger Morrell